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Development summary
Must be no less than 2 days from the date of this notice
Address of development
Development application no.
Complying development certificate no.
Construction certificate no.
Subdivision works certificate no.
Applicant’s declaration and signature
I confirm that a principal certifier has been appointed.
I confirm that all conditions of the consent that are required to be satisfied prior to the works
commencing have been satisfied.
For help and to
return this form
Civic Centre, 62 Flushcombe Rd, Blacktown PO Box 63, Blacktown NSW 2148 DX 8117 Blacktown
www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au council@blacktown.nsw.gov.au 02 9839 6000 02 9831 1961
1 Works detail
Provide a description of the works that will be carried out
Notice to neighbours (complying developments only)
Notice to neighbours within 20 metres of the subject property must be given for all complying development
involving a new building, an addition to a new building and/or demolition of a building. Note, ‘building’ includes
a structure. Details of notice required will be set out in the Complying development certificate.
Date notice given
2 Applicant details
The applicant must be the owner or person having benefit of the consent.
Privacy notice
We are collecting this information to process your request. We may not be able to do so without it. You must supply it
under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. We will store your personal information on our systems or
in our offices, where it will be used by our staff and contractors. Other people can request access to it under the
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. You can ask us to suppress your personal information from a public
register and we will consider your request in line with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Our
Privacy Management Plan sets out how you can access or correct your personal information. Please visit
www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au for a copy of the plan.
Notice of commencement of building
subdivision works
Under Section 6.6(2)(3) of the
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
at least 2 days’ notice must be given to Council of a person’s intention to commence works.
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