Student Name ________________________________ Student ID _____________________
The Broward Technical Colleges (BTC), in compliance with federal regulations, must obtain
voluntary permission from the student to manage the student’s Federal Student Aid (FSA) credit
A Title IV credit balance occurs when the total amount of FSA funds exceeds charges for tuition,
fees and other eligible educational expenses.
Signing this form authorizes BTC to retain a Federal Student Aid (FSA) credit balance (excess
Title IV funds) and pay it to the student in accordance with the school’s procedure for paying
FSA credit balances. This authorization will remain in effect for each subsequent payment
period for the award year unless you withdraw it. In addition, these funds cannot be held from
year to year and will not be held beyond the end of the last payment period in the award year
from which the funds were awarded.
This authorization is not required in order to receive Title IV funds and the student has the right
to rescind the authorization at any time by providing a written request to the Office of Financial
Aid. If you elect not to authorize the technical college to hold your FSA credit balance, the funds
will be paid to you no later than 14 days after the credit balance is created.
NOTE: If the student elects not to sign this form or if he/she later cancels this authorization, the
student will be required to pay any outstanding charges to the technical college.
I voluntarily authorize the Broward Technical Colleges to hold and manage my FSA credit
balance as described above.
______________________________________________ ________________________
Student Signature Date
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