City of Danbury Lock Box Information Form
In accordance with the Danbury, CT Code of Ordinances Sec. 3A-32 ( c)
This form is intended to collect information about your occupancy. This form must be updated annually or
whenever there is a change of information, keys, or building alteration. Contact the Danbury Fire
Department at (203) 797-4616 to schedule an appointment to add/update information and keys. Print 2
copies of the completed form. Retain a copy for your records, the second copy will be placed inside the
lockbox for use in the event of an emergency, and please email the completed form to
Key Marking. It is the responsibility of the building owner to purchase and label the keys according to
this section prior to calling the fire department to place the keys in the lockbox. Keys shall be provided
with color-coded permanent and durable tags or “key caps” as follows:
1. Main entrance door - GREEN
2. Fire alarm cabinet and pull station key/tool-RED
3. Sprinkler shutoff room BLUE
4. Elevator recall keys YELLOW
5. Other keys must be labeled clearly.
Contents of Lock Box (keys must be labeled):
Key to main access door
Keys to interior doors and secure areas
Fire alarm Panel keys and pull station key/tool
Copy of Lock Box Information Form
Plot Plan of occupancy identifying operational areas (see below)
Date: _________________________
Business Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Bldg/Suite #: __________________
City: ________________________________ Phone #:______________________
Type of Business: __________________________________________________
Are there Hazardous Processes occurring in the occupancy? :
Remarks: ______________________________________________________________
Owner Name: ______________________________ Phone #:______________ Date: ______
Manager Name: _________________________________ Phone #:______________ Date: ______
Facilities Representative: __________________________ Phone #:______________ Date: ______
Emergency Contact Name: ________________________ Phone #:______________ Date: ______
Fire Department Operational Areas:
Building Utilities:
Type of Heat: Natural Gas Propane Electric Oil
Gas Shutoff Location: ________________________________________
Electrical Shutoff Location: ___________________________________
Fire Alarm Panel Location: ____________________________________
Fire Alarm Panel Reset Code: __________________Silence Code(if different)______________
Security Alarm Reset Code: ___________________________________
Domestic Water Shutoff Location: ___________________________________
Elevator: YES NO
Location of Elevator Room: ______________________________________
Name of Elevator Service Company: _______________________________
Phone Number of Elevator Service Company: _______________________
Remarks: ____________________________________________________
Lock Box: YES NO Remarks: Call 203-797-4616 to update keys and information
Fire Suppression Systems:
Fire Department Sprinkler Connection (F.D.C): YES NO
Location of F.D.C: ________________________________________________________________
Standpipe Locations: YES NO
Remarks: ______________________________________________
Sprinkler System: YES NO
Location of Sprinkler Controls: ____________________________________________
# of Sprinkler Risers: ___________ Remarks: _______________________________
Basement: YES NO Remarks: _____________________________________________