TO: The Planning or Zoning Commission of the City of Danbury
RE: Name of Proposed Application: _______________________________________________
The following affidavit is required for notice of public hearings as specified in Section 10.I.4.b. of
the Danbury Zoning Regulations.
I, the undersigned, having been duly sworn, deposes and verifies:
1) That I am over 18 years of age and understand that I am under oath to supply the requested
information to the best of my knowledge.
2) That with respect to the attached land use application being filed with this information, I
examined the Danbury Tax Assessor's records on _________________, 20_____ and based
upon said examination, compiled a list of the names and correct mailing addresses of all
persons owning property within, adjacent to, or across the street from the boundaries of the
subject property.
3) That the attached list of names and mailing addresses submitted is a complete list.
Dated at __________________, Connecticut this _____day of ______________, 20_____.
(signature of person giving affidavit)
(print name)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ______ day of __________________, 20_____.
(signed by Notary Public or a Commissioner of the Superior Court)
(print name)
My commission expires: _________________________________
Notary Public seal:
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