© 2018 Family Law Self-Help Center Summary Disposition Affidavit (Div/Sep-Kids)
4. I request a final: ( check one)
Divorce for the reasons stated in the Complaint/Counterclaim.
Separation for the reasons stated in the Complaint/Counterclaim.
5. Marriage. My spouse and I were married on (date of marriage) _________________.
We have been separated since (date of separation) ______________________.
6. Children. My spouse and I have (number) ________ minor children together. The
provisions regarding custody, visitation, child support, and medical insurance outlined in
the proposed Decree are fair, are in the child(ren)’s best interest, and meets the
child(ren)’s financial needs.
7. Children’s Residence / Contact With Parents. For the last six months, the child(ren)
lived with ( check one) Me / My Spouse / Both of Us / Someone Else:
(name) ___________________________
The child(ren) had the following contact with each parent in the last six months:
Me: (list how often you saw the children in the last six months)
Other Parent: (list how often the other parent saw the children in the last six months)
8. Other Parent’s Proposed Custody/Visitation. The final decree proposes the following
custody and visitation schedule for the other parent: (explain what contact the other
parent will have with the children if the decree is approved. If there will be no contact at
all or restricted/supervised contact, explain why)