When an opening occurs on an authority, board, or commission due to a resignation or term expiration, the Borough Council will
consider volunteer interest from applications on file in order to appoint an individual who has expressed an interest in serving their
community. Appointments are made by the Borough Council at a regularly scheduled Council Business meeting.
Some familiarity with land use, environmental issues, building terminology, preservation, social, economic, and cultural issues
relating to the Borough of Gettysburg.
Appointment to an Authority, Board, or
Commission (ABCs) or for Volunteer Service
The Borough of Gettysburg has established authorities, boards, and commissions complrised of citizen volunteers dedicated to
shaping the future of Gettysburg. The Borough Council invites you to consider the possibilities. If you would like to be considered for
appointment for a position on an authority, board, or commission, please complete this form and submit it to the Borough Secretary.
Some familiarity with Gettysburg Borough Council's objective future plans, both short and long term.
A desire to become involved in Gettyburg's future by offering your expertise to help the community.
You must be a Borough resident (Live and Vote in Gettysburg Borough).
Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB)
Code Enforcement Appeals Board
Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority (GARA)
Historic Architecture Review Board (HARB)
Gettysburg Municipal Authority (GMA)
For information on the ABCs, visit
Which Authoities, Boards, or
Commissions are you interested
in being appointed to:
Please expand your answer on additonal sheets if you need to or attach your resume.
NOTE: The information provided herein is subject to
the Statutes of the State of Pennsylvania and may be
disseminated accordingly.
Related Experience/Organizations:
Briefly state your interest, qualifications, and availability to serve.
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