A minimum one-mile section of primary highway or ½ mile of residential streets will be eligible
for adoption. Litter pickup will be done on both sides of the roadway four times a year, more often
if necessary.
The Director of Public Works or an appointed representative will select eligible sections.
Any local community organizations, such civic, social or school groups, will be allowed to adopt
highways, as well as individuals 18 years or older. Participants must have approved permit
applications on file with the Public Works Office.
Businesses that wish to sponsor groups may do so; the business name will go on the sign in block
letters. No business logos will be allowed.
Participants will be required to adopt for two years.
Groups with members less than 15 years old must be supervised by adults 18 years or older. There
will be one adult per eight under-age group members. Large groups should be divided into teams
of eight or fewer members. Each team should stay on one side of the road.
The City will supply participants with safety information, plastic trash bags and safety vests. The
materials will be picked up from the Public Works Office, 501 Lake Avenue during regular works
hours the week before pickup.
If participants cannot dispose of the filled trash bags, pickup must be schedule with the Street
Participants are encouraged to separate and recycle appropriate materials for their benefit.
Signs noting the program and the participants will be installed at the beginning of the adopted
section, one in each direction. These signs will be the only signs used to promote the Adopt A
Roadway along the roadsides.
The City will bear the cost of producing, installing and maintaining the signs.
The Street Division will monitor the program. The Director of Public Works or someone assigned
by him will be the contact person for the adopting groups.
After each pickup, adopting groups will file reports detailing the number of people involved,
number of bags of litter picked up, hours spent, etc. Pre-printed forms will be furnished by the City
for making the reports, which will be filed with the Public Works Department. Records on the
program will be kept by the Public Works Department, which will also serve as the clearinghouse
of the information for interested groups/media inquiries.
Adopting groups will be encouraged to schedule two of their pickups in April and October to
coincide with the statewide clean ups for historic Garden Week and Recycling Month, respectively.
The City reserves the right to revise these conditions as needed.