LEVEL 3 Award in Wines
Dates: Sun. Feb. 5 - Sun. Mar. 26, 2017 (7 weeks 9am-4pm, no class Feb. 19)
Please print. (This information will remain confidential)
Last Name: ______________________ Middle: __________________ First: __________________________
Do you hold the WSET Level 2 Certification? _________________ WSET Candidate #: ___________________
If you do not hold WSET Level 2, please contact Bruce McAdams at 519-824-4120, ext. 56597 before applying.
Your name as it will appear on your certification (if successful): ______________________________________
Date of Birth: (Required by WSET) _______ / _______ / _______ Female: ________ Male _________
Day Month Year
Address: ___________________________________________ City: ___________________ Province:_______
(Important include Apt/Unit # - Post Office Box #’s not accepted)
Postal Code: __________________________ Telephone: (______)__________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________ Type of Employment ____________________________
(Note: WSET may email you for verification)
HFTM Student/Staff/Faculty: ___ HAFA/HFTM Alumni:____ HFTM Industry Partner:____ UofG Employee:___
Industry Professional: ____ LCBO Employee ____ Other: __________________________________________
How did you hear about our WSET Certifications? HFTM Email ___ Radio ___ Newspaper ____ Brochure ___
HFTM Website ____ Wine Blog ____ Guelph Community Guide ____ Other, please list:___________________
Your Knowledge of Wine: Beginner ___________ Intermediate _____________ Advanced ______________
Program Fee: Level 3 - $1,295 + 13% HST ($168.35) = $1,463.35
HST Reg. # - R108161829. A 10% discount will apply to U of G alumni/students/staff/faculty.
Payment is due with application submission. All fees include tuition, wine/glasses, exam, & educational
material. Cheques should be made payable to: University of Guelph”.
Please contact Lisa Fodor at (519) 824-4120, ext. 56116 w/VISA or MC information.
Please note our cancellation policy on the website. Deadline: December 15, 2016
Applicant’s Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________________________
(Participants must be 19+ on the course start date).
(Check here) _____Yes, I have read the Level 3 Specification Guide found on the website.
Email or mail your application form to: Lisa Fodor, Logistics Coordinator
School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management, University of Guelph,
50 Stone Rd E., Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
Telephone: (519) 824-4120, Ext. 56116 Email:
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