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HM Land Registry operate within England and Wales and are responsible for :

  • providing a reliable record of information about ownership of and interests affecting land and property
  • providing owners with a land title, guaranteed by the government
  • providing a title plan that indicates general boundaries

HM Land Registry do not provide legal advice on precise boundary positions and responsibilities.

HM Land Registry safeguards land and property ownership worth in excess of £4 trillion, including around £1 trillion of mortgages. The Land Register contains more than 25 million titles showing evidence of ownership for more than 86% of the land mass of England and Wales.

Anyone buying or selling land or property, or taking out a mortgage, must apply to HM Land Registry to register:

  • unregistered land or property
  • any new owner of registered land or property
  • an interest affecting registered land or property, such as a mortgage, a lease or a right of way

When considering each application, HM Land Registry uses the law to decide whether and how the land should be registered.

Once land or property is entered in the register, HM Land Registry record any ownership changes, mortgages or leases that affect it. Anyone who suffers loss because of an error or omission in the register, or because the register needs to be corrected, will normally be compensated.

HM Land Registry are committed to carrying out our statutory and commercial business with fairness, openness and honesty. They have policies and procedures to prevent bribery.

Complete the documents above and submit to HM Land Registry to register or update the land register.

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