Date Submitted:
High School/ROP: Contact:
High School/ROP Telephone: Email:
High School/ROP Course Title:
High School/ROP Course Description:
College Course Title:
College Course Description:
College Units: HS/ROP Credits: # Hours:
College Prerequisite(s): HS/ROP Prerequisite(s):
HS/ROP Course Grade
Required to Receive College Credit:
Check Appropriate Box: Credit by Exam Noncredit
Required Course Content for Articulation:
Competencies and Skills Attained:
Measurement Methods (include any industry certification or licensure):
Textbooks or Other Support Materials (including Software):
Required Attachments to Agreement
1. HS/ROP Course Outline
2. HS/ROP Course Final Examination
3. LPC Course Outline
Terms & Conditions
A. This agreement is valid for 3 years from the date listed at signatory.
B. In support of the basic principles that no student should be required to repeat instructions for
competencies learned and for which credit has been granted at their High School or ROP, and
that students shall be allowed to reach their desired education and career goals in an efficient
sequence of incremental achievements, the following terms and conditions are agreed upon
and approved:
1. Each student enrolling in Las Positas College shall meet the matriculation requirements in
English and Mathematics held for all entering students.
2. Each student who has completed the HS/ROP course listed within this agreement with a
grade as specified will receive college credit.
3. Student transcripts will reflect the appropriate designation of NC for a Noncredit articulated
course and CBE for a Credit by Examination articulated course.
C. Consultation has occurred between High School or ROP instructors and LPC faculty
in the discipline concerned and both support this articulation agreement. The
undersigned approve this articulation agreement between Las Positas College and
the High School/ROP listed within the agreement.
Agreement Approval Signatures
High School/ROP Signatures Las Positas College Signatures
_____________________________ _____________________________
Principal/Superintendent Date President Date
_____________________________ _____________________________
CTE Director Date VP Academic Services Date
_____________________________ _____________________________
Instructor Date Dean Academic Services Date
_____________________________ _____________________________
Other Date Faculty of Record Date
Revised 6/4/2013