Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
Application Due Date: Apply Now! Applications are currently being accepted until program reaches full capacity.
The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program) is a federally-
funded TRIO program under the U.S. Department of Education. Through research and scholarly activities, the
program seeks to prepare low-income, first generation students as well as students from underrepresented
groups for doctoral study.
1. Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the
United States?
Proceed to next question
Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this
2. Will you be the first in your family to graduate from
college and is your household considered low-
Proceed to Question 4
You must be able to answer YES for Q3.
3. If you are not a first-generation college student and
from a low-income household, are you part of a
group that is under-represented in graduate
Proceed to next question
Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this
4. Have you completed 60 college credits?
Proceed to next question
Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this
program. Please apply in the future.
5. Will you graduate in May 202 or after?
Proceed to next question
If you are graduating prior to May 2020,
you are not eligible for this program.
6. Do you have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher?
Proceed to next question
Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this
7. Do you have a strong interest in obtaining a doctorate?
Proceed to application
!! Completed application form
!! Statement of purpose
!! College transcript from each institution you
have attended, including Cal Lutheran
(unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
!! Copy of your financial aid award letter
! Signed Income Verification form
OR a copy of your FAFSA
!! Recommendation Letters
"Federal regulations define these groups as Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native
Hawaiian, and Native American Pacific Islander."
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
Application Due Date: Apply Now! Applications are currently being accepted until program reaches full capacity.
Email McNairScholars@callutheran.edu to indicate your intent to apply so that we can keep you updated regarding
program capacity.
Email the names of your recommenders (see instructions on page 4).
Complete this form on your desktop, print, and attach your statement of purpose.
Submit the form according to instructions on page 4.
Phone #
Student ID#
Major GPA
Overall GPA
Are you a transfer
Current Year
Projected Grad Date
Anticipated number of credits completed at the end of Fall 2018
Have you taken a Research Methods Course in your Major?
If you have not completed a Research
Methods course, do you plan to take
the course in Spring 2020?
Did your mother or father (or guardian) earn
a bachelor’s degree?
If yes, who?
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
If no, are you a permanent
resident of the U.S.?
Are you eligible for financial aid?
(check all that
African American / Blac
Asian American
Native American Pacific Islander
American Indian
Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian
Within what timeframe do
you plan to enroll in graduate
school after earning your
bachelor’s degree?
!! Within 3 months after graduating from Cal Lutheran
!! Within one year after graduating from Cal Lutheran
!! More than one year after graduating from Cal Lutheran
!! I do not plan to attend graduate school after graduating from Cal
In which programs have you participated?
!! Student Support Services
!! Talent Search
!! Upward Bound
!! Upward Bound Math & Science
How did you hear about the
McNair Scholars Program?
For determining income status, complete the set of questions based on whether you are considered
dependent (complete Section A) or self-supporting (complete Section B).
SECTION A: Dependent Students
What is the size of your parents’ household (including you, your
parents, and your parents’ other dependents)?
What is your parent(s) 2018 taxable income?
(Line 43 on IRS from 1040; line 27 on 1041A; line 6 on 1040EZ)
SECTION B: Independent Students (self-supported as reported to the )
What is the size of your household (including you, your spouse,
and your dependents)?
What is your 2018 taxable income?
(Line 43 on IRS from 1040; line 27 on 1041A; line 6 on 1040EZ)
Dependent Students: Obtain your parent's signature on the Income Verification form and submit with your
application or attach a copy of your FAFSA which indicates your parents' income or attach a copy of your
parents’ 2018federal income tax forms.
Independent Students: Sign and attach the Income Verification form a or attach a copy of your FAFSA
which indicates your income or attach a copy of your 2018 federal income tax forms.
With whom did you regularly reside and
receive support from before the age of 18?
Mother only Father only Both
Education Attainment of Mother or Guardian
Highest Grade Completed
College degree
earned, if any
Bachelor Masters Doctorate
Education Attainment of Father or Guardian
Highest Grade Completed
College degree
earned, if any
Bachelor Masters Doctorate
I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct.
Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date:_________________
McNair Scholars Program Income Verification Form
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Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
Statement of Purpose
Write a single essay addressing the following topics and attach it to your application. Please limit your
statement to a maximum of two double-spaced pages, with 1-inch margins. Use Times New Roman or Arial,
12-point font.
1. Share your educational background, highlighting your academic accolades.
2. Discuss your educational and career goals. How is earning a Ph.D. essential to your goals?
3. What Ph.D. program (major) do you intend to pursue? What are the contributions you wish to make in
your field of study, as well as your community, with a doctoral degree?
4. What motivated you to apply to the McNair Scholars Program? Discuss how your participation in the
McNair Scholars Program will help you achieve your goals.
5. Describe your research experiences at the university level, if any. Include specifics regarding your
topic, project, accomplishments, and name the faculty member with whom you worked. If you do not
have research experience, discuss topics of interest.
References (please read carefully)
! Current sophomores and transfer students need one letter from a professor, lecturer, instructor, teaching
assistant, academic counselor, or undergraduate advisor. An additional letter from a Cal Lutheran faculty
member is encouraged, but not required.
! Current Juniors are required to submit two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a Cal
Lutheran faculty member with an earned Ph.D. We encourage you to get an additional letter from a Cal
Lutheran faculty member, but letters from a lecturer, instructor, teaching assistant, academic advisor are
also acceptable.
Directions for Submitting your Recommendation Letters:
1. Contact your letter writers, telling them that you will be applying to the McNair program (this should be
your first step towards completing your application, thereby giving your recommender ample time to
write your letter.)
2. Fill out the top portion of the recommendation form and give it to your recommender.
3. The recommender should return the form directly to the McNair Program at the address provided on the
4. Provide the McNair Director with the name, email, title and department of your letter writer(s) viaemail.
(McNairScholars@callutheran.edu). In your subject line write: Reference Submission for (yourname).
5. We will send your letter writer an email with the instructions for writing and submitting your letter.
6. We will send out your email within 48 hours (M-Th) of receipt of your email. Make sure you provide us
with the name(s) and email(s) as soon as you begin your application.
Please return this form and your application and attachments to: McNair Scholars Program, Attn: Dr.
Awokoya, 60 W. Olsen Rd, MS 3800 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 or bring to Room 114 in Swenson.
Questions? Please contact:
Dr. aAwokoya, McNair Scholars Program Director
Email: McNairScholars@callutheran.edu
Office: 805-493-34
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
Recommender Form
To Be Completed by Applicant: Fill in your name, your recommender’s name, and ! Check the
appropriate boxes. Sign, date, and give this form to the individual who will be writing your
recommendation letter.
I, ____________________________________________________, hereby provide permission to
_____________________________________________ to write a recommendation letter on my
behalf for the purpose of supporting my application to the McNair Scholars Program. The letter can
my grades my GPA my rank in class.
     
I waive my right to review this letter now and in the future.
I do not waive my right to review this letter now and in the future.
Signed_____________________________________________ Date_______________________
To the Recommender: The McNair Scholars Program is a new program at Cal Lutheran as of Fall
2017. The program has been designed to prepare selected Cal Lutheran undergraduates to pursue
graduate study toward a Ph.D. program. Students will spend the Spring semester developing
research skills while planning the research project that they will conduct during the summer under the
direction of their faculty mentors. Please attach a statement (1-2 pages) about this applicant that
addresses the following:
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. What is your appraisal of the applicant’s potential as a graduate student and as a future
3. Evaluate the applicant’s academic aptitude and preparation for graduate work, motivation for a
Ph.D., and current academic performance in his/her area of concentration.
Name (print):______________________________________ Title:___________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date________________________
Please return this form and your statement to: McNair Scholars
Program, Attn: Janet Awokoya, 60 W. Olsen Rd, MS 3800 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Questions? Please contact:
Dr. Janet Awokoya, McNair Scholars Program Director
Email: McNairScholars@callutheran.edu
Office: 805-493-3047 Swenson, Room 114
FirstName:________________ ___________________
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program)
Recommender Form
To Be Completed by Applicant: Fill in your name, your recommender’s name, and ! Check the
appropriate boxes. Sign, date, and give this form to the individual who will be writing your
recommendation letter.
I, ____________________________________________________, hereby provide permission to
_____________________________________________ to write a recommendation letter on my
behalf for the purpose of supporting my application to the McNair Scholars Program. The letter can
my grades my GPA my rank in class.
     
I waive my right to review this letter now and in the future.
I do not waive my right to review this letter now and in the future.
Signed_____________________________________________ Date_______________________
To the Recommender: The McNair Scholars Program is a new program at Cal Lutheran as of Fall
2017. The program has been designed to prepare selected Cal Lutheran undergraduates to pursue
graduate study toward a Ph.D. program. Students will spend the Spring semester developing
research skills while planning the research project that they will conduct during the summer under the
direction of their faculty mentors. Please attach a statement (1-2 pages) about this applicant that
addresses the following:
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. What is your appraisal of the applicant’s potential as a graduate student and as a future
3. Evaluate the applicant’s academic aptitude and preparation for graduate work, motivation for a
Ph.D., and current academic performance in his/her area of concentration.
Name (print):______________________________________ Title:___________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date________________________
Please return this form and your statement to: McNair Scholars Program, Attn: Janet Awokoya, 60
W. Olsen Rd, MS 3800 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Questions? Please contact:
 Janet Awokoya a oa oa eto
a aoaateane
e  Swenson, Room 
LastName:________ ___________________________!