Please list information about any other jobs you currently have and/or information about
previous jobs:
Type of job/position: ___________________________________Wage/Salary: $ ____________
Type of job/position: ___________________________________Wage/Salary: $ ____________
☐ I pay $_________for work-related expenses such as union dues or uniform.
Explain: ______________________________________________________________________
☐ I have $ _________ income from other sources (side business, odd jobs, investments, etc.).
Explain: ______________________________________________________________________
I receive $ __________ ☐ Unemployment Compensation ☐ Workers Compensation
☐ Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) ☐ Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
☐ VA Disability ☐ Other Disability ☐ Other: _____________________________________
☐ I receive $ __________ each month Social Security benefits for a child on this case.
The other parent currently:
☐ Is not working ☐ Is employed through an employer ☐ Has more than one job
☐ Self-Employed ☐ A stay-at-home parent ☐ Other: ______________________________
Employer Name: ________________________ Employer Address: _______________________
Employer Phone: __________________________ Employer Fax: ________________________
Type of Work: ___________________________ Position or Title: ________________________
☐ The other parent is paid hourly; the amount is $________ per hour. The other parent usually
works ______ hours each week.
☐ The other parent is paid salary; the amount is $______ every ☐week ☐two weeks ☐month
Please list information about any other jobs the other parent has and/or information about
previous jobs:
Type of job/position: ___________________________________Wage/Salary: $ ____________
Type of job/position: ___________________________________Wage/Salary: $ ____________
☐ The other parent pays $_________for work-related expenses such as union dues or uniform.
Explain: ______________________________________________________________________