Printed: 11/15/2007; updated 8/23/12; 4/30/13; 10/17/13; 3/26/14; 7/24/14; 5/11/15; 9/29/15 Page 1 of 18
EvalObservationInstructFormFacetoFaceClass 9 29 15.doc
(The observation of instruction form is required and must be forwarded to the supervisor)
Location: Chabot College Las Positas College
Semester: Spring Summer Fall Year: _____________
(Please Print)
Instructor observed: __________________________________________________________
Class observed: ______________________________________________________________
(course/subject) (number) (section)
The instructor has presented a syllabus and related materials that clearly stem from the course
outline of record: Yes No
Assignments and materials relate to objectives and content on the outline of record
Methods of evaluation and grading standards relate to the outline of record
Date of observation: ____/____/____ Time of observation: _________________________________
Approximate number of students present during observation period: _____________________________
(Please Print)
Evaluator: _______________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_____
I have read and received a copy of this observation of instruction. *
Instructor signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
Evaluator signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
* The instructor being observed has the right to append a statement to this observation
of instruction.
Divided into six sections, including space for a narrative response at the end, this instructional
observation form provides a guide to the evaluator observing a colleague’s instruction.
Note: In all sections, there is no minimum or maximum number of items that “should” be checked.
Please check “Not Applicable” where the item is not applicable to the type of instruction observed.
Please review the entire form before observing instruction.
Lecture, including lecture/discussion
Skills lab (i.e., labs identified by faculty as discrete skills-based, individualized instruction)
Office of Human Resources
Evaluation: Observation of Instruction Form - Face to Face Class