t a~united
\:;, Utilities
Water for the North West
for a water supply for commercial properties
This is an application for a new water connection(s) to United Utilities’ existing water network.
Please use this form if you’re building a commercial development eg care homes, industrial units,
oces, troughs or irrigation supplies etc. Please provide as much information as possible so we
can process your application as quickly and as accurately as possible.
To make things easy, you can download and save a copy of this form to your computer. You can then complete it on
screen, before saving it and emailing it to us at: DeveloperServicesWater@uuplc.co.uk
Alternatively you can print it and send it to us at: United Utilities Developer Services, 2nd oor Grasmere House,
Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington WA5 3LP.
There are guidance notes at the back to help you to complete the form. If you need further help, please call us
on 0345 072 6067.
There is an application fee of £96 (including VAT) for the rst connection, plus £40.80 (including VAT) for each
additional connection. This is payable when you submit your application form. For ways to pay please see section 7 of
the guidance notes at the end of this document.
Application fees are valid until 31 March 2021. Further information on our fees is available at unitedutilities.com/
Section 1: Applicant (correspondence) address
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Name Preferred contact no
Company name Email
Company number
Who are you?
Owner Agent Consultant Builder Plumber
Developer Self-lay provider Other (please state)
Project manager
How would you like us to contact you?
Email Letter
Please note your quote will be sent to you at the above address/email.
If you’re not the owner of the property, please confirm you are acting on behalf of the owner/occupier/developer.
Please provide below the name and address of the owner/occupier/developer if dierent from above. We reserve the
right to contact the owner/occupier/developer to verify you are working on their behalf.
If you are a self-lay provider working on behalf of a developer, you will need to provide a letter of authority from the
developer giving you permission to act on their behalf.
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Name Preferred contact no
Is there anyone else you might want us to speak to about your application? Yes
If yes, please provide details below.
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Name Job title (if applicable)
Postcode Preferred contact number
Section 2: Development details
Site name
Has planning permission
been granted?
Yes No N/A
Planning reference Council area
Please attach a site location plan and a site layout plan showing the point of entry for your new water connection(s).
Is the land/property you are developing situated on a: Private road/street
Council owned road/street
If its on a private road, please complete the landowners contact details below:
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please state)
Name Preferred contact no
Section 3: Site details
a) What was the site previously used for?
b) I conrm that a site investigation has been undertaken. Yes No
c) Has any ground contamination been identied on-site? Yes No
If yes, complete a Risk assessment for water pipes form and also provide a copy of the geological
report for your site.
d) Is it intended for chemicals/fuel tanks/oil etc to be stored on site? Yes No
e) Has mains water been supplied to the site within the last ve years? Yes No
If yes, you may qualify for a discount on the total cost of the new water supply.
Have the building/s on the site been demolished or due to be demolished? Yes
If yes, when (if known)
f) Is a conversion of an existing property planned? Yes No
Please provide the address of all properties that have been or due to be demolished/converted, please include the
business name of any commercial properties that previously occupied the development site.
Name of business (if applicable) Address Postcode
g) Is your construction work notiable to the Health and Safety Executive? Yes
If yes, please provide a copy of your F10 notice.
Section 4: Proposed development
Type of development How many No of storeys
Oce unit/building
Industrial unit
Care home accommodation
Sheltered housing accommodation
Student accommodation
Irrigation system
Agricultural trough
Replacement of existing water supply
Enlarge/re-route existing connection
Temporary connection for building purposes
Fire protection
Other (please specify)
What will the water be used for?
What date do you intend to connect the water supply?
Are you proposing to install a water reclaim or re-use systems (eg rainwater harvesting)? Yes
If yes, please provide copies of the specications.
Section 5: Water usage and connection requirements
Please complete the sections below that are relevant to your development.
5a) Details of connections required
You can apply for up to four water connections on this form. If you need more, please complete an additional form.
Connection number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Building type eg retail units, sheltered accommodation,
hospital etc
Size of connection (mm)
25mm, 32mm, 63mm, 90mm or 110mm etc.
Your plumber or mechanical engineer should be able to advise
on this.
Number of units in the building ie number of separate shops
and offices.
Number of landlord supplies required in the building.
What will the landlord supply be used for ie concierge,
cleaning, bin store, window cleaning etc?
Connection number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Water ttings
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
 2
Wash basin in a building 1.5
Wash basin elsewhere 3
 
 22
Shower 3
Sink (tap ½”/15mm) 3
Sink (tap >½/15mm) 5
Spray tap 
Bidet 1.5
Domestic appliance 3
Communal or commercial appliance 
Any other water fitting or outlet 3
Flow rate required (l/s) – maximum
Flow rate required (l/s) – mean (average)
Flow rate (l/s) – peak
Peak usage time for non-domestic use ie manufacturing (time
Please also let us know your operational hours/days
Meter type (enter relevant number from list below)
1 Individually metered
communal area
2 Individually metered in
each unit
3 Single internal meter 4 Single external meter
Do you require an output for an energy management system (pulse unit)? Yes
5b) Water storage
Will there be a cold water storage or pumping tank in any of the buildings on your development? Yes No
What is the required capacity? m
 l/s
 
What size is the inlet pipe diameter to the tank? mm
  During the day During the night
5c) Water supply for reghting
Do you require a separate supply for reghting? Yes No
If yes, what type of system are you installing?
Sprinkler Onsite hydrant
Please provide information on the system including details of the manufacturer and installer of the system.
What connection size do you require? mm
What ow rate do you need? l/s
Please note: we do not guarantee water supplies for reghting. You are advised to consider water storage for this
purpose. For commercial properties a separate supply for reghting will be required in addition to your drinking water
Section 6: Water eciency and sewer arrangements
Good news - if the buildings in your development are water ecient, you may be able to get a discount on the
total cost of the new water connection for your property. Please complete the water ttings calculator at
www.thewatercalculator.org.uk/calculator.asp and include the report and completion certicate with your
Please provide details for wastewater and surface water drainage for your development, this should be shown on your
site layout plan (see section 2).
Where will the wastewater drain to? United Utilities’ sewer
Septic tank
Where will the surface water drain to? United Utilities’ sewer Soakaway/watercourse/other
If you plan for your wastewater to drain to a United Utilities’ sewer, and you’ve already applied for a connection,
please provide our reference number
If you haven’t already applied for a connection, let us know and we’ll contact you to discuss it. Please contact me
Section 7: Check list
These are required for all applications:
I have read the guidance notes and fully completed all relevant sections of this form.
I have enclosed both a site location plan and a site layout plan.
I have enclosed an internal layout plan for each oor and schematic drawings for plumbing.
I will pay by cheque.
OR – I would like to make payment by BACS, debit or credit card and would like you to contact me about payment.
These may be required depending on your development:
I have enclosed a Health and Safety F10 notice.
I have enclosed a schematic drawing for the reghting system.
I have enclosed reclaim or re-use water specications.
I have enclosed the certicate and results from the water ttings calculator.
For self-lay providers only - I have enclosed a letter of authority from my client.
Guidance notes
for a water supply for commercial properties
These notes relate to each of the numbered sections on the application form.
1: Applicant details
This section should be completed with the details of the person or company responsible for payment for the new
connection(s). We will issue all correspondence to this address. If the applicant is not the owner, we will require the
property owners details to be completed.
If there is anyone else you might want us to speak to about your application, please include their name and contact
details. This could be your partner, plumber, builder etc.
2: Development details
Please provide the address of your development.
Location map and site plan
Please provide a location map (including at least two road names for reference if possible) and a site layout plan –
this should clearly identify the property, or properties, and surrounding area. It should also show the route of the
pipework for water, wastewater and surface water within your boundary, and your preferred point of entry into the
water main and public sewer (your plumber and drainage designer should be able to assist with this). If you need any
help please give us a call on 0345 072 6067.
Please advise if the land bordering your development where the proposed connection(s) will be made is owned by the
council or is private land. If the land is private, you will need authorisation from the owner to carry out your works.
3: Site details
a) to c) Where sites have been previously developed or have been used for landll, it is possible that contaminants
could be present which could permeate plastic pipe aecting water quality.
These contaminants are generally associated with oil based products such as petrol or diesel. In these instances,
it is a water regulation requirement that all pipes laid within the vicinity of the contamination both by the
company and the developer shall be impervious to contamination. There are various pipes available often called
barrier pipe. If the site is contaminated, you will need to complete a ‘Risk assessment for water pipes’ form and
include with your application, the form together with guidance is available on unitedutilities.com/forms under
‘Water services’. Please also provide a copy of your geological report, this should have been provided as part of
your planning application.
If the land isn’t contaminated, please provide a copy of your desktop survey with your application, the survey is
part of your planning application.
d) If you intend to store any chemicals on site this may also have implications on the type of pipework that needs to
be installed. We recommend that you do not install any pipework until we’ve veried what material is suitable for
your site.
e) Please provide details of whether the buildings previously on the site have been demolished or whether they are
to be converted.
Details of what the site was previously used for are also required to ensure you are charged the correct
infrastructure charges or given the correct level of infrastructure credit, if applicable. These charges help pay
towards the cost of meeting future demand for water, specically created by new developments. An allowance
against water infrastructure charges will be made where there were properties supplied on the site within the last
ve years.
g) Health and Safety F10 notice, this is required if your construction work is notiable to the Health and Safety
Executive. This applies to projects where the construction work is expected to last longer than 30 working
days and has more than 20 workers at the same time, or will exceed 500 person days. If this is the case for your
development, please provide a copy of your F10 notice with this form.
4: Proposed development
Please let us know the type of development you are planning, we need this information to ensure we use the correct
sized supply pipe. Please also let us know the indicative date you need your water supply connecting so your project
runs to plan.
The VAT you will pay on the cost of your water and wastewater services will be dependent on the type or use of the
buildings in your development.
Water reclaim or re-use
Please indicate if a water reclaim or re-use (eg rainwater harvesting) system is to be installed. This is where non-
drinking water or rainwater is to be stored and used for ushing toilets and other uses. Water reclaim systems must
be inspected and signed o as compliant before a connection to the water main can be made, failure to advise us of
installation may result in delays to your connection being made. To ensure that your water reclaim system complies
with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, an inspection must be carried out by a Water Regulations
Ocer from United Utilities’ Water Regulations team.
5: Water usage and connection requirements
Please conrm the size of the supply you require and the number of commercial premises being built, and any
landlord supplies required. These are any water connections needed for taps in communal or service areas
ie bin stores.
We also need a complete list of water ttings which you propose to install in the development, this includes any
landlord supply ttings.
If the supply required is for process use we will also need conrmation of your operational hours and peak usage
time. This information is essential as a large demand of water for process use would need to be modelled onto our
water network to check we can supply the water required. It could delay your work if you don’t provide accurate
information with your application.
Please also conrm where you would like your meter located. We need this information so we can send you the
correct specication drawing for the pipework you need to lay within your development, and the meter setup for
each property. This will be sent to you with your quote. Depending on the type of development there are several
options available. For multi-occupancy buildings eg oces, your meters can be installed in a communal area or
within each oce. For single occupancy buildings eg schools, your meter can be installed either in the plant room or
externally at the boundary in a meter chamber. You can also request an energy management system (pulse unit) to
be installed which enables you to read your meter remotely.
We also need full schematic drawings along with internal layout plans of each oor, this is so we can make sure the
water system is designed correctly and won’t cause issues for your development.
5b) Water storage facilities are recommended for multi-occupancy premises or any buildings with more than two
oors. We recommend a minimum of half a day’s storage to allow for any issues that could happen on the water
network ie burst pipes.
If you’re installing water storage and booster tanks, please also advise the size of the tank being installed, the
size of the inlet valve, and the ow rate required into the tank. This will help us to establish if the size of the
water connection you have asked for is suitable for your requirements, this means the ow will be sucient and
there will be no impact on water quality for the building.
5c) Please note, we do not guarantee water supplies for reghting. We advise that you consider water storage for
this purpose. For commercial properties a separate supply for reghting purposes will be required in addition
to your drinking water supply. We also don’t upsize our network for supplies for reghting.
6: Water eciency and sustainable drainage
We oer discounts against the water and wastewater infrastructure charges that are payable when properties
are connected to our networks. These discounts apply to buildings that are built to meet certain criteria for water
eciency and/or drain wastewater away from our existing sewerage networks.
If the buildings in your development are water ecient, you may be able to get a discount on the total cost of the
new water supply for your property. If you t water ecient ttings and appliances which mean the water use in
the house will be 110 litres or less per person, per day, you will be eligible for the discount. To get the discount you
will need to complete the water ttings calculator www.thewatercalculator.org.uk/calculator.asp and include the
report and completion certicate with your application. A copy needs to be provided for each type of building.
Sustainable drainage, such as soakaways and ponds, means surface water isn’t channelled directly into sewers and
watercourses which can help to avoid ooding. Properties built so surface water drainage does not enter the United
Utilities’ public sewer system may be eligible for a discount on the total cost of their wastewater connection.
Further information on infrastructure charges and how our discounts are applied is available at unitedutilities.com/
t ~.united
\::, Utilities
Water for the North West
7: Check list
Please use the check list to make sure you have included all of the information required as the quote will be based on
the information you provide in your application.
There is a fee for providing a quote which must be paid at the time of submitting the application form. You can pay by:
• Cheque: please make payable to United Utilities and enclose with your application. If you’re emailing your form,
write the site address including the postcode on the back of the cheque (so we can match it to your application),
and post it to the address below.
Credit or debit card: payment will need to be taken over the phone, we’ll call you within three working days on the
number provided in section 1.
BACS: when we receive your application we will contact you within three working days with our BACS details
and a reference number. If you already have our BACS details, it’s important that you don’t pay before you’ve
received the reference number for this application. Please make sure you use this number as the reference for the
transaction when making your transfer, otherwise we may not be able to match your payment to your form and this
will slow down your application.
If, upon further investigation it is found that your development will need a new main(s) to be installed to service your
site, additional application fees and design fees will be required. If this is the case, we will advise you and request
payment for the additional fees.
When you’ve completed your application form, please save it and email it to us at:
Alternatively you can print it and send it to us at: United Utilities Developer Services, 2nd oor Grasmere House,
Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington WA5 3LP.
About us
United Utilities is the North West s water company. We keep the taps owing and toilets
ushing for seven million customers every day. From Crewe to Carlisle, we work hard
behind the scenes to help your life ow smoothly.
United Utilities Water Limited, Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Warrington WA5 3LP.
Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 2366678.
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