All Public Policy Forum Attendees are
required to complete and submit the following
Facility Entry Form.
Please complete the following before you arrive, print it and bring with you to the event.
If needed, disposable masks will be available as you enter.
Sign in at our check-in table.
Take advantage of the hand sanitizers available around the building, and regularly
wash your hands.
Keep a distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals in the building.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from entering the Delta Hotel if any of the following apply to
Have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the past 14 days and you are not
Travelled internationally in the past 14 days and you are not vaccinated.
Are experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or sore throat.
Have any symptoms of a fever in the past 48 hours: chills, sweats, felt “feverish” or had a temperature
of 100.4F or greater.
Have new loss of taste or smell.
Have experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
Have you experienced any of the above?
Today’s Date: ___________________________________
Full Name: ______________________________________
Company Name: _________________________________
By completing this form, you agree that you are answering truthfully to the best of your knowledge. All
information is kept in the strictest confidence.