Copyright © Swun Math
Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 22 T HW
Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________________________
Directions: Read each situation and find an inequality that represents the solution.
1. John must practice the violin more
than 45 minutes every school day.
Write an inequality showing how
long John might practice on
school days. Explain what your
answer means.
2. A project is delayed less than two
weeks. Each day of delay costs the
company $10,000. Write an
inequality showing how much the
delay could cost the company.
3. Main Middle School needs to raise
more than $500 to purchase new
curtains for the theater. They are
selling pencil bags for $2.50 each.
Write and solve an inequality to
find the minimum number of
pencil bags they need to sell to
reach their goal.
4. A sales associate receives a $50
bonus for every smartphone she
sells. If she wants to make more
than a $1200 bonus this month,
what is the minimum number of
phones she needs to sell? Write
and solve an inequality to find the
number of phones she must sell to
earn more than a $1200 bonus.