Early Learning Application
Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Child InformationGeneral
First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name:
Date of Birth (month/day/year):
Gender: M F
What is this child’s home language? 2
Does this child speak:
Only English Mostly English and another language Some English, but mostly another language
Both English and another language the same (bilingual) Only a language other than English
Is this child Hispanic/Latino? Yes No
What is this child’s race? Check all that apply:
African/African American/Black
Alaska Native/Native American/American Indian
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Not listed above:
What is your family’s heritage/tribe/country of origin?
Has this child previously attended these programs? Only check the most recent:
Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) or
any Birth-to-Three/Home Visiting program
Head Start/Early Head Start/ECEAP in King or
Pierce County, Washington State
Head Start/Early Head Start/ECEAP in another
Washington State County
Migrant/Seasonal Head Start
anywhere in Washington State
When did this child last attend?
Is this child currently enrolled in a community slot at this site? Yes No
Is this child a sibling of a currently enrolled child at this site? Yes No
The questions below are for information only. Answering “Yes” will not affect your eligibility or enrollment in the program.
Is this child in official foster care or kinship care with a grant amount?
If yes, what is the Case Number or Client ID Number?
What is the monthly grant/payment amount and source? $
# of children covered by grant amount:
DSHS SSI Tribe Other
Is this child in kinship care without a grant amount? Yes No
Was this child adopted after foster care or kinship care? Yes No
Does your family currently receive services through Child Protective Services (CPS), Family Assessment Response (FAR), or Indian Child Welfare
(ICW)? Yes No
Has your family received services from CPS/FAR/ICW in the past? Yes No
Is your family currently approved for child care through CPS or FAR?
YesHow many approved hours per week?
Has this child ever been asked to leave an early learning program because of behavior issues? Yes No
Early Learning Application 2020-2021
Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Child InformationHealth
Does this child have medical insurance?
If yes, what type?
Washington Apple Health/ProviderOne
Private Insurance
Military Medical Coverage
Does this child have a regular doctor or medical clinic?
Yes - Name of clinic/provider:
Name of medical professional:
Did this child have a well-child exam within the last 12 months?
Yes Date of last exam (month/day/year):
Date Unknown
What is your child’s immunization status? Fully immunized Exempt Not fully immunized or exempt Not sure
Does this child have dental insurance?
If yes, what type?
Washington Apple Health/ProviderOne
Private Insurance
Military Dental Coverage
Does this child have a regular dentist or dental clinic?
Yes - Name of clinic/provider:
Name of dental professional:
Did this child have dental exam within the last 6 months?
Yes Date of last exam (month/day/year):
Date Unknown
Has this child been diagnosed by a Health Care Provider with a chronic health condition (may include asthma, cancer, diabetes, seizures, ADHD,
autism, spina bifida, sickle cell disease, or life-threatening allergies)?
Yes Please describe: The health condition is considered: Severe Moderate Mild
Child Information - Development
Do you have concerns about this child’s health? Yes check all that apply below No
Low birth weight (less than 5.5 lbs/5 lbs 8 oz.)
Preterm birth less than 37 weeks
Fine motor/gross motor
Drug/alcohol affected
Tooth pain/decay/bleeding gums
Vision Food intolerance/special diet
Please describe:
Does this child have a current and active Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)?
Yes Please provide a copy with your application.
No – Check if any of these apply:
My child has a diagnosed developmental delay or disability, has no IEP, or is being referred for evaluation.
My child has a suspected developmental delay or disability.
Early Learning Application 2020-2021
Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Parent/Guardian Information
This child lives with:
One parent/guardian (complete Parent/Guardian 1)
Two parents/guardians in the same household (complete Parent/Guardian 1 & 2)
Two parents/guardians in two households (complete Parent/Guardian 1 & 2)
Parent/Guardian 1 Parent/Guardian 2
Relationship to
Biological/Adopted/Stepparent Biological/Adopted/Stepparent
Foster Parent
Foster Parent
M F Not specified M F Not specified
Date of Birth
Home Cell Work
Home Cell Work
Alternate Phone
Home Cell Work
Home Cell Work
Were you under
age 18 when this
child was born?
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A
What language(s)
do you speak?
Do you need an
interpreter for this
Yes No Yes No
What is your race?
Check all that apply
African/African American/Black
Alaska Native/Native American/American Indian
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Not listed above:
African/African American/Black
Alaska Native/Native American/American Indian
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Not listed above:
What is the highest
level of education
you completed?
grade or less
to 12
grade, no diploma or GED
High school diploma
Some college/advanced training
College/professional certificate
Associate degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s or doctorate degree
grade or less
to 12
grade, no diploma or GED
High school diploma
Some college/advanced training
College/professional certificate
Associate degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s or doctorate degree
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Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Parent/Guardian 1 Parent/Guardian 2
Are you currently
Yes How many hours per week (including travel)?
Employer name & phone #:
No, retired or disabled
Yes How many hours per week (including travel)?
Employer name & phone #:
No, retired or disabled
Are you currently in
job training or
Yes How many hours per week (including class
time, study time, travel)?
School name & major/goal:
Yes How many hours per week (including class
time, study time, travel)?
School name & major/goal:
Are you in an
approved WorkFirst
Yes Describe the activity and the number of approved
hours per week:
Yes Describe the activity and the number of approved
hours per week:
Are you or have
been in the U.S.
Yes, current service member
Yes, currently deployed or have been in the last 12
months/for a total of 19 months
Yes, veteran
Yes, current service member
Yes, currently deployed or have been in the last 12
months/for a total of 19 months
Yes, veteran
Family Concerns
Please check areas of concern that you have for yourself/family in your household:
Child’s parent/guardian has a disability or is
chronically ill and is:
Unable to engage in
work/school/family life
Somewhat able to engage in
work/school/ family life
Mostly able to engage in
work/school/family life
Child’s parent/guardian has learning
difficulties, no disability
Household mental illness, including
maternal depression (child is diagnosed, or
adult is experiencing)
Household domestic violence (past or
Household drug/alcohol issues or substance
abuse (past or current)
Family is socially isolated, with complete or
near-complete lack of contact with others
Getting or keeping a job
Legal concerns
Child’s parent/guardian is a migrant worker
Recent immigrant/refugee (past 5 years)
Child’s parent/guardian is incarcerated
Loss of a parent (death, abandonment, or
Child’s parents/guardians divorced or
separated during child’s life
Previously homeless (in the last 12 months)
Concerns with housing
Family Living Situation
Does this household receive subsidized housing such as a housing voucher or cash assistance for housing? Yes No
What is your family’s current housing situation? The McKinney-Vento Act provides services and supports for children and youth experiencing
homelessness. Your answers may help us determine the services your child may be eligible to receive.
In a motel
In a shelter
A car, park, campsite, or similar location
Transitional Housing
Moving from place to place/couch surfing
In a residence with inadequate facilities (no water, heat, electricity)
In someone else’s house or apartment with another family:
By choice (e.g. to save money, to be close to family, etc.)
Due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason
Other Please describe:
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Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Family Income and Family Size
Check all that apply if you, this child, or another person living in your home related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption receive these types of
Public Assistance:
SSI for disability received by: Child Parent/Guardian Other Relationship to child:
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash.
Check if you also have the following: Child-only TANF WorkFirst Working Connections Child Care subsidy
Please list additional people living in this child’s primary household below, not including yourself or this child.
Name (First and Last)
Relationship to
Do you financially support
this person?
Is this person related to you by
blood, marriage, or adoption?
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
What is the total number of family members living in your home, including yourself and this child?
What is your total estimated household income for the last calendar year or the last 12 months?
I promise that the information on this form is true and correct. I have reported all my income and family size, as required by the Early Learning
Programs. If I knowingly provide false information, I understand my family may be unable to continue program services. Additionally, if my child is
enrolled in ECEAP, I may have to repay the amount spent on my child.
I understand that information from this application is entered in various Early Learning databases operated by the Department of Children, Youth, and
Families (DCYF) and Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD). DCYF and PSESD are committed to protecting confidential and personal
information that could identify a child or family. No information related to immigration status is entered in the databases or shared with state or
federal agencies. Information in the databases may be used for the following:
Research studies to determine if participating in Early Learning helps children later in life.
To prove Washington State spends some of their own dollars on programs for families, which is required to receive Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families dollars from the federal government.
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________________ Date _________________
(ECEAP Staff: Enter this date in ELMS)
*Staff Only If not signed, complete below. Parent signature must be obtained as soon as possible, or no later than the enrollment visit.
Reviewed and received verbal verification on (date):
Staff Initials:
(ECEAP Staff: Enter this date in ELMS if not signed you cannot update this once the ELMS application is locked)
Staff Only
Please sign in person if filling out Online
click to sign
click to edit
Early Learning Application 2020-2021
Revised 01/22/2020
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Language: English
Child’s Age: Total Verified Family Size: Total Verified Income: Total Points:
Site Name/ID:
Date received:
(This date will determine eligibility timeframe)
Date staff reviewed application with family: Date sent to PSESD (N/A for ECEAP only sites):
EHS Only - Is this child a newborn taking the mother’s slot?
If yes, mother’s name:
For Homeless FamiliesCheck the services that are needed or desired by the family and provide resources as soon as possible:
Child care resources
Clothing resources
School supplies
Medical/dental referral
Housing/shelter referral
Immunization/medical records
Vision referral
Hygiene products/toiletries
Food resources
Birth certificate
Medicaid/DSHS services Food stamps/TANF
College/vocational/technical resources
School transportation (if site provides)
Staff Name & Signature: Date: