Budget Summary
NOTE: 75% of the grant proceeds must be allocated to approved not-for-profits.
Examples of eligible budget activities include, but are not limited, to:
Community outreach
Distribution of literature
Door-to-door conversations
Conducting informational sessions about the census and process
Conducting special events and census mobilizing
Development of digital media capped at 5% of the budget
Interpretation and translation services
Implementation of developed targeted media campaigns
Informational kiosks and presentations
Development of outreach materials (brochures, fliers, newsletters, and other targeted
advertising such as billboards and other outlets with broad reach)
Other specific activities to increase 2020 Census participation
Purchase of goods and services that directly support eligible budget activities
Purchase of consumable electronics limited up to $500 per item and not to exceed
$2,500 in aggregate
An administrative expense of a rate of up to 5% of the grant funding
All costs incurred must be reasonable and necessary for the performance of work within the scope of
The State funds should leverage and build on State and regional efforts, create new and innovative
local efforts, and should not be used to supplant or replace other funding for census activities. Travel
costs included in the budget will be reimbursed based on approved NYS rates and per diems outlined by
the U.S. General Services Administration (https://www.gsa.gov/travel-resources).
An administrative rate of up to 5% may be applied to this grant. This will allow the Applicant to receive
funding for administrative costs associated with service delivery and grant management, such as outside
contract management services.
Administrative Expenses are those expenses authorized and allowable pursuant to applicable agency
regulations, contracts or other rules that govern reimbursement with State funds or State-authorized
payments that are incurred in connection with the Applicant’s overall management and can be
attributed directly to the provision of program services. Please note that the Respondent must retain
backup documentation detailing how administrative funds were spent and submit this documentation
with the required reports.
Funds for the following expenditures will not be allowed:
Purchase, lease, or rental of any equipment or operational software
Political activities of any kind
Electoral activities of any kind
Acquisition of voter registration data, voter profiles or similar programs or data commonly
used in political campaigns
Awards of cash, gift cards, trophies or the like
Purchase, lease, and/or rental of: computers, mobile computing devices such as iPads,
tablets etc., cellular telephones and related devices that exceed $500 per item and are more
than $2,500 in aggregate
Audit services
Acquisition, construction, or renovation of buildings or other real estate
Religious activity
Expenses incurred prior to March 10, 2020 or ESD Award letter date, whichever sooner
Costs of organized fundraising
Interest, taxes and penalties
Overhead expenses
Any other cost incurred in violation of the terms of the GDA as defined in the agreement
In the chart below, please detail the budget summary for this project.
Budget Period: 3/10/2020 to 09/30/2020
Cost Categories
Total Project Cost by
Category (dollar value):
1. Personnel Services
2. Fringe
Contractual Services
Advertising & Printing
Non-Personnel Services
Administrative Costs (up to 5%)
Applicant Name
Describe and justify each fringe in detail, including fringe rate, and what is included as part of fringe
Fringe Total (dollar value):
Personnel Services
Title Annual Salary (%) Total
Justification: Completely justify all positions. Describe duties and contributions to the
project. Include a brief description of duties/responsibilities for each position.
Personnel Services Total (dollar value):
Describe and justify all travel in detail, including cost per item. Justify the need for travel and how it
will benefit the project.
Travel Total (dollar value):
Contractual Services
Describe all contractual services in detail, including cost per item. Justify the need for these
services, and how they will benefit the project. For items that will be shared across other programs,
please describe allocation methodology.
Contractual Services Total (dollar value):
Advertising & Printing
Describe and justify all printing and advertising costs in detail, including cost per item. Justify the
need for printing and advertising, and how it will benefit the project.
Advertising & Printing Total (dollar value):
Describe and justify all non-personnel services in detail, including cost per item. Justify the need for
these non-personnel services, and how they will benefit the project.
Non-personnel Services Total (dollar value):
Administrative Costs (up to 5%)
Describe and justify all administrative costs in detail, including cost per item. Justify the need for
these administrative costs, and how they will benefit the project.
Administrative Costs Total (dollar value):
Non-Personnel Services