Columbia State Community College CHANGE OF MAJOR You may fax this form to 931-560-4125 OR
Enrollment Services Scan and email form to processing@columbiastate.edu
[1] Students should consult with an Academic Advisor before completing this form!
[2] If you have already filed an “Intent to Graduate” or “Request for Technical Certificate”, and need to change your program for graduation, please email
the records office. Do NOT submit this form to change your graduation information!
[3] Majors are changed for currently enrolled students submitting this form on or before the last day of finals for the current term.
Forms submitted for a term
that has ended must be approved by Financial Aid and Records
. For applicants, the change of major will apply to your admissions application term.
[4] Student’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[5] Student’s ID Number ________________________________________Student’s Phone Number__(_____)______________________________________
[6] Indicate your new major by completing ONLY ONE of the sections below. DO NOT COMPLETE MULTIPLE SECTIONS or form cannot be processed.
[7] Student signature (required for processing) ____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________
TBR Community College Paths to TBR and UT Four Year Universities – TENNESSEE TRANSFER PATH MAJOR
These degrees are for students who plan to transfer into a TBR or UT university baccalaureate program.
___ Early Child Edu Pre K-3 ___ Psychology
___ Accounting ___ Elementary Educ K-5 ___ Imaging Sciences ___ Philosophy ___ Secondary Educ, English
___ Agriculture-Animal Science ___ Economics ___ Information Systems ___ Physical Education ___ Secondary Educ, Math
___ Agriculture-Agricultural Business ___ Engineering, Electrical ___ International Affairs ___ Physics ___ Secondary Educ, Soc St
___ Agriculture-Plant & Soil Science ___ Engineering, Civil ___ Kinesiology ___ Political Science ___ Social Work
___ Anthropology ___ Engineering, Mechanical ___ Management ___ Pre-Clinical Lab Sciences ___ Sociology
___ Art (Studio) ___ English ___ Marketing ___ Pre-Dental Hygiene ___ Special Education
___ Biology ___ Exercise Science ___ Mass Communication ___ Pre-Health Professions* ___ Speech Communication
___ Business Administration ___ Finance ___ Mathematics ___ Pre-Occupational Therapy ___ Sport & Leisure Mgmt
___ Chemistry ___ Foreign Language ___ Nutrition & Food Science ___ Theatre Arts
___ Computer Science ___ Geography ___ Pre-Physical Therapy
___ Criminal Justice ___ History
*includes Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine
Columbia State Community College – UNIVERSITY PARALLEL MAJOR
These degrees are for students who plan to transfer into a university baccalaureate program.
ease mark one degree: ___Associate of Science **OR** ___Associate of Arts (requires 6 hours of the same foreign language)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE MARK ONLY ONE EMPHASIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
___ No Emphasis
Pre Allied Health Science-Anesthesia Tech
___ Graphic Design ___ Pre Allied Health Science-Med Lab Tech
___ Humanities ___ Pre Allied Health Science-Nursing
___ Music ___ Pre Allied Health Science-Radiologic Tech
___ Public Relations ___ Pre Allied Health Science-Respiratory Care
___ Pre Allied Health Science-Veterinary Tech
___ Business: Administrative Professional Technology ___ Criminal Justice Technology
___ Business: Management ___ Engineering Systems Technology
___ Business: Medical Office Administration ___ Medical Informatics
___ Computer Information Technology: Cyber Defense
___ Computer Information Technology: Mobile Technologies **Students seeking the General Technology major do not submit this form. They must
___ Computer Information Technology: Networking meet with an advisor to prepare an individualized plan. Once the plan is approved, the
___ Computer Information Technology: Programming major will be changed and the plan built into a degree audit.
Transfer Agreements (Articulations)
To view other transfer agreements go to www.columbiastate.edu/admissions/transfer-information/transfer-agreement-degrees-(-articulations-)
for assistance.
OFFICE USE ONLY FOR PROCESSORS: Eligible for Degree? Yes No___ (give to Records if “No”)
Intent: NA Review ___ (give form to Records if “Review” is circled) VA: NA Review ___ (give copy to Fin Aid if “Review” is circled)
Changing FROM NONE/Cert. TO a degree? Y N (give copy to Financial Aid if “Y” is circled)
If changing TO a degree: Placement need? Y N ● Documents? NA HS Coll ACT Other__ ● Admit Type____ Student Type____
Date changes made _______ Initials ______ ● DATE SENT TO DIVISION: ________
Form COSCC-SB1d-COM-08-30-19
ACADEMIC DIVISION USE ONLY: New Advisor _________________________________ Date Assigned ___________________ Initials ________