Explanatory Notes To Application Answers
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Autobiographical Essay
Provide below a two - three-page autobiography in the space provided at the end of this form.
Assuming you meet the qualifications for a Kennedy King Scholarship (see cover letter to applicants), your
application will be evaluated upon the following criteria:
1. Demonstrated Financial Need
2. Academic Achievement & Potential
3. Community Service & Involvement
4. Personal Attributes (e.g., Character, Integrity, Responsibility, Commitment, Determination, Hard Work,
Achievements, Hardships Overcome, Life’s Goals, etc.)
To the extent that you believe your application may not otherwise fully reflect the above, you should specifically
address those subjects in your autobiographical essay.
In light of these criteria, and other factors you believe relevant, answer the question: why do you believe you
should be given a Kennedy King Scholarship?
Publication Summary
We need a "Publication Summary" in approximately 75 words or less that tells your story as set forth in your
Autobiographical Essay. This may be used for publication in the Kennedy King dinner program and for
distribution to news media and the Internet if you are selected for a scholarship. It is the primary instrument we
use to show our donors that their money is being used to assist needy and worthy scholarship recipients who
have worked hard, overcome difficulties, contributed to their communities and have the strength, character and
potential to do well in college and after.
It is an important part of your application.
Please do not!use the Publication Summary to thank family, friends, teachers and others, or to proclaim broad
social platitudes as such language will be edited out of the!summary.
We reserve the right to edit your summary,
as we believe appropriate in our absolute discretion and to modify it with information extracted from other parts
of your application including your autobiographical essay. Begin Summary with your
Full Name and
Community College.
Complete this in the space provided at the end of this form.
© 2015 Kennedy-King Memorial College Scholarship Fund Ltd. Updated October 28, 2015