Early Learning Application 2020-2021
Language: English
Parent/Guardian 1 Parent/Guardian 2
Are you currently
☐Yes – How many hours per week (including travel)?
Employer name & phone #:
☐No, retired or disabled
☐Yes – How many hours per week (including travel)?
Employer name & phone #:
☐No, retired or disabled
Are you currently in
job training or
☐Yes – How many hours per week (including class
time, study time, travel)?
School name & major/goal:
☐Yes – How many hours per week (including class
time, study time, travel)?
School name & major/goal:
Are you in an
approved WorkFirst
☐Yes – Describe the activity and the number of approved
hours per week:
☐Yes – Describe the activity and the number of approved
hours per week:
Are you or have
been in the U.S.
☐Yes, current service member
☐Yes, currently deployed or have been in the last 12
months/for a total of 19 months
☐Yes, veteran
☐Yes, current service member
☐Yes, currently deployed or have been in the last 12
months/for a total of 19 months
☐Yes, veteran
Family Concerns
Please check areas of concern that you have for yourself/family in your household:
☐Child’s parent/guardian has a disability or is
chronically ill and is:
☐Unable to engage in
work/school/family life
☐Somewhat able to engage in
work/school/ family life
☐Mostly able to engage in
work/school/family life
☐Child’s parent/guardian has learning
difficulties, no disability
☐Household mental illness, including
maternal depression (child is diagnosed, or
adult is experiencing)
☐Household domestic violence (past or
☐Household drug/alcohol issues or substance
abuse (past or current)
☐Family is socially isolated, with complete or
near-complete lack of contact with others
☐Getting or keeping a job
☐Legal concerns
☐Child’s parent/guardian is a migrant worker
☐Recent immigrant/refugee (past 5 years)
☐Child’s parent/guardian is incarcerated
☐Loss of a parent (death, abandonment, or
☐Child’s parents/guardians divorced or
separated during child’s life
☐Previously homeless (in the last 12 months)
☐Concerns with housing
Family Living Situation
Does this household receive subsidized housing such as a housing voucher or cash assistance for housing? ☐Yes ☐No
What is your family’s current housing situation? The McKinney-Vento Act provides services and supports for children and youth experiencing
homelessness. Your answers may help us determine the services your child may be eligible to receive.
☐ In a shelter
A car, park, campsite, or similar location
☐ Transitional Housing
Moving from place to place/couch surfing
☐ In a residence with inadequate facilities (no water, heat, electricity)
In someone else’s house or apartment with another family:
☐ By choice (e.g. to save money, to be close to family, etc.)
Due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason