2014-2015 Maximum Credit Hours of Eligibility (MCE) Appeal
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 734.487.0455
Fax: 734.487.4281
Email: financial_aid@emich.edu
Web: www.emich.edu/finaid
You should submit this form only if your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status is “Max Credit
Hours Reached” or “Nearing Max Credit Hours”.
Federal regulations require the Office of Financial Aid to monitor the academic progress of all students toward the
completion of a degree. The regulations stipulate that a student’s eligibility for financial aid expires when the student’s
credit hours have exceeded 150% of the credit hours required for their degree. Multiple changes in major
and/or excessive grades of F, I, N or W are not adequate reasons for exceeding the Maximum Credit Hour
requirement and appeals submitted for these reasons alone cannot be approved.
Please check a category, submit the required documentation, and bring this signed form to the Office of Financial Aid for
review. The Review Committee will assess the information and notify you if your appeal has been approved or denied
through your EMU E-Mail account. Appeals submitted without the required documentation will be denied.
Your Academic Advisor(s) MUST complete the Advisor’s Statement below.
Your Undergraduate Program requires more than 124 credits hours or your Graduate/Teacher’s
Certification or Second Bachelor’s Program requires more than 30 credit hours
List your major(s)
List your minor(s)
Your academic advisor must complete the statement below
Other unusual circumstances
Detailed letter from you explaining the situation
Your academic advisor must complete the statement below
Advisor’s Statement:
, certify that this student’s program as listed above requires credit hours,
from the beginning of the program through to the completion of the degree. This number exclusively includes all
Major(s) Requirements, Minor(s) Requirements and General Education Requirements.
Advisor’s Signature Date
All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If necessary, I agree to provide
further proof of the information that I have given.
t Signature Date
Student ID