COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) Owner/Landlord Application
CERA Owner/Landlord Application (03/24/21) Page 3 of 4
4. Utility and Eviction Information
Are utility payments past due or delinquent on this unit?
Yes – Must complete applicable box/es below
Have you filed for eviction?
Amount past due or delinquent
Tenant makes utility payment to
Utility Provider
Other Heat
Amount past due or delinquent
Tenant makes utility payment to
Utility Provider
Amount past due or delinquent
Tenant makes utility payment to
Utility Provider
Amount past due or delinquent
Tenant makes utility payment to
Utility Provider
Amount past due or delinquent
Tenant makes utility payment to
Utility Provider
*Trash arrears are allowed only if included with another utility bill
5. Owner/Landlord Certification
If this application is funded the Owner/Landlord agree that:
1. The settlement amount will be the Tenant’s total obligation for rent, late fees, court costs, and other charges (recognizing that, if
the CERA payment includes prospective rent, that payment might surpass the Tenant’s present financial obligation). The
settlement amount shall not include and the Landlord/Owner waives any late fees assessed after March 13, 2020 in excess of
$400 and any court costs in excess of $150.
2. When the CERA payment will not fully satisfy Tenant’s financial obligation to Owner/Landlord and the settlement includes an
installment repayment plan, if Tenant is performing that plan’s repayment terms, which performance Owner/Landlord will
cooperate with, Owner/Landlord will not take steps to evict Tenant for non-payment of the rent (or any other charges) that plan
3. It will waive any other present and known grounds for eviction against Tenant other than its nonpayment of rent claim or a claim
based on a serious and continuing violation of the lease or law.
4. Except for grounds permitted by #3 above, or in MCL 600.5714(1)(b), (c)(i), (d), (e), or (f), or MCL 600.5775, Owner/Landlord will
not take steps to terminate a tenancy anytime before 1 month after a CERA payment, or, if a CERA payment covers a period of
prospective rent, until at least 1 month after that period.
5. It has not received any other eviction diversion or rental assistance payments for this same arrearage for this Tenant.
6. Owner/Landlord Signature
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information presented and attached to this application is true, correct, and complete in every
respect; the undersigned is the person legally entitled to possession of the property described in the Contract Unit Address above, or is an agent of
same with legal authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the person or entity legally entitled to possession of the property, and thereby authorized
to bind the landlord to legal agreements affecting the terms of the lease for the Contract Unit and settlement of any disputes related to said lease.