Federally Subsidized [ ] yes [ ] no Federally Subsidized [ ] yes [ ] no
Applicant: Applicant:
Date of Birth: Date of Birth:
Driver License #: _____________________ Driver License #: __________________________
Sex: [ ] male [ ] female Sex: [ ] male [ ] female
Race: [ ] Caucasian [ ] Hispanic Race: [ ] Caucasian [ ] Hispanic
[ ] Black [ ] Alaskan Native [ ] Black [ ] Alaskan Native
[ ] American Indian [ ] Asian [ ] American Indian [ ] Asian
Familial Status: Familial Status:
[ ] married [ ] single [ ] married [ ] single
[ ] widowed [ ] divorced [ ] widowed [ ] divorced
A) Do you wish to be considered for a handicap accessible unit? [ ] yes [ ] no
B) Do you have reason to believe that you may be entitled to a $400 disability/handicap adjustment to your
income? [ ] yes [ ] no
C) Will you require "reasonable accommodation" as defined in the Fair Housing Act Amendment to a unit that
is not designed as a handicap accessible unit? [ ] yes [ ] no
D) Will you require "reasonable accommodation" as defined in the Fair Housing Act Amendment in any
common areas? [ ] yes [ ] no
Note: The information solicited under the Personal History section of the Application is requested by the Owner
and/or its Agent (Carabetta Management Co.) in order to assure the Federal Government that Federal laws
prohibiting discrimination against resident applicants on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
familial status, age and disability are complied with. You are not required to furnish this information, but you are
encouraged to do so. This information will not be used in evaluating your application or to discriminate against you
in any way. However, if you choose not to furnish it, the Owner and/or its Agent is required to note the
race/national origin and sex of individual applicants on the basis of visual observation or surname
Nameof Bank:_______________________ Name of Bank:______________________________
Street: ____________________________ Street:
City/ST: ___________________________ City/ST: __________________________________
Telephone: _________________________ Telephone:_________________________________
Account #: _________________________ Account #:_________________________________
Type of Acct:________________________ Type of Acct:______________________________
Model: ___________________________ Model: ___________________________________
Year: ___________________________ Year: ___________________________________
Color: ___________________________ Color: ___________________________________
License #: _________________________ License #: _________________________________
A) Have you ever lived at the apartment complex before? [ ] yes [ ] no
B) Have you ever lived at an apartment complex managed by Carabetta Management Co.
before? [ ] yes [ ] no
C) Will a credit or prior landlord investigation reveal any information that you think might
be negative? [ ] yes [ ] no