Private Match Breakdown
A. Cash Donations
B. In-Kind Donations
C. Volunteers/Intern
D. Fees for Service
E. Unrestricted Cash or Fund Balance
F. Grants:
- Other grants supporting this project
Amount of OCFS Funds
Non-OCFS Funds supporting this project
Itemize amounts of assured revenue, potentially available funds, and estimated income from in-kind
contributions to support this project.
Cash Donations
should be calculated on the basis of what the applicant organization can realistically be
expected to raise during the program year; attach a description of fund raising efforts.
In-Kind Donations
refers to equipment, furnishings and other non-personal expenses that are donated to support
the function of this project.
(another type of in-kind contribution) refers to project personnel who donate their time to the
functioning of this project. Volunteer job descriptions and timecards should be kept to substantiate this line item.
Unrestricted Cash or Fund Balance
Unrestricted funds include all revenues that are not specifically restricted as
to their use. Unrestricted funds include income from dues, publication sales, advertising sales, conference fees,
mailing label sales, interest income from unrestricted funds, fees obtained in the execution of externally funded
projects, and contributions.
Fees for Services
refers primarily to income received from clients directly. In addition, any income received by
the applicant organization for reimbursable activities funded by this contract such as counseling, training,
speaking engagements, etc., must be listed here.
refers not only to the amount being requested under this grant but also to monies received (or applied
for) from another funding source for activities related to this contract, e.g., state, federal, local. Each grant must
be listed separately under Section F.