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4. Federal application to compromise, with the results.
5. Recentmortgageorhomeequityloanstatements(s)datedwithin30daysofsubmission.Thestatement(s)mustshowmonthly
payment amounts and current balance outstanding. We may request a real estate appraisal.
6. All mortgage indentures and conveyances, as grantor or grantee, for the preceding 10 years.
7. Lease agreements, both as landlord and tenant.
8. Loan agreements, both for note(s) receivable and note(s) payable. Include the security/collateral agreements for all secured
9. Contractsofsaleofanyassetshavingafairmarketvalueofover$500.00withinthelastveyears.Forexample,sales
agreement, closing statement, HUD-1 statement, etc.
10. Copies of legal instruments related to pending claims (insurance or otherwise), rights to sue, subrogations, assignments, and
other assets.
11. Bankruptcy discharge papers, if applicable.
12. Foranybusiness(corporation,partnership,scorp,non-protorganization,professionalcorp,etc.):Wemayrequestthe
Accounts Receivable Aging Report for any business.
1. Federalreturnsfortheprecedingthreeyears,withallschedulesandstatementsattached.Ifyouwerenotrequiredtole,
include an explanation. In addition:
• for all sole proprietorships or single-member LLC’s (Schedule C), also include the balance sheets for the preceding three
years, as of each year-end. These balance sheets may be self-prepared.
• includeallfederalschedulesK-1fromForm1120SorForm1065,orboth,fortheprecedingthreeyears,asapplicable.
2. Completecreditreportsissuedbyacreditbureaudatedwithin30daysofthissubmission.
3. Allbankaccountstatements,brokerageaccountstatements,andretirementaccountstatementsforthepreceding12months.
• If you receive certain statements on a quarterly basis, provide the four most recent quarterly statements for the applicable
• If you receive certain statements on an annual basis, provide the most recent annual statement for the applicable
I declare that I have examined the information given in this statement and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and
complete, and I further declare that I have no assets, owned either directly or indirectly, or income of any nature other than as shown in
this statement. I make this statement with the knowledge that a willfully false representation is a misdemeanor punishable under New
I authorize the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF) to contact certain third parties, including but not limited to
information I provided to DTF for determining my eligibility for an installment payment agreement or other payment terms. In addition, I
authorize DTF to use my Social Security number when requesting my credit history from consumer reporting agencies or when verifying
the information provided. I understand that DTF will not notify me about which third parties, if any, are contacted by DTF as part of this
review process.
Taxpayer’s signature(s) Date
Failure to provide these returns, statements, and documents will cause immediate rejection of your compromise request, request for
payment plan, or other proposal.
Attach additional sheets if necessary.
You must attach, if applicable:
You must attach: