Parapros will act as student role models, help facilitate group discussions,
and provide support with other classroom activities. In addition, the
Parapro staff will help facilitate a series of four workshops in the fall to
help EOP first time students with their transition to college life. UNIV101
and ENGL 130 are continuing to collaborate to improve upon our stretch
model for English. By taking UNIV 101 in the fall, students are able to
focus on the English skills necessary to do well in ENGL 130 the following
spring. The pass rate in English for students participating in the EOP
Course Link this year was 91.3% (147 out of 161 passed).
Implemented the 1
EOP Career Fair as part of the EOP/FYE – In
collaboration with the campus FYE Coordinator and the UNIV 101
instructors, EOP hosted a Career Fair for all EOP first year students.
Students taking part in the EOP Course Link were given extra credit for
attending the Career Fair and completing assignments that were given to
them by EOP staff. The EOP staff was responsible for correcting
assignments and sending the results to the UNIV 101 instructors.
Approximately 20 EOP Alumni participated in the event as the career
consultants and the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive.
nhanced partnership with Craig Hall Living Complex –
choosing to live on campus must often take out loans to meet the expense
of living in an on-campus residence hall. With Craig Hall as an option,
students are able to gain a residential living experience for $1,500 to
$2,000 less than the price of living on campus. Craig Hall is willing to
waive the initial deposit, allowing EOP students to pay half in fall and the
balance in the spring or pay it off in monthly installments. We were also
able to persuade Craig Hall to change their policy on EOP students who
broke housing rules that required them to be removed from the complex.
In the past, the student was still responsible for payment for the entire
year. Since we only had one student that was asked to leave, they agreed
to only charge students for 90 days or the balance of the contact,
whichever was less. This is a major accommodation as these are
students on limited Financial Aid and they basically had to pay for two
rents during the spring semester. EOP students living in Craig Hall went
from 32 in fall 2010 to 69 in fall 2011. EOP sponsored a number of
workshops at Craig Hall open to all EOP first year students.
Hosted a
n EOP Student Leadership Conference – For the first time,
five regional EOP Student Leadership Conferences were held throughout
the CSU system. Our EOP Student Association hosted student leaders
from Humboldt, Sonoma, and Sacramento. The student leaders spent the
day together networking, learning about the history of EOP, and
participating in leadership development activities.
Made improvements on the “Advisor” database system – This past
year, the Reporting component in Advisor was linked directly to the
student profiles, giving advisors the ability to move more efficiently from
group reports to individual student files.