Revised November 1, 2016
PGA Golf Management Program
College of Business
University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University Drive, Box 115
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: (405) 974-5247
Fax: (405) 974-3821
US Citizen or Resident Alien?
Emergency Contact Address
This form must be completed in its entirety and mailed to the address listed above or returned in person to
the UCO PGA Golf Management office in the College of Business Administration, Room 117. The
following information must accompany this form (incomplete applications will not be accepted):
1. UCO Admissions Acceptance Letter or Current UCO Transcript.
2. Cover Letter explaining “Why you want to be in the UCO PGA Golf Management Program”
(Letter must be typed, dated, and signed).
3. Resume – List all work and golf-related activities and accomplishments (Golf team, all-
conference, golf-related employment, etc.).
4. Official USGA GHIN handicap card or Handicap Verification Form and signed letter from your
High School golf coach or PGA golf professional verifying a 12 or less handicap.
5. **Attempt a PGA Playing Ability Test (PAT).
6. Citizenship Requirement Form.
7. Interview with PGA Golf Management Director or Internship Coordinator (In person or by phone).
** Not required for admission but is highly recommended. Students admitted without attempting a PAT prior to
enrolling will be required to attempt a PAT during the first semester.
I agree, as a University of Central Oklahoma student, to obey all University rules and regulations made by
properly constituted authorities and realize dishonesty is unacceptable behavior. Dishonesty will not be
tolerated, and may result in penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.
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