Name: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
✦ = 3–6 points
✶ = 7–9 points
# 1
# 2
b. Vaginal suppository: Have
the patient lie supine (face
up) with legs apart and place
a clean pad between the
patient’s legs for placement
of supplies. Drape the patient
for privacy. Apply nonsterile
disposable gloves. Peel open
the suppository container and
drop the suppository on the
clean pad. If an applicator is
provided, drop it on the clean
pad. With one gloved hand,
separate the labia minora and
hold the folds apart. Using
the other hand, insert the
suppository one finger length
into the vagina. If an applicator
is used, place the suppository
into the applicator and insert
it in a downward direction.
Instruct the patient to remain in
the supine, legs-apart position
for at least 10 minutes for the
suppository to dissolve. Place
the applicator into the glove
wrapper. Remove one glove
by pulling inside out from the
cu. With the remaining gloved
hand, roll the contaminated
wrapper and contents. Hold
these waste items as you
remove the remaining glove
over them. Dispose of all
materials in a waste container.
Oer the patient a sanitary
Procedure_54-1 to 55-5.indd Page 14 26/04/17 6:54 PM localadmin /206/PH03233/9780134473062_BEAMAN/BEAMAN_PEARSON_COMPREHENSIVE_MEDICAL_ASSISTING_ ...