ummative Initiation Form (Tenure)
The candidate's tenure-track checklist is attached to this initiation form.
Note: The Faculty Handbook (Section says that Department Heads, Deans, or Faculty Members may
initiate a summative review. Faculty usually request summative evaluations in memos or in Development Plans
(Section 2.9.1). Deans and Department Heads must fill out this Summative Initiation Form, which will be given
to the Chair of the College-Level Peer Review Committee. The Peer Review Chairs will place this form in the
appropriate folder in the candidate’s Summative Dossier. In the case of promotion, this initiation form is to be
considered a recommendation. Department Heads are required to submit initiation forms for all tenure-track
faculty at the beginning of the faculty member's final probationary year. This required initiation form is not to
be considered a recommendation for tenure. Faculty tenure candidates are required to submit evidence to the
appropriate peer review committee during their final probationary year.
Administrator Submitting this Form: Name:
Candidate’s Name:
Current Rank:
Initial Year of Employment at Nicholls State:
Number of Years Employed at Nicholls State:
Date of Candidate’s Last Summative Review:
Number of Years Since Last Promotion:
The candidate's tenure-track checklist is attached to this initiation form.
Board of Supervisors policies concerning promotion and tenure and Nicholls State University's
policies and criteria shall be followed in all deliberations concerning performance assessment.