PS Form 3203-X, January 2019 (page 1 of 4)
ersonalize your envelopes
with up to seven printed lines—stamped cards may feature up to 5 lines. Envelope
size, fonts and/or endorsement selections may modify the number of lines available.
Contact your Post Ofce™ for information on USPS® endorsements (Return Service
Requested, Address Service Requested, Forwarding Service Requested and Change
Service Requested, or Temp-Return Service Requested). Please note: Nothing can be
printed below the City, State and ZIP Code™ line except ofcial postal endorsements.
For Envelopes
Lines may not exceed 47 characters and
spaces—40 if all uppercase characters
are set in Arial, 8 point font. Selecting
another font style or size may modify
these maximums. Each line within the
return address must be the same style,
size, and color.
For Stamped Cards
Lines may not exceed 31 characters and
spaces—24 if all uppercase characters.
Stamped cards can only be ordered
utilizing Arial, 8 point font. Printing is
limited to 5 lines.A maximum of two lines
may be used to advertise your business
or service (Attorney at Law, Quality Auto
Service, etc.), and will be placed above
the local address. If you wish to have
your telephone number, fax number,
or email address included in your
return address, it must appear after the
advertising lines (if used), and above the
local address.
Payment Information
You may pay for your order by credit
card, check, or money order made
payable to U.S. Postal Service for the
total amount due. All orders must be
prepaid and include any prior balances.
Insufcient payment will result in either
reduced quantities ordered or your order
not being processed. We accept the
following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard,
Discover/Novus, American Express.
Font Options
For Envelopes » Your return address will
be printed with a ush left margin. USPS
now offers a variety of font styles, sizes
and colors to personalize your envelopes.
Choose from Arial, Rockwell, Script or
Times New Roman fonts; black, blue, green
or red ink; sized at 8, 10 or 12 points. The
default option is Arial, 8 point, printed in
black ink. This selection is included in the
base price for envelopes. However, for a
minor additional charge, you may select
from any combination of fonts, colors
and sizes listed. You may also elect to
uppercase all type and/or bold individual
lines at no additional charge. (The default
option, Arial 8 point black, will be used if no
premium options are selected.)
For Stamped Cards
Cards may only be ordered in the default
font (Arial, 8 point, black).
Personalized Stamped
Envelopes and Cards
Sample text for 8 point Arial. (default)
Sample text for 10 point Arial.
Sample text for 12 point Arial.
Sample text for 8 point Rockwell.
Sample text for 10 point Rockwell.
Sample text for 12 point Rockwell.
Sample text for 8 point Script.
Sample text for 10 point Script.
Sample text for 12 point Script.
Sample text for 8 point Times New Roman.
Sample text for 10 point Times New Roman.
Sample text for 12 point Times New Roman.
Handling Charges
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of
telephone and fax orders.Please allow 3-4
weeks for delivery of mail orders.
For Expedited Delivery
call 1-800-782-6724 (questions or telephone
orders) prior to placing your order to obtain
the additional handling cost for Express Mail®
or Priority Mail® service.
FOR INQUIRIES: Stamp Fulllment Services | U.S. Postal Service | PO Box 219208 | Kansas City, MO 64121-9208
EMAIL » Stampfulllment.services@usps.gov | PHONE »1-800-782-6724
Fax order form to:
Send orders to:
Personalized Stamped
Envelope and Card Program
U.S. Postal Service
Stamp Fulllment Services
PO Box 7247
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7103
Call 1-800-782-6724
7:30am-3:30pm CST
(excluding holidays)
Four Ways to Order
* A separate order form is required for
Personalized Stamped Envelope Program
each return address ordered
* Purchasers are responsible for their text or
item errors. All claims regarding orders must
be made within six months.