A companion document to MAPC's Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool
Megan Aki and Lily Perkins-High
(Metropolitan Area Planning Council)
Jim Leahy and Benjamin Butterworth
(DNV GL Energy Services USA, Inc.)
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental
Affairs, City of Melrose, Town of Arlington, Town of Natick
Kit Un (Metropolitan Area Planning Council)
reenhouse as Inventories for
Massachusetts Cities & Towns
April 10, 2020
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Acronym Key 3
Introduction to the Guide 4
Step 1: Cover the Basics 6
Step 2: Gather the Data 10
Checklist to Dene Local Characteristics 11
1. Stationary Energy 14
2. Transportation 21
3. Waste 24
Data Collection Summary Worksheet 30
Step 3: Calculate Emissions Using the Tool 34
Further Resources and Tools 40
Appendix A: MAPC Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool Methodology Template 41
Appendix B: MAPC Calculation Methods for MBTA Data 55
Appendix C: Adjusting the Tool for Alternate Inventory Years 58
Acronym Key
The following acronyms will be used frequently throughout the
guide. Terms will be defined upon first use.
CN – Compressed Natural Gas
CO2 – Carbon Dioxide
CO2e – Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
H – Greenhouse Gas
PC – Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas
Inventories (also referred to as Global Protocol)
Wh – kilowatt hour
IOU – Investor Owned Utility
ISO – Independent System Operator
MassDEP or DEP – Massachusetts Department of Environmental
MAVC – Massachusetts Vehicle Census
MEI – MassEnergyInsight
MOVES – Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
MP – Miles Per Gallon
MT – Metric Ton
MWRA – Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
NAICS – North American Industry Classification System
RTA – Regional Transit Authority
VMT – Vehicle Miles Travelled
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
is uide
will provide you with:
1. A consistent and Massachusetts-
specific approach to calculating
greenhouse gas emissions from the
primary sources of emissions in
your community.
2. Instructions on where to collect
local activity data and how to
estimate activity where actual data
is not readily available.
3. Guidance on how to use MAPC’s
Community Greenhouse Gas
Inventory Tool for accounting and
tracking your community’s GHG
emissions over time.
is guide will help you and your community to develop data-informed climate action plans. Using this guide, you
will be able to identify and target the largest sources of local greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions. is guide was
created by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (“MAPC”) and DNV GL Energy Services, Inc., (“DNV GL”) to
simplify and streamline the process for Massachusetts cities and towns to create local GHG inventories.
1 2 3
This guide was designed to provide a brief overview of the need-to-
know basics of developing a community GHG inventory. It includes
instructions on where to find state and local sources to increase the
accuracy and relevance of GHG inventory data, and a process for
using the tool to establish a GHG inventory baseline and update these
data on a regular basis to inform local planning and implementation
efforts. This guide should be used to support use of MAPC’s
Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool (“the Tool”).
This guide was created with municipal staff and volunteers in mind as
the primary users. A basic working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets
and experience managing small- to medium-sized datasets will be
useful to fully leverage the Tool for your community’s GHG inventory.
You will need to be able to answer questions about services and
programs that your municipality participates in that relate to the
different sources of GHG emissions covered by the Tool.
We recommend having a copy of the 2014 Global Protocol for
Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories (“Global Protocol”)
on hand while reviewing the guide and using the Tool. You do not
need the Global Protocol to complete a GHG inventory using the Tool,
but some users may find it helpful to reference the methods and
calculations. All the primary methods used come from this resource,
and specific sections of the Global Protocol will be referenced
throughout this guide to connect users to additional background on
the calculations used in the Tool.
Download the Global Protocol at
Project Bacround
This guide and the accompanying Tool were developed as a part of
MAPC’s Planning for Net Zero by 2050 project. This project seeks to
create a suite of resources for Massachusetts cities and towns to set
ambitious climate goals and create plans to take action. This two-year
project is funded by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental
Affairs and match funds from the project partners (MAPC, DNV GL,
City of Melrose, Town of Arlington, and Town of Natick).
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
A greenhouse gas (“GHG”) inventory can be developed to guide the actions of local decision-makers and
municipal sta and focus work to reduce GHG emissions in their community. A GHG inventory provides
a baseline from which to measure progress against and a method for benchmarking the eectiveness of
local climate mitigation programs and policies. e data produced provides a local understanding of how
residents, businesses, and municipal operations contribute to the community’s GHG emissions footprint.
Establishing a robust GHG inventory baseline is an important rst step to take to set climate goals and
inform implementation of local climate action.
Check out MAPC’s resources on net zero
planning and find out more about how your GHG
inventory can inform bold local actions to reduce
GHG emissions. www.mapc.org/net-zero
What is a reenhouse as Inventory?
A GHG inventory accounts for the emissions resulting from a
defined geographic area (e.g., city, town, state, etc.) in a given year.
GHG emissions can be accounted for through different methods,
the most common of which is to look at emissions that result from
activities occurring within the city or town boundary.
The primary greenhouse gases included in a
typical community-scale inventory are carbon
dioxide (CO), methane (CH), and nitrous
oxide (NO). For accounting purposes, CH and
NO are converted to total metric tons (MT)
of CO equivalent (COe) converted based on
their Global Warming Potential (GWP).
The Global Protocol also covers four other
greenhouse gases: perfluorocarbons
(PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride
(NF3). This guide does not address these gases
because they primarily result from industrial
processes and product use (IPPU) and
agriculture, forestry, and land use (AFOLU),
which are not covered in the Tool.
What is included in the Tool?
This guide and the accompanying Tool follow the methods
put forth by the 2014 Global Protocol for Community-Scale
Greenhouse Gas Inventories (“Global Protocol”).
The sectors and subsectors included in the Tool align most
closely with the BASIC level reporting for Global Protocol
inventories. By using these resources, your GHG inventory will
account for emissions resulting from your community’s homes,
businesses and industries, municipal operations, large energy
production facilities, passenger and commercial vehicles,
public transportation, natural gas leaks, electricity line losses
municipal solid waste, and wastewater.
1 As electricity is distributed across a service area a percentage of
that energy is “lost” in supplying the total end amount consumed.
Including this in your GHG inventory accounts for inefficiencies in the
transmission and distribution of electricity.
The Global Protocol was developed by the World Resources
Institute, C40 Cities, and ICLEI Local Governments for
Sustainability. This protocol was designed to provide
guidance to local governments across the globe on
developing effective community GHG inventories. It
establishes reporting requirements for all community GHG
inventories and provides detailed accounting guidance
for quantifying GHG emissions associated with a range of
sources and activities.
The Global Protocol provides communities with two levels
for reporting GHG emissions: BASIC and BASIC+. BASIC
level reporting includes GHG emissions sources that
most commonly occur in communities and, for the most
part, have readily available data. BASIC+ level reporting
expands on the sources covered by BASIC and is a more
comprehensive inventory of all GHG emissions.
Sector Sub-sector Emissions sources Energy types
Energy use in residential buildings as well as losses
from distribution systems
Natural gas
Heating fuel oil
Petroleum Products
Commercial, Industrial,
and Manufacturing
Energy use in commercial, government and
institutional buildings, manufacturing and industrial
facilities, as well as losses from distribution systems.
Construction and
Energy use from construction and landscaping
equipment and activities.
Energy Industries
Stationary combustion of fuel in various equipment,
such as boilers and generators.
Various – may include
natural gas, propane, diesel,
and waste-to-energy
On-road vehicles
All trips taken by passenger and commercial vehicles
registered in the community. Portion of trips taken
within the community boundary by on-road buses and
trackless trolleys.
Portion of trips taken within the community boundary
by public light and heavy rail.
Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste disposed in/by landfills,
incineration, composting, and anaerobic digestion
Landfill gas (methane)
Process and fugitive emissions from treating
Not applicable
Sectors and subsectors included in the Tool
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
What is not included in the Tool?
Our primary goal for this guide is to simplify the process of developing a GHG inventory by using publicly available data sets,
while maintaining high levels of accuracy and relevance in the data used. As such, some sources of GHG emissions that are
covered by the BASIC level for Global Protocol inventories are not included in the current version of the Tool. The following
subsectors are excluded from the Tool because public statewide data sets were either not available or not robust enough to
support a method of estimating GHG emissions from community to community.
For two subsectors, we have provided the option for communities to input local data where it is available. These are GHG
emissions from (1) regional transit agencies (outside of the MBTA) and (2) private waste haulers servicing commercial
facilities. While a comprehensive data source is not currently available for these subsectors, communities have the
flexibility to input this data if they have access.
Sectors and subsectors covered within the Global Protocol’s BASIC+ level reporting are also not covered by this guide.
This includes GHG emissions from industrial processes and product use (IPPU), and agriculture, forestry, and land use
(AFOLU), as well as Scope 3 emissions (i.e., occurring outside of the geographic boundary but driven by activities within
the geographic boundary) from the stationary energy and transportation sectors.
Stationary Energy
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing activities: emissions that result from direct fuel
combustion to support these activities (e.g., machinery, generators, pumps, etc.)
Commercial and national railways: passenger and freight activities associated with
commercially owned railways servicing or running through communities
Waterborne navigation and aviation: ships, ferries, and other boats operating within
the community boundary, and air travel occurring within the community boundary.
Off-road vehicles: emissions that result from airport equipment, agricultural tractors,
chain saws, forklifts, snowmobiles, etc.
Industrial waste: waste generated from industrial processes and technologies.
waste &
Transmission &
Other indirect
Stationary fuel
waste &
processes &
product use
forestry, and
other land use
Figure A: Emissions Scopes Chart, adapted from the Global Protocol
To learn more about GPC scopes
and sectors, go to page 30 in
Chapter 3 of the GPC.
What are scopes?
The Global Protocol is based on a scopes framework for reporting emissions to allow cities and towns to attribute GHG
emissions based on where they are taking place. Scope 1 emissions are physically occur within the geographic boundary,
scope 2 emissions occur as a result of use of grid-supplied electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling) within the city boundary,
and scope 3 emissions occur outside of the geographic boundary but are driven by activities within the geographic boundary.
ettin Started
Before diving into data collection and calculation of emissions, there are two key decisions that need
to be made for a community-scale GHG inventory.
What year am I calculating GHG emissions for?
If your community is developing a GHG inventory for the first time, we recommend selecting
the most recent year for which data are widely available. In some instances, where communities
have set specific GHG emissions reductions goal from a specific year, you may want to calculate
emissions for the baseline year if data is available. It can be more difficult to access historic data
depending on how far back the comparison year is (e.g. 2002 vs. 2013).
At the time of publishing, the most complete year of available data was 2017. For this reason,
the Tool is auto-populated with several sets of inputs associated with 2017. To use the tool for
an alternate inventory year, you can follow the guidance provided in Appendix C to collect the
associated data for the new inventory year. Keep in mind that depending on the year selected,
data set availability may vary across different sources.
What is the geographic boundary for this GHG inventory?
We recommend selecting your city or town’s administrative geographic boundary for the
purposes of developing a community-scale GHG inventory. This selection will align most closely
with many of the data source recommendations that follow.
These are both important items to come to consensus on with the necessary stakeholders prior to
data collection as they will both inform how you approach decisions later in the process.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Best Practices for Data Collection
The data sources recommended in this guide are informed by local experience and the Global Protocol’s
principles for data collection. Please keep these principles in mind as you consider any substitutions or
alternate data sources to the ones recommended throughout the guide. Follow these principles and you will
be well on your way to being a GHG inventory whiz!
Principle Global Protocol Definition Key Questions to Ask
The reported GHG emissions shall appropriately reflect
the emissions occurring as a result of activities and
consumption patterns of the city.
Does the data set directly relate to
the geographic boundary of the GHG
Cities shall account for all required emissions sources
within the inventory boundary. Any exclusion of emission
sources shall be justified and clearly explained.
Does the data set include all information
for the selected baseline year?
Emissions calculations shall be consistent in approach,
boundary, and methodology.
Does the data adhere to the methods
of the GHG inventory? Can the same
methods be used year over year?
Activity data, emissions sources, emissions factors,
and accounting methodologies require adequate
documentation and disclosure to enable verification.
Can the data be readily documented
and shared with the public?
The calculation of GHG emissions shall not systematically
overstate or understate actual GHG emissions.
How close to reality is any of the
estimated data being used?
To learn more about these guiding principles, go
to page 25 in Chapter 2 of the Global Protocol.
It is time to collect all the data you need to complete a community GHG inventory. e data that you
need to collect is dened by characteristics that make your community unique. Where available, we
provide options for data collection that can be input directly into the Tool for GHG emissions calculation.
In some instances, a direct source of data may not be easily accessible. Where this is the case, we
provide recommended methods to estimate activity data for inclusion in your GHG inventory.
Create a Process
There are a few best practices to create a clear and replicable process for updating your GHG inventory periodically.
Identify a department, committee, or other appropriate party who will be responsible
for periodic GHG inventory updates. By designating where the responsibility for the GHG
inventory lies, you can set the foundation for maintaining capacity and knowledge over time.
It may be beneficial to make sure that at least two people understand how to update the GHG
inventory and are familiar with the data sources to create a contingency in case of a transition.
Store all files and supporting data in a central location. This may seem like a no-brainer,
but a well-organized and clearly labeled file storage system will set you up for success moving
forward. This ensures that in the future, staff will be able to identify what data sources were
used and replicate the methods to consistently update the community’s GHG inventory.
Log changes made to the data and methods. This practice is important to maintain
transparency and consistency in how your data is reported publicly. One of the limitations
of using a spreadsheet-based tool is that there is no streamlined way to track changes that
are made to formulas or input data. A best practice to remedy this limitation is to maintain a
separate document where users can log the data inputs and any method changes made, along
with the date and rationale for making the change.
Checlist to Dene Local Characteristics
Review the following questions and check-off all characteristics that apply to your
community. This will provide you with a high-level guide on what community-specific
data you need to collect for your GHG inventory.
Who provides your community with electricity and natural gas?
Investor Owned
Is your municipality designated as a Green Community through
the MA Department of Energy Resources?
Yes —
Green Community
Does your community have a green municipal aggregation
program in place?
Do you have access to heating oil consumption for residential,
commercial, and industrial customers?
Yes — we have
this data
Does your community intend to use EPA MOVES (Motor Vehicle
Emissions Simulator) to calculate emissions from landscaping,
construction, and manufacturing equipment?
Are there public on-road and/or trolley bus routes within your
municipality? (check all that apply)
Served by MBTA
Served by
another RTA
Which MBTA railways provide service within your municipality?
(check all that apply)
Light rail —
Green line
Heavy rail —
Blue, orange
and/or red line
Commuter Rail
Does your Department of Public Works collect data on municipal solid
waste (MSW) by method of disposal?
Has your community recently completed a waste
characterization survey?
Yes No
Do your municipal solid waste collection services cover all residents,
school buildings and businesses? (check all that apply)
Yes —
all of the above
Some residents Some businesses School buildings
Is your community’s wastewater treated by MWRA at Deer Island or the Lawrence,
Rockland, Clinton, or Pittsfield treatment facilities? (Check all that apply)
MWRA at Deer
None of
the above
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Stationary Enery
Stationary energy accounts for GHG emissions resulting from the use and production of all fuels by non-mobile sources.
This includes the direct emissions from the combustion of fuels and indirect emissions from consumption of grid-supplied
electricity. Primarily, this represents GHG emissions from the buildings within your community – homes, businesses, and
municipal operations. GHG emissions from any energy industries located within your community are also accounted for
in stationary energy. This guide also provides an approach to account for GHG emissions resulting from construction and
landscaping activities. Stationary energy also accounts for any fugitive emissions, such as electricity transmission and
distribution losses and natural gas leaks.
Electricity and Natural Gas
Calculating emissions from the electricity and natural gas consumed in your community requires collection of total kilowatt
hours (kWh) and therms consumed by all buildings during the inventory year. Where you go to collect this data depends on
the electricity and natural gas service providers in your community.
The electricity and natural gas consumed by municipally owned buildings is accounted for in the Commercial and Industrial
account data reported by the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs). If your community is interested in tracking municipal GHG
emissions separately from community wide GHG emissions, additional data on electricity, natural gas, and other heating
fuels (oil and/or propane) needs to be collected. If your community is a designated Green Community, this data will be
available annually in reports completed by your city or town.
For some municipalities, data may not be available due to the utility’s privacy restrictions. This occurs when
there are less than 100 residential customers and/or less than 15 commercial and industrial customers in
a community. Additionally, MassSaveData is not available prior to 2013 and, as of publishing this Guide, is
only available through 2018.
Question 1A
Who provides your community with electricity and natural gas service?
My community is served by an investor owned utility for electricity and/or natural gas.
As of 2015, all of the investor owned utilities (“IOUs”) in Massachusetts have been publishing electricity
and natural gas consumption data broken out by municipality online. MassSaveData provides
community-wide kWh and therm usage by year. This will be broken out by Residential and Low Income
and Commercial and Industrial customer segments.
Download your community’s MassSaveData at www.masssavedata.com
My community is served by a municipal utility for electricity and/or natural gas.
Communities served by municipal utilities, or without data available on MassSaveData, will need
to make a request for sector-level consumption data to their electricity provider directly.
Total kWh for
baseline year
Total therms for
baseline year
Residential customers
Commercial and
industrial customers
Question 1B:
Is your municipality designated as a Green Community through the MA Department
of Energy Resources?
Yes — we are a Green Community
Great! You can download the data needed on electricity and natural gas consumption,
as well as all other fuels consumed by your municipal facilities, through the state’s online
energy benchmarking platform, MassEnergyInsight. You will need to download the
report titled “Energy Reduction Plan Guidance Table 3 (Fuel Units)”. Make sure to switch
the data view to calendar year by selecting the “Fiscal Year Start Month” of January.
Access MEI using your log-in credentials at www.massenergyinsight.net/
While you are there, make sure to download your municipal vehicle fleets gasoline and
diesel consumption. This will be needed in the Transportation section.
No — we are not a Green Community.
You may choose to collect the electricity, natural gas, oil, and propane consumption
total for your municipal buildings separately. Reach out to your facilities and
accounting departments to identify how to collect this data for your baseline year.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
While the Tool was created for easy calculation of emissions for the inventory year of 2017 (the most recent year of
available data at the time of publishing), you may modify the electricity emissions factor data to support alternative years.
If using a year other than 2017 for your inventory, see Appendix C for additional data collection guidance to adjust the
default settings in the Tool accordingly.
Electricity Emission Factors
The Global Protocol allows communities to use either a location-based or market-based approach to calculated emissions
from grid-supplied electricity. The Tool applies a market-based approach to determine the emissions factors for electricity.
The Tool includes default annual emissions factors from MassDEP’s GHG emissions reporting summaries.
For more information see MassDEP’s Emission Factor Calculations https://www.mass.gov/lists/massachusetts-
Those communities with green municipal aggregation programs in place may choose to customize the emissions factors
applied to the electricity consumed by residential and commercial customers subscribed to the program. This requires the
collection of additional data about your aggregation program.
Municipal aggregation (also known as community choice aggregation) allows a city or town to determine where
its electricity comes from. In a municipal aggregation, a city or town contracts with an electricity supplier on
behalf of residents and businesses who have not already selected a competitive supplier. A green municipal
aggregation program seeks to exceed the state’s requirements for renewable energy by requiring additional
percentages of renewables within the community’s electricity supply. Learn more about green municipal
aggregation with MAPC: https://www.mapc.org/our-work/expertise/clean-energy/green-municipal-aggregation/
Question 1C:
Does your community have a green municipal aggregation program in place?
Yes – we do have a green municipal aggregation program.
Great! You will need to request data from your aggregation provider to calculate a custom
emissions factor that takes into consideration the additional renewables procured through
your aggregation. You will need to know the amount of kWh consumed during the baseline
year by (1) customers subscribed to the base aggregation rate, (2) customers who opted up to
higher percentages of renewables, and (3) customers who opted out of the program entirely.
You will also need to access the aggregations Disclosure Label for the baseline year. The
Disclosure Label is a brief document that your aggregation provider is required to provide
you that includes the rate structures for that period of the program.
No – we do not have a green municipal aggregation program in place.
You can move onto the next section for data collection. While some individual residents and
businesses may be purchasing green power from a retail electricity provider, we recommend
using the default annual emissions factors for Massachusetts published by MassDEP.
Transmission and Distribution
The Tool also accounts for losses from the electricity and natural
gas distribution systems. For electricity transmission and distribution
losses, a standardized approach is taken to account for any losses
associated with the total amount of electricity consumed community-
wide during the baseline year. For natural gas leaks, an average leak
factor of 2.7 percent is applied to the total amount of natural gas
consumed community-wide during the baseline year.
No additional
data is needed to calculate emissions associated with this subsector.
1 McKain, Kathryn, et al., “Methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure
and use in the urban region of Boston, Massachusetts,” PNAS, published
January 23, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1416261112
Harvard University led research on methane
emissions from natural gas infrastructure in
the Boston area. The 2015 study, published
in the Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, found that the average loss
rate from all components of the natural
gas system (inclusive of transmission,
distribution, and end use) was 2.7 percent.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Heating Fuel Oil
Unlike electricity and natural gas, there is no publicly available data source for actual consumption of heating fuel oil. We
have provided the option to input that data directly for those who have access to a local data set on heating oil use. The Tool’s
default approach will be to use a method of estimating consumption based on publicly available national and state datasets.
Question 1D:
Do you have access to complete heating oil consumption for residential, commercial
and industrial customers?
Yes – we have access to this data.
Great! You can move on to include that data as a direct input to your GHG inventory.
No – we do not have access to this data.
That’s OK – to estimate heating oil consumption, there are three publicly available datasets you will need to
download and use in the GHG inventory.
For residential heating fuel oil use the Tool uses US Census Bureau data on household heating fuel from the
American Community Survey. The data needed for your municipality are: Housing Tenure by Fuel Type and
Housing Tenure by Units in Structure, aggregated at the municipal level.
Download the housing tenure data for your community at: datacommon.mapc.org/browser/Housing
For commercial and industrial heating fuel oil use the Tool calculates a share of the statewide heating oil
usage, based on number of businesses and industries located within the municipality. This third data set
comes from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The data needed
are from their Employment and Wage (ES-202) survey. To download the data needed for the heating oil
estimation, fill out the fields as follows, making the necessary adjustments for Specific Geographic Area and
Selected Year. You will only need to input data for the 3-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) codes.
Access the ES-202 survey data at: http://lmi2.detma.org/lmi/lmi_es_a.asp
To learn more about our
methodology for estimating
heating oil consumption for
residential, commercial, and
industrial buildings, please
see Appendix A.
Energy Industries
Following the BASIC reporting principles of the Global Protocol and to
avoid the possibility of double counting emissions from local energy
producers, the GHG inventory tool assumes that the emissions from these
facilities are captured in the community-wide electricity or natural gas
consumption data. Facilities that use natural gas to produce electricity and
heat (co-generation) for use on-site are accounted for in the community-
wide natural gas consumption data. The emissions from facilities within
the community boundary that produce electricity to supply to the electric
grid are accounted for in the grid-supplied electricity emissions factor.
For informational purposes, it may be useful
to consider the emissions from local energy
producers if the community has plans to
work directly with these entities to reduce
emissions at those facilities. This includes
power plants, natural gas and oil production
and processing facilities, co-generation, and
waste-to-energy or bioenergy facilities. For
the most part, municipalities do not have a
high level of influence over decisions made
to reduce GHG emissions at these facilities.
However, your community might choose to
track GHG emissions from power producing
facilities separately in instances where
mitigation actions may impact their GHG
If your community chooses, emissions from
these facilities may be tracked in the Tool.
This supplementary data will not be added
to your inventory total, but you can choose
to track emissions separately using publicly
available data. Generators that emit more
than 25,000 MT CO2e annually are required
to report their GHG emissions to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. This data
has been prepopulated in the Tool for 2017.
You may access this data for other reporting
years at https://ghgdata.epa.gov/ghgp/
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Landscaping, Construction and Manufacturing Emissions
GHG emissions from off-road mobile activities are categorized according to how they occur. There are two
sources of off-road mobile emissions that are of primary concern locally – these are emissions from landscaping,
construction, and manufacturing activities. These GHG emissions are included in the Stationary Energy sector
because the combustion of fuel is localized and occurs off public roadways.
GHG emissions from landscape and construction equipment and manufacturing can be derived from a publicly
available U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission modeling system called the Motor Vehicle
Emission Simulator (MOVES). MOVES estimates emissions for mobile non-road sources at the national and county
level, which then need to be scaled down to the municipal scale.
For communities using an inventory year of 2017, MAPC has generated the county level MOVES outputs for public
use. This is available at: https://datacommon.mapc.org/browser/datasets/410
For landscaping, community level emissions are proportional to county-level data and based on the ratio of
landscaped area in your community versus the total landscaped area in the county. Emissions from construction
equipment are estimated using a proportion of square footage of commercial development under construction at
the county and community level. For manufacturing, community level emissions are proportional to county-level
data and based on a ratio of manufacturing jobs in your community versus the manufacturing jobs in your county.
Question 1E:
Does your community intend to use MOVES to calculate emissions from landscape equipment?
Yes — we have run this modeling, or have access to it, for our county.
Great! To allocate the county-level emissions figure for landscaping emissions from MOVES to your
municipality, you will need to create a proportion of total square footage of landscaped area in your
municipality to total landscaped area in the county. Where available, we recommend using local GIS
datasets to obtain this information. However, MassGIS publishes a land cover dataset that can be used to
approximate total landscaped area. MAPC has provided one data set to assist, by aggregating the amount
of “Developed Open Space” in the 2016 Land Cover/Land Use data set produced by MassGIS at the county
and municipal levels.
Download the land cover data for your community at: https://datacommon.mapc.org/browser/
To allocate the county-level emissions figure for construction emissions from MOVES to your municipality,
you will need to create a proportion of total square footage of commercial development under
construction in your municipality during the inventory year to the total square footage of commercial
development under construction in your county.
You can access this data from the commercial real estate database, CoStar, by submitting a data request
to MAPC’s Analytical Services Group: https://www.mapc.org/our-work/expertise/data-services/.
To allocate the county-level emissions figure for manufacturing emissions from MOVES to your
municipality, you will need to collect data from the American Community Survey on total employment
and manufacturing employment for your county and municipality.
Download the data for your county and municipality at: data.census.gov
No — we do not have access to MOVES estimates
At the time of publishing this guide, there is not a widely applicable alternative to using MOVES to
estimate GHG emissions from landscaping and construction equipment and manufacturing. You
may move onto the next section of the guide.
Emissions from on-road transportation and railways are calculated within the Transportation sector. GHG emissions
in this sector are caused directly, through the combustion of fuel, and indirectly, through the consumption of grid-
supplied electricity. Municipalities intersected by public transportation routes – regardless of whether there is a stop
within their boundary – must also account for these emissions. Public transportation that occurs on roadways, by
buses and trolley buses, is accounted for in the on-road transportation subsector. Public transportation that occurs
on railways, by commuter rail, heavy rail, and light rail, is accounted for in the railways subsector. This guide provides
data for public transportation operated by the MBTA for the 2017 base year. It also includes instructions for applying a
similar method to evaluate emissions from other regional transit authorities (RTAs).
On-road Passenger and Commercial Vehicles
All municipalities, regardless of size and location, must calculate emissions generated by the vehicles moving along
their roadways. There are a few approaches for doing so; this guide employs the resident activity method, where each
municipality quantifies the impact of only those vehicles registered within their city. This method is preferred because
it can be replicated on an annual basis and reduces the risk of double counting emissions from the allocation of cross-
boundary trips across multiple communities.
The Massachusetts Vehicle Census (MAVC), which is available for download on MAPC’s website, is the recommended
source when using the resident activity method. The MAVC combines information from vehicle registrations,
inspection records, mileage ratings, and other sources to document the ownership and mileage history of each vehicle.
To access the required information, you will need to download the MAVC tables for your community. Once downloaded,
you will need to navigate to the row with information on your municipality and copy data from the following fields.
Download the MAVC data for your community at: https://datacommon.mapc.org/browser/datasets/412
Noncommercial Passenger Vehicles Commercial Vehicles
Total vehicles by fuel type Total vehicles by fuel type
Total vehicles with valid mileage estimates
(DVMT) and fuel economy ratings (MPG)
by fuel type
Total vehicles with valid mileage estimates
(DVMT) and fuel economy ratings (MPG)
by fuel type
Average Daily Vehicle Miles Travelled
(DVMT) by fuel type
Average Daily Vehicle Miles Travelled
(DVMT) by fuel type
Average Fuel Efficiency (MPG) by fuel type Average Fuel Efficiency (MPG) by fuel type
Read more about the Vehicle
Census here: https://www.mapc.
The MAVC does not include municipal fleet vehicles. If you are a Green
Community you may choose to input the data from MassEnergyInsight on
gasoline and diesel use to account for all of municipal operations within your
GHG inventory. Refer to Question 1B.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Public Transportation (On-road and Railway)
Municipalities should begin their calculations by identifying what public transportation operates within their boundaries.
On-road buses and trolleys
Question 2A:
Are there public on-road and/or trolley bus routes within your municipality?
(Select ALL OPTIONS that are relevant)
Yes – the MBTA operates public buses in my municipality.
The MBTA operates buses in 55 municipalities in Massachusetts. If your municipality has bus
service, you should account for these emissions in your inventory. MAPC has prepared these
figures by municipality for a base year of 2017.
The MBTA operates two trolley bus networks, one, serving Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge, and
Watertown through bus routes 71, 72, 73, and 77A, and a second, serving downtown Boston through
the Silver Line. If your municipality has trolley bus service, you should account for these emissions
in your inventory. MAPC has prepared these figures by municipality for a base year of 2017.
Download the data for buses and trolleys at:
Yes – another regional transit authority operates public buses in my municipality.
In addition to the MBTA, there are 15 regional transit authorities (RTAs) operating within Massachusetts. If
one of these RTAs serves your municipality, you will need to request emissions attributable to routes within
your municipality. If the RTA does not have this information available, you may choose to exclude these
emissions or work with the RTA to calculate it using similar methods. (Check out the instructions below)
Yes – my municipality operates public buses
If your municipality operates its own public on-road or trolley buses, you will need to include
emissions attributable to these routes based on fuel consumption data. If your municipality does not
have this information available, you may choose to exclude these emissions from your GHG inventory.
No – there are no public bus or trolley routes within my municipality.
If this is the case, please proceed to the next set of questions on railways.
If your municipality is served by one or more of the fieen regional transit authorities (RTAs) that provide fixed route and
paratransit service across the state, your inventory should account for these emissions. We’ve outlined one approach for doing
so here, which is based on what information the RTA is likely to have available and what is possible to complete with limited
resources. If your RTA does not have the required information available, you feel you cannot conduct these calculations, or you
would like to pursue a more sophisticated approach, you should reach out to MAPC for technical assistance.
To start, contact your RTA and explain you are conducting a greenhouse gas inventory. Then request the following information:
Total fuel used for transportation during your inventory base year, by fuel type
Total route distance for the system during your inventory base year, by route or vehicle/fuel type
Total route distance for your municipality during your inventory base year, by route or vehicle/fuel type
Once you have this information on hand, create a ratio of route distance for your municipality to route distance for the system.
Then, multiply this figure by the total fuel used in your base year. Input this number in the Inventory Tool.
(route distance for your municipality / route distance for the system)*(total fuel used in base year) = fuel use attributed to
your municipality in base year
You will need to perform a separate calculation for each fuel type used within the regional transit authority serving your
This guide covers calculations for three different types of rail emissions: light rail and heavy rail, which use
electricity, and commuter rail, which uses diesel fuel. MAPC has prepared data tables for each line with
information on miles traveled by line and by fuel type for each municipality served by the MBTA in 2017.
Download the MBTA frequency weighted trip miles data for your community at:
Question 2B:
Which MBTA railways provide service within your municipality?
(Select ALL OPTIONS that are relevant)
The MBTA operates Light Rail in my municipality.
The Green Line and the Mattapan Trolley are both light rail systems operated by the MBTA. As
of the writing of this guide, the Green Line serves Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Newton
and the Mattapan Trolley serves Boston and Milton. Municipalities that are not served by the
Green Line or Mattapan Trolley do not need to include light rail calculations in their inventory.
The MBTA operates Heavy Rail in my municipality.
The MBTA operates three heavy rail lines: Blue, Orange, and Red. As of the writing of this
guide, at least one of these lines serves the following municipalities: Boston, Braintree,
Cambridge, Malden, Medford, Milton, Quincy, Revere, and Somerville. Municipalities
outside this territory do not need to include heavy rail calculations in their inventory.
The MBTA operates Commuter Rail in my municipality.
MBTA-operated commuter rail service extends to 101 out of the 351 municipalities in the Commonwealth.
Municipalities outside this territory do not need to include commuter rail calculations in their inventory.
None of the above – the MBTA does not operate any railways in my municipality.
If this is the case, please proceed to the next set of questions.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
The waste sector is composed of all emissions that result from the disposal of solid waste and treatment of
wastewater generated within the geography boundary of the GHG inventory. This guide covers data collection for
municipal solid waste and for wastewater generated within the community.
Solid waste is generated by residents and visitors, businesses, public entities, and other organizations in the
community. There are two main sources of emissions from solid waste: waste sent to landfill and waste sent to
incineration. Emissions from composting and anaerobic digestion are also considered.
Municipal Solid Waste
Landfilled waste results in methane emissions as organic materials decompose in the anaerobic (non-oxygen)
environment of a landfill. Organic materials (e.g., paper, plant debris, food waste, and so forth) generate methane
while non-organic materials do not (e.g., metal, glass, and so forth). Landfill emissions estimates are based on a
variety of factors, including whether it is an open or closed landfill, the volume of waste, and whether the landfill
has a landfill gas collection system.
For landfilled waste, GHG inventories should account for methane emissions. These emissions are
estimated using the Methane Commitment Model, which assigns the total lifetime emissions based on the
amount waste sent to landfill in a given year.
Incineration of waste results in carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions as the waste is
burned. GHG emissions from waste generated within the city boundary that is incinerated outside the city
are included but are considered as Scope 2 emissions (i.e., those emissions resulting from the consumption
of grid supplied electricity) and included as part of the grid-supplied electricity emissions factor.
The biological treatment of waste through either composting or anaerobic digestion results in methane
and nitrous oxide emissions. The emissions factors used are determined based on type of treatment
occurring and any methane gas recovery that may be occurring onsite.
You will need to collect information on the amount of waste generated by residents and businesses,
characteristics of the waste stream, and how the waste is disposed of in your community to determine the
amount of waste management related emissions.
This guide does not cover all waste generated outside of the Municipal Solid Waste stream. However, depending
on who is served by your municipal solid waste collection services, some additional data may need to be collected
to ensure that all waste generated by residents and municipal operations is included in your GHG inventory.
To learn more about the
Methane Commitment Model,
go to page 90 in Chapter 8 of
the Global Protocol.
Any energy consumed on-site to
recycle the materials would be
accounted for in the stationary
energy sector from any electricity
use or combusted fuel. Recyclables
also do not emit any methane gas
during the refurbishing processes,
so the total tonnage of recycling
does not need to be accounted for
in a methane commitment model.
Question 3A:
Does your Department of Public Works collect data on municipal solid waste (MSW)
by method of disposal?
Yes – we have data on MSW by method of disposal.
Great! To complete your inventory, you will need to collect the total tons of municipal
solid waste generated during the inventory year. You will also need to determine a
breakdown in total tonnage for MSW sent to landfill, incineration, composting, and
anerobic digestion. You can choose to do this by applying your known percentages
to the total tons of MSW, or by providing the specific tons by disposal method. Any
reported yard waste collected should be added to either compost or anaerobic
digestion – depending on the method through which it is disposed.
Disposal Method
Tons Generated in
Inventory Year
Percentage of
Total MSW
Landfill %
Incineration %
Composter %
Anaerobic digestion %
No – we do not have data on MSW by method of disposal.
You may use a default diversion rate of 65% of solid waste
goes to incineration and 35% goes to landfill. This aligns with
the Massachusetts statewide average.
There are a few characteristics that may
guide whether to use the MA statewide
average for diversion. Most municipalities
that send their solid waste to an incinerator
have long-term contracts that require all
waste be sent to that location only. In this
case, you could assume a 100% diversion
rate to incineration. However, municipalities
that use transfer stations are likely sending
a portion of the waste to landfills. In this
case, we recommend using the MA statewide
average in the absence of local data from your
Department of Public Works.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Question 3B:
Has your community recently completed a waste characteristics survey?
Yes – We recently completed a waste characteristics survey.
Great! You will need to collect this information to identify the percent of waste content in household
trash. You will need to align the content categories from your local survey with the following as much as
possible: Food Waste, Garden and Plant Waste, Paper, Wood, Textiles, and Industrial Waste. For categories
that include multiple categories from your survey, you will need to sum the percentages accordingly.
% of waste content Inventory Category Categories Included from Survey
Food Waste Ex: organic materials, compost
Garden and Plant Waste Ex: yard waste, leaf collection
Paper Ex: recyclable items, other trash
Wood Ex: construction or demolition debris
Industrial Waste Ex: household hazardous waste
No – We have not done a waste characteristics survey.
You will use the weighted averages found in the Massachusetts Summary of Waste
Combustor class II Recycling Program Waste Characterization Studies.
The average
waste characteristics from this study will be automatically populated in the Tool.
2 https://www.mass.gov/guides/solid-waste-master-plan#-waste-characterization-&-capacity-studies-
Question 3C:
Do your municipal solid waste collection services cover all residents, school buildings
and businesses?
Yes — Our municipal solid waste collection covers all residents, schools, and/or businesses.
This means that no residents are served by private waste haulers in your community. No additional
data needs to be collected for your GHG inventory.
No — Some residents are served by private waste haulers.
To determine this, your will need to obtain the number of households from the ACS and determine the
difference between that and the number of households reported in the MassDEP survey (see below).
If they match, you may move on to the next step! If not, you may choose to use the MSW number and
divide by households served to determine an average amount of waste generated and apply that to
the remaining households to estimate residential waste disposed by private waste haulers. This is an
optional input that can be included in the Tool for tons of waste collected by private waste haulers.
Access total number of households at https://datacommon.mapc.org/browser/datasets/211
No — Our public schools are serviced separately from municipal solid waste.
You may choose to estimate emissions from public schools separately as an optional input to include
in the Tool for tons of waste collected by private waste haulers. To do so, you will need to collect data
to support an estimation of the amount of solid waste generated by public schools. You will need to
collect data on the number of students enrolled at each school during the inventory year and the type
of school (e.g., elementary, middle, or high school).
These inputs can then be used to estimate food waste (i.e., organic waste) generated by
schools in your community following guidance from RecyclingWorks Massachusetts: https://
No — Businesses are served by private waste haulers.
You may exclude this category from the inventory since
this will be a small portion of the overall GHG emissions.
At the time of publishing this guide, localized and/or
industry specific waste generation factors do not exist
at a level robust enough to support inclusion of an
estimation methodology for waste disposed by private
haulers. In the interim, the Tool provides open input fields
for communities that do have access to robust data or
estimates on commercial waste.
While you can always check with your
DPW, you may also be able to confirm
this by reviewing the data reported by
MassDEP on an annual basis through
their Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling
survey. This data is available at www.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Wastewater treatment can result in methane and/or nitrous oxide emissions. The wastewater from many
Boston-area communities is treated at the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Boston. Typically, very
little methane is released from the treatment process at Deer Island. The plant uses up to 97% of the methane
for heating the digester tanks or a cogeneration system where it is used to heat buildings and generate
electricity via steam turbine generators. Similarly, treatment plants in Lawrence, Rockland, Clinton and Pittsfield
use methane capture systems that significantly reduce the release of GHG emissions. Because of this, methane
emissions associated with wastewater treatment can be excluded from communities served by these facilities.
If your community’s wastewater is not treated at one of these facilities, methane emissions will be estimated
using default population-based emissions factors use by MassDEP for the statewide emissions inventory.
Nitrous oxide emissions also occur as a bi-product of the wastewater treatment process after it is discharged
into waterways. At Deer Island nitrous oxide emissions are primarily from treated effluent being discharged into
the ocean. For communities by any wastewater treatment facility, the nitrous oxide emissions from the treated
effluent also needs to be accounted for. To determine the amount of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater
treatment effluent, the total population of the community served by the treatment facility is needed as well as
the per capita protein consumption value.
Question 3D:
Is your community’s wastewater treated by MWRA at Deer Island or the Lawrence,
Rockland, Clinton, or Pittsfield treatment facilities?
Yes — we are served by one or more of these treatment facilities.
Only nitrous oxide emissions will be estimated for the wastewater that is sent to these
facilities. You will need to contact your Department of Public Works for the number of people
in your community served by a treatment plant in the Tool.
For those in your community who are not served by these facilities, both Methane and nitrous
oxide emissions will be estimated. You will need to download the annual estimates for your
community’s population from the U.S. Census Bureau’s City and Town population data set.
Access population data at: https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/
No — we are not served by any of these facilities.
Both Methane and nitrous oxide emissions will be estimated for your entire community. You
will need to download the annual estimates for your community’s population from the U.S.
Census Bureau’s City and Town population data set.
Access population data at: https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/
Data Collection Worsheet
This worksheet can be used to collect the necessary data in one place
to streamline the process of inputting data into the Tool later on. Refer
back to the questions in the Checklist to Define Local Characteristics
and the supporting information provided in the step-by-step sections of
this guide to complete the worksheet. This worksheet will also provide
you with a consolidated list of all of the data sources used for your
community’s GHG inventory, making documentation of your methods
at the end of the process much easier.
Data Collection Worksheet
Use this worksheet to collect all the necessary input data to complete your community’s greenhouse gas
inventory. This is a single location for you to collect all of the information and document any data sources
specific to your community. This worksheet correlates directly with the INPUTS tab of the Tool.
Stationary Energy
Question 1A: Electricity & Natural Gas (Mandatory)
Data source: Data year:
Question 1E:
Construction, Landscaping, & Manufacturing (If YES)
Part 1: Landscaping
Data source: Data year:
Question 1B: Municipal Operations (Optional)
Data source: Data year:
Question 1C: Electricity Emissions (If YES)
Data source: Data year:
Question 1D: Heating Oil (if YES)
Data source: Data year:
Total MWh Total therms
Residential customers
Commercial and Industrial
Total square
Total square
Estimated landscaped
Total square
Total square
construction under
Total Employment
gallons oil
Total gallons diesel Total gallons gasoline
Total Annual Electricity
Consumption (kWh/
Yea r)
% of Class
I Voluntary
Residential Rate 1
Residential Rate 2
Residential Rate 3
Residential Rate 4
Commercial &
Industrial Rate 1
Commercial &
Industrial Rate 2
Commercial &
Industrial Rate 3
Commercial &
Industrial Rate 4
Total oil use
Total therms
Residential customers
Commercial and Industrial
Question 1D: Heating Oil (if NO)
See Page 2 of this worksheet
Part 2: Construction
Data source: Data year:
Part 3: Manufacturing
Data source: Data year:
Question 1D: Heating Oil (If NO)
Collect the following inputs to support estimation of heating oil
across residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Part 1: Housing Tenure by Units in Structure
Data source: Data year:
Units in Structure Number of Households
1-unit, detached
1-unit, attached
2 units
3 or 4 units
5 to 9 units
10 to 19 units
20 or more units
Mobile homes
Heating Fuel
Percent Occupied Housing
Units in Community
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
Number of
Avg. Monthly
Part 2: Housing Tenure by Fuel Type
Data source: Data year:
Part 3: Industry Employment and Wages
Data source: Data year:
Question 2A: On-road buses and trolley buses
Data source: Data year:
Question 2B: MBTA Railways
Data source: Data year:
On-road passenger and commercial vehicles (Mandatory)
Data source: Data year:
Vehicle Fuel Total Vehicles Total DVMT and MPG Vehicles
Average Daily Vehicle
Miles Travelled (DVMT)
Average Fuel Economy
Rating (MPG)
Passenger Vehicles
Gasoline (Hybrid)
Commercial Vehicles
Gasoline (Hybrid)
VMT with
VMT with
VMT with
MBTA Silver Line
Trackless Trolley
All MBTA Bus
(Excluding Silver Line)
VMT with
VMT with
Blue Line (Heavy Rail)
Orange Line (Heavy Rail)
Red Line (Heavy Rail)
Green Line (Light Rail)
Mattapan Trolley (Light Rail)
Commuter Rail
If served by a municipally operated bus or an RTA (optional)
Data source: Data year:
On-road Public Transit Type
City/Town Annual
Gasoline Consumption
City/Town Annual Diesel
Consumption (gal/year)
City/Town CNG
Consumption (MMBTU/
City/Town Electricity
Consumption (kWh/
RTA 1 Bus Routes
RTA 2 Bus Routes
RTA 3 Bus Routes
Municipally-operated buses
Question 3A: Municipal Solid Waste Disposal (If YES)
Data source: Data year:
Question 3B: Waste Characterization (If YES)
Data source: Data year:
Question 3C: Share of Residents Served (If NO)
Data source: Data year:
Question 3C: Public Schools (If NO)
Data source: Data year:
Question 3D: Waste Treatment
Data source: Data year:
Tons Generated in Inventory Year Percentage of Total MSW
Landfill %
Incineration %
Composting %
Anaerobic digestion
% of waste content Inventory Category Categories Included from Survey
Food Waste Ex: organic materials, compost
Garden and Plant Waste Ex: yard waste, leaf collection
Paper Ex: recyclable items, other trash
Wood Ex: construction or demolition debris
# of household waste
Served by MSW collection
Total in Municipality
# of students enrolled # of schools
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Total Population
% of Population served
by Treatment Plant
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
e next step to completing your GHG inventory will be to input all the data you have collected in
the corresponding elds in the “Inputs” section of the Tool. To proceed in this section you will need:
A completed data collection worksheet for your community with data for the appropriate
inventory year
A blank copy of the Tool to input the data
Naviatin the Tool
When using the Tool, the only tab you will need to add your data to is the “Inputs” sheet of the
spreadsheet. This tab is connected to all of the summary sheets and sector-specific sheets. You can also
update the “Introduction” sheet to reflect the name of your municipality and appropriate inventory year.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
The “All Emissions – Summary” sheet and “Report Charts” is where you can view
all of your emissions data outputs. These two sheets provide you with summary
tables and charts by sector, subsector, fuel type, and scope.
Each sector (Stationary Energy, Transportation, and Waste) has summary sheets
that will populate with the output data from the subsectors covered by the sector.
Example: Stationary Energy – Summary
The final “Emissions Factors” sheet in the spreadsheet is where you can view
all of the information about the emissions factors and other conversion factors
applied throughout the Tool. This is where you can see the methodology
applied if your community has a Green Aggregation Program (Question 1C).
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Input the collected data
The “Inputs” sheet provides guidance as you walk through
each sector and subsector on how to gather and where to add
the data collected. You will need to enter community-specific
data from your worksheet using the instructions provided.
Green cells must be updated for the Tool to function properly
(mandatory inputs). Blue cells are not applicable to all
communities (optional inputs). Read the instructions provided
throughout the “Inputs” sheet to determine if the orange cells
are applicable to your community.
Review all inputs and summary tables
and charts
One you have completed entry of all of your data, review the “All
Emissions – Summary” and “Charts” tab to verify that the data is
displaying correctly and there are no errors in the formulas.
Once everything looks good, you are ready to incorporate your
GHG inventory results into other documents as context on GHG
emissions within your community!
Document your choices
Using the information in your completed inventory, Check List on
Local Characteristics, and Data Collection Worksheet, you can move
on to document the methodology choices made in the Methodology
Template in Appendix A.
The Methodology Template will provide you with the base
documentation of all of the calculations and data sources used in
the guide and the space to document the key decisions you made
on what data to collect and include in your inventory. The Template
also provides a space for communities to input their data sources
and estimation approach for any of the optional data inputs, such as
regional transit authorities and waste collected by private haulers.
The Methodology Template is organized to align with the questions
raised throughout the guide, so that you can easily check off the
data decisions and applicable method sections to use to document
the methodology supporting your GHG inventory.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
is guide is meant to be a companion to MAPC’s Community Greenhouse Gas
Inventory Tool and relies on several key resources to support its technical methods and
approaches. e authors recommend that users of this guide also refer to the following
resources and tools for additional support and detail on the supporting methodologies.
The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (“GPC”) is the
foundational resource that guided the development of this guide. Published by World Resources Institute,
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) in 2014 – this
is the globally accepted framework for creating an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions at the community
level. The framework provides communities with guidance on how to calculate emissions for each sector and
what activity data is needed to calculate these emissions. The GPC refers to and relies on methodologies put
forth in the IPCC guidelines and scales the national approach down to the community-scale.
The GPC also draws on methods produced in the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
These guidelines were updated in 2006 at the request of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). These guidelines serve as good practice guidance on internationally agreed upon
methodologies for use by countries to estimate greenhouse gas inventories to report to the UNFCCC. Each
chapter provides detailed guidance on the appropriate methods to account for GHG emissions and average
factors to use at the national level. These national factors are often used in local GHG inventories in the
absence of more localized information.
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network for local and regional governments
and provides resources and support through the network. ICLEI USA has produced several accompanying
protocols, including the U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas
Emissions, the Local Government Operations Protocol, and the Recycling and Composting Emissions
Protocol. Another free resource to ICLEI members is ClearPath, which is an online GHG emissions inventory
development tool that is available to all ICLEI members and consultants supporting ICLEI members.
Appendix A:
MAPC Community reenhouse as Inventory Tool Methodoloy Template
This Appendix summarizes the inventory methodology used for the Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s (MAPC)
Community Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Tool (“the Tool”). The inventory methodologies are described in detail by
sector and subsector.
Throughout the appendix, you will be prompted to add information and select the appropriate sections that apply to
your community based on the data collection decisions you made in creating your GHG inventory using the Tool.
Methodology Basics
The Tool is designed to enable communities in Massachusetts to complete a community-wide inventory that follows the
Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (“Global Protocol”) which was developed by
the World Resources Institute, C40 Cities, and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and is required by The Global
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (Global Covenant).
Emission Sectors and Sources
The Tool accounts for emissions from the following sources, as required by the Global Protocol’s BASIC level of reporting:
Stationary energy use from residents, businesses and off-road equipment
On-road private and public transportation and rail transportation
Solid waste and wastewater disposal and treatment
As part of this process, DNV GL and MAPC assessed the possibility of including emissions from product use, industrial
processes, and land-use. Due to the limited data availability for these activities, they were not included. Table 1
summarizes the sectors, sub-sectors, emissions sources and energy types included in the Tool.
1 The Global Covenant of Mayor’s for Climate and Energy is the new designation for the Compact of Mayors. The Compact of Mayors
was launched by UN Secretary, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) –with support from UN-Habitat, the UN’s lead agency on urban issues.
Sectors, Sub-sectors, Emissions Sources and Energy Types included in the Tool
Sector Sub-sector Emissions sources Energy types
Residential Buildings
Energy use in residential build-ings as well as
losses from distribution systems
Natural gas
Heating Fuel Oil
Commercial and &
Institutional Buildings &
Manufacturing Industries
Energy use in commercial, government, industrial
and institutional buildings as well as losses from
distribution systems
Construction Energy use associated with construction activities
Energy Industries*
Stationary combustion of fuel in various
equipment, such as boilers and generators.
Various – may include
natural gas, propane, and
Transportation Transportation
All on-road vehicles
Off-road vehicles/equipment
Solid Waste
Incineration of waste generated in the community
Landfill gas (methane)
Process and fugitive emissions from treating
Not applicable
*Note: Reporting of Energy Industries emissions is not required under GPC BASIC reporting requirements. For this reason, Energy Industries
emissions are included for informational purposes only
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Geographic Boundary
For the Tool, the administrative boundary for each community has been chosen as the geographic boundary for
inventory purposes. Establishing this geographic boundary does not exclude emissions related to community activities
that occur outside the community geographic limits (e.g. electricity generation or landfilled waste emissions).
Inventory Year
V4 of the Tool is set up to quantify GHG emissions for an inventory year of 2017, based on the availability of public data sets.
The Tool identifies the additional data sets that will need to be updated to quantify GHG emissions for a year other than 2017.
If your community chose a year other than 2017 for the GHG Inventory, indicate the appropriate year in the following table.
Inventory Year
Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions
All emissions in this inventory are quantified using activity-based methodologies, which calculate emissions using activity
data from each sector and emission factors. To calculate emissions accordingly, the basic equation is:
Activity Data (units) x Emission Factor (MT of GHG / unit) = Emissions (MT GHG).
Activity data refer to the relevant measurement of energy use or other GHG-generating processes such as fuel consumption
by fuel type, metered annual electricity consumption, and annual vehicle miles traveled. Known emission factors are used
to convert energy usage or other activity data into associated quantities of GHG emissions. Emissions factors are usually
expressed in terms of emissions per unit of activity data (e.g., metric tons of CO2 per kWh of electricity).
Stationary Energy – Electricity
Data Summary
Grid-supplied electricity is provided throughout each community and powers the residential, commercial, and industrial
sectors, in addition to community infrastructure and many transport systems. A majority of Massachusetts communities
served by investor-owned utilities have access to aggregated community-wide electricity consumption data through the
MassSaveData website. For this reason, MassSaveData was used as the primary source for electricity consumption data in the
Tool. Electricity consumption data from MassSave is broken out into two sectors – Residential and Commercial & Industrial.
The Global Protocol also requires accounting of losses from transmission and distribution systems. A Massachusetts-specific
electricity transmission and distribution grid loss factor of 5.13% (for the year 2017) was calculated using guidance from the
U.S. Energy Information Administration. The loss factor was determined by dividing the states estimated losses by the result
of total disposition minus direct use. Direct use electricity is the electricity generated mainly at non-utility facilities and that
is not put onto the electricity transmission and distribution grid, and therefore direct use electricity does not contribute to
transmission and distribution losses. This data is provided by EIA in their state electricity profile for Massachusetts within
Table 10: Supply and Disposition of Electricity.
For those communities served by municipal utilities or whose data is not available through MassSaveData:
In this instance, electricity data may have been collected separately through a direct request to the electric utility serving
your community. Please document the data source for your electricity data in the table provided below.
Utility Name Contact Name and Email Data Year Date Received
For those communities that collected data for their GHG inventory in response to Question 1B:
For municipally-owned buildings and facilities, electricity consumption data is sourced from MassEnergyInsight (MEI).
MEI is an online energy benchmarking tool provided to Massachusetts cities and towns that are designated through the
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Green Communities Program.
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
In accordance with Section 6.5 of the Global Protocol, the market-based approach for determining electricity emission factors
was used in the Tool. The Global Protocol allows communities to use either a location-based or market-based approach to
calculate emissions from grid-supplied electricity. The Tool includes default annual emissions factors for 2017 from MassDEP’s
GHG emissions reporting summaries.
Per guidance from DEP, and in accordance with the State's GHG inventory, the
"Massachusetts-based approach" non-biogenic electricity emissions factor was used as the base assumption. CO2, CH4 and
N2O electricity emission factors are provided in the DEP data.
Once the state-level default emission factor is determined, the Tool enables utility-specific adjustments to the electricity
emission factors based on that utility’s percent of total electricity sales reported to the DEP as non-emitting. Some utilities
voluntarily report the percent of electricity sales from non-emitting resources to the DEP. If a utility voluntarily reports this
information to the DEP, it is used as an input in the Tool to adjust the default State electricity emissions factor accordingly. If a
utility does not voluntarily report this information to the DEP, the State average percent of electricity sales from non-emitting
resources is used as a default in the Tool.
Reported emissions from all grid-supplied electricity consumed within the community boundary are reported as Scope 2
emissions. BASIC/BASIC+ reporting avoids double counting by excluding Scope 1 emissions from electricity generation supplied
to the grid.
For those communities that collected data for their GHG Inventory in response to Question 1C:
Cities with municipal aggregation programs will have multiple electricity emission factors depending on the specific service
offering (e.g. 5% Class I RECs, 50% Class I RECs, 100% Class I RECs). If a community has a municipal aggregation program, this
data on the percent of Class I RECs by service offering is also used as an input in the Tool to adjust the default State electricity
emissions factor.
Please document the data source for your community’s green municipal aggregation program in the table provided below.
Aggregation Provider Contact Name and Email Data Year Date Received
Stationary Energy – Natural Gas
Data Summary
Grid-supplied natural gas is provided throughout most cities in Massachusetts and is primarily used by the residential,
commercial, and industrial sectors for heat and hot water production. Natural gas is provided to cities either by an investor-
owned utility (IOU) or through a municipal utility.
A majority of Massachusetts communities served by IOUs have access to aggregated community-wide natural gas consumption
data through the MassSaveData website. For this reason, MassSaveData was used as the source for natural gas consumption
data for most cities in the Tool. Natural gas consumption data from MassSave is broken out into two sectors – Residential and
Commercial & Industrial.
The Global Protocol also requires accounting of losses from distribution systems. Based on an assessment of several studies
that have been done on the subject of gas leakage from the distribution system network in and around the Boston, the Tool
uses an average leakage rate of 2.7%. According to the Harvard study in the Boston area, 2.7%
is the average fractional loss
rate of natural gas to the atmosphere from all downstream components of the natural gas system, including transmission,
distribution, and end use.
For those communities served by municipal utilities or whose data is not available through MassSaveData:
In this instance, natural gas data may have been collected separately through a direct request to the natural gas utility serving
your community. Please document the data source for your natural gas data in the table provided below.
Utility Name Contact Name and Email Data Year Date Received
1 MassDEP. “Draft 2017 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Factors to be used by Retail Sellers of Electricity Reporting under 310 CMR 7.71(9)
‘Reporting Requirements for Retail Sellers of Electricity.” 2019. https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2019/05/30/rsef17-tsd.pdf
2 McKain, Et al., 2014. “Methane emissions form natural gas infrastructure and use in the urban region of Boston, Massachusetts.” https://www.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
For municipally-owned buildings and facilities, natural gas consumption data is sourced from MassEnergyInsight (MEI).
MEI is an online energy benchmarking tool provided to Massachusetts cities and towns that are designated through the
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Green Communities Program.
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
In accordance with Section 6.3 of the Global Protocol, real consumption data for each fuel type, disaggregated by sector
was used for the inventory. Reported emissions from the usage of natural gas within the community’s boundaries were
reported as Scope 1 emissions. A universal emission factor provided by The Climate Registry was used to calculate natural
gas emissions.
Table A1: Natural Gas Combustion Emissions Rate
Type of Emission CO2 Emission Factor
(kg CO2 / MMBtu)
CO2 Emission Factor
(MT CO2 / Therm)
Natural Gas Consumption 53.06 0.0053 TCR
*Note CH4 or N2O are not included because these emissions are considered to be de minimis
Methane (CH4) emissions associated with distribution system leakage is also accounted for in the Tool. The total CO2
equivalent (CO2e) emissions factor for fugitive emissions from natural gas leakage was determined based on:
Volume of natural gas per heat energy (m3 gas/therm gas)
A density value of natural gas of 0.7 kg/m3 based on values provided in the GHG Protocol stationary combustion tool
The IPCC Tier 1 default for the mass fraction of methane in delivered natural gas (93.4%)
A carbon dioxide content of 1.0% in the delivered natural gas
The overall emissions factor was then calculated to be 0.0518 MT CO2e/leaked therm.
Stationary Energy – Fuel Oil
Data Summary
Residential Buildings
For the Tool, residential oil usage data was based on the number of housing units in each community by type from the
2017 American Community Survey (ACS), and a percentage of units determined to be heated with fuel oil from the 2017
ACS. The property types identified were:
Single-Family, Detached
Single-Family, Attached
Multi-Family, 2-4 Units
Multi-Family, 5+ Units
Mobile Homes
The average residential site fuel oil consumption by property type in Massachusetts was estimated using data from the
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) on the average fuel oil
consumption by property type and percent of total housing units by residential building type in the U.S., the number of
housing units in Massachusetts by property type in Massachusetts, and the average fuel oil consumption averaged across
all residential building types in Massachusetts. National-level and state-level data was used in places where community-
level data was not available. This combination of national-level, state-level and community-level data was used to
estimated annual fuel oil consumption by property type in the community.
3 2015 Climate Registry Default Emissions Factors, released April 2015
Commercial Buildings
For the Commercial sector, fuel oil use estimates were based on the total number of employees and total number
establishments by Primary Building Activity (PBA) in each community and the average expected energy use per employee
in the Northeast region. The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOWLD) ES-202 Employment and
Wages Survey lists the number of employees and establishments by industry for each community, sorted by North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes.
The EIA 2012 Commercial Building Energy Survey (CBECS)
analyzes energy use and consumption data per employee in the northeast based on Primary Building Activity (PBA). Table
A2 below (generated by EIA) correlates the PBA codes used in CBECS with standard three-digit NAICS codes.
Table A2: Commercial Primary Building Activity (PBA) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes
PBA NAICS Code (3-digit)
Education 611
Food Sales 445
Food Service 722
Inpatient Health Care 622
Lodging 623,721
Office 454, 481, 511, 516, 517, 518, 519, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 531,
533, 541, 551, 561, 624, 921, 923, 924, 925, 926, 928
Other 562, 927
Outpatient Health Care 621
Public Assembly 482, 485, 487, 512, 515, 711, 712, 713
Public Order/ Safety 922
Religious Worship 813
Retail (Mall) 446, 448
Retail (Non-mall) 441, 442, 443, 444, 451, 452, 453, 532
Service 447, 483, 484, 488, 491, 492, 811, 812
Warehouse/Storage 423, 424, 493
Fuel oil consumption by building type was not available for all PBAs but natural gas use for all PBAs was available. For these
building types, a comparison between average fuel oil use to average natural gas use in the same building types was used,
using Office buildings as a baseline. So, for example, if a specific PBA that uses natural gas uses 50% more natural gas
than an Office building using natural gas, the analysis assumes that if the same PBA used fuel oil, it would use 50% more
fuel oil than an Office building. This is the preferred method, as it yields a more conservative estimate.
4 Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. “EOWLD ES-292 Employment and Wages Survey” http://lmi2.detma.org/lmi/
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Industrial Buildings
For the industrial sector, data was collected similarly to commercial data. Fuel oil use estimates were based on the total
number of employees and total number of establishments by PBA in each community and the average expected energy
use per employee in the Northeast region. The EOWLD ES-202 Employment and Wages Survey lists the number of
employees and establishments by industry for each community, sorted by NAICS codes.
The EIA 2014 Manufacturing
Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) analyzes energy use and consumption data based on PBA. Table A3 below
(generated by EIA) correlates the PBA codes used in MECS with standard three-digit NAICS codes. Industrial energy uses
between 100 and 200 (such as power generation and utility operations) were not incorporated in this methodology.
Table A3: Industrial NAICS Codes
PBA NAICS Code (3-digit)
Apparel 315
Beverage and Tobacco Products 312
Chemicals 325
Computer and Electronic Products 334
Electrical Equip., Appliances, and Components 335
Fabricated Metal Products 332
Food 311
Furniture and Related Products 337
Leather and Allied Products 316
Machinery 333
Miscellaneous 339
Nonmetallic Mineral Products 327
Paper 322
Petroleum and Coal Products 324
Plastics and Rubber Products 326
Primary Metals 331
Printing and Related Support 323
Textile Mills 313
Textile Product Mills 314
Transportation Equipment 336
Wood Products 321
For those communities that collected data for their GHG inventory in response to Question 1B:
For municipally-owned buildings and facilities, natural gas consumption data is sourced from MassEnergyInsight (MEI).
Fuel oil is manually entered into MEI on an annual basis for Green Communities reporting. For those communities not
participating in the Green Communities program, municipal government will have to work with internal departments
or heating oil companies to determine the total fuel oil consumption associated with municipally-owned buildings and
facilities in a given calendar year.
5 Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. “EOWLD ES-292 Employment and Wages Survey” http://lmi2.detma.org/lmi/
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
In accordance with Section 6.3 of the Global Protocol, and as detailed above, a collection of representative
consumption surveys, modelled energy consumption, and regional and national fuel consumption data was used to
properly characterize fuel oil consumption in each community within the Tool. Reported emissions from the usage of
fuel oil within each community’s boundaries were reported as Scope 1 emissions. Universal emission factors provided
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was used to calculate fuel oil emissions.
Table A4: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Rates
Type of Emission
CO2 Emission Factor
(MT CO2 / MMBtu)
CH4 Emissions Factor
(MT CH4 / MMBtu)
N2O Emissions Factor
(MT N2O / MMBtu)
Fuel Oil Combustion
(Distillate Fuel Oil #2)
0.07396 0.000003 0.0000006 EPA
Stationary Energy – Off-Road Vehicles and Equipment
Data Summary
The off-road data is derived from a publicly available U.S. EPA emission modeling system called the Motor Vehicle
Emission Simulator (MOVES). MOVES estimates emissions for mobile non-road sources at the national and county
level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. The Tool is designed to take county-level off-road
emissions data for each county and apportion it to individual communities based on a proportionality multiplier.
The MOVES2014b modeling tool multiplies equipment population, average load factor expressed as an average
fraction of available power, available power in horsepower, hours of use per year, and emission factors with
deterioration and/or new standards. Emissions are then temporally and geographically allocated using appropriate
allocation factors. This produces emissions estimates attributable to many non-road activities but does not include
aircraft, commercial marine vessels, or rail, which are the primary non-road transportation sources contributing to
GHG emissions.
Table A5 summarizes the methodologies used for each of the off-road emission sources.
Table A5: Off-road Emissions Sources and Methodologies
Off-Road Mobile Emission Source Proportionality Multiplier Source Category
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Jobs Manufacturing Industries
Lawn and Garden Equipment Square Feet of Developed Open Space Comm. & Inst. Buildings
Light Commercial Equipment Total Jobs Excluding Manufacturing Jobs Comm. & Inst. Buildings
Construction Equipment Square Feet of Commercial Development
Under Construction
Data on manufacturing employment and total employment at both the community and county level is derived from
the U.S. Census. MAPC generated a supporting dataset on square feet of developed open space by municipality and
county from the 2016 Land Cover / Land Use data set produced by MassGIS. Aggregated data from CoStar was used
to determine square feet of commercial development under construction by municipality and county.
GPC Quantification Method Used
In accordance with Section 6.3 and 7.7 of the Global Protocol, the community-wide inventory used the modeling
tool MOVES2014b data, disaggregated by sub-sector. Emissions factor modeling parameters in MOVES2014b
were developed and used to produce emissions factors and the emissions outputs were restricted to county-level
geographic bounds, the smallest subdivision possible in the model.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Stationary Energy – Energy Industries
Data Summary
Data on emissions generation by the energy industry for each community was provided by the EPA's Greenhouse Gas
Reporting Program (GHGRP). All facilities included in the database, excluding landfills that do not generate electricity, are
included in the Tool. These facilities are required to report biogenic CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions excluding biogenic CO2
or co-generation power plants, if the electricity generated from these facilities is consumed directly within the community
(e.g. co-generation facility at large business or university), the emissions from this power plant should be captured under
BASIC/BASIC+ GPC reporting guidelines. The natural gas consumption and associated emissions required to generate
electricity at these power plants is captured in the utility data used to calculate emissions from the Stationary Energy:
Buildings sector and included in the total reported emissions. Therefore, the EPA data on emissions associated with each co-
generation facility is provided for informational purposes only.
For traditional power plants without co-generation, all electricity produced is sent directly to the regional electrical grid. This
energy is part of the regional electricity mix and consumed by all communities that use electricity from the regional grid.
For this reason, the direct emissions from these power plants should not be captured under BASIC/BASIC+ GPC reporting
guidelines. In other words, the emissions from these power plants are dispersed across the region instead of solely being
attributed to the community in which the power plant is physically located. The emissions are captured in the Tool as part of
the regional electricity emission factor that influences Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption associated with the
regional grid.
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
For the reasons stated in the data summary above, emissions from this subsector are not quantified to avoid double counting.
Transportation – On-road Passenger and Commercial Vehicles
Data Summary
At the time of releasing the Tool, 2014 was the most recent year of complete and accurate data available from the
Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles as they transition to a new system for storing their data. Communities should use
more recent years as they become available in the future.
The private on-road vehicle data is derived from the Massachusetts Vehicle Census (MAVC)
, which is a catalog of information
about vehicles registered in the Commonwealth from 2009 to 2014 developed by MAPC. The MAVC combines information
from vehicle registrations, inspection records, mileage ratings, and other sources to document the ownership and mileage
history of each vehicle (Massachusetts Vehicle Census v.3, 2009 – 2014 Technical Documentation October 10, 2016).
In the context of the Tool, the MAVC provides counts of the number of vehicles garaged in each municipality broken out by
passenger and commercial vehicles and by fuel type. Fuel types included gasoline, diesel, flex fuel, hybrid, and electric. In
addition to counts, the MAVC provides average vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and average fuel efficiency of vehicles. The MAVC
data for 2009 to 2014 include commercial vehicle fleets and rental cars but do not include municipally-operated vehicles, such
as police cars or school buses.
6 https://www.mapc.org/learn/data/#vehiclecensus
Table A6: Detailed Attributes Reported for On-road Vehicles Garaged in Massachusetts
Attribute Details
Total vehicles, based on the municipality where the vehicle is garaged. For the Inventory
Tool, counts are tabulated by vehicle type (non-commercial passenger vehicles and
commercial vehicles) and by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, flex fuel, hybrid, and electric).
Count of Vehicles with Valid
Mileage Estimate and Fuel
Economy Rating
Total vehicles that have a valid mileage estimate and drive less than 200 miles per day,
based on the municipality where the vehicle is garaged, and have a valid fuel economy
rating. As with the overall count, counts for vehicles with a valid mileage estimate and fuel
economy rating are tabulated by vehicle type (non-commercial passenger vehicles and
commercial vehicles) and by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, flex fuel, hybrid, and electric).
Average Daily Vehicle Miles
Travelled (DVMT) by Fuel Type
Average daily mileage for vehicles with a valid mileage estimate and fuel economy rating.
Calculated by vehicle type (non-commercial passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles)
and by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, flex fuel, hybrid, and electric).
Average Fuel Economy Rating
(mpg) by Fuel Type
Average fuel economy rating for vehicles with valid mileage estimates, weighted by average
daily mileage. Calculated as total estimated fuel consumption (gallons/day) for vehicles
with valid mileage estimates and fuel economy ratings, divided by total daily miles for same
vehicles. Calculated by vehicle type (non-commercial passenger vehicles and commercial
vehicles) and by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, flex fuel, hybrid, and electric).
For those communities that collected data for their GHG inventory in response to Question 1B:
For municipally-operated vehicles that are not included in the MAVC, the on-road vehicle data is sourced from
MassEnergyInsight (“MEI”). MEI is an online energy benchmarking tool provided to Massachusetts cities and towns that are
designated through the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Green Communities Program.
Table A7: Vehicle Data Collected from MassEnergyInsight
Type and Use Unit
Municipal Vehicle Fleet Gasoline Gallons
Municipal Vehicle Fleet Diesel Gallons
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
In accordance with Section 7.3 of the Global Protocol, the resident activity method was used to quantify on-road
transportation emissions. This method quantifies emissions from transportation activity undertaken by community residents
and businesses that garage their vehicles in the community.
Universal emission factors were used to calculate gasoline and diesel emissions. Because electric vehicles registered in one
community may charge in multiple communities, the average electricity emission factor of Eversource & NGRID was used to
approximate emissions associated with charging electric vehicles.
Table A8: Private On-road Vehicles Emissions Factors
Fuel Type Emission Factor Emission Factor Units Source
Gasoline 0.00878 MT CO2e / gallon TCR
Diesel 0.01021 MT CO2e / gallon TCR
Electricity 0.000225813 MT CO2 / kWh Eversource & NGRID Average
Transportation – Public On-road and Rail-based Transportation
Data Summary
Public transportation, consisting of buses, rapid transit, and commuter rail, spans the on-road and rail-based transportation
subsectors. For on-road and rail-based public transportation in Greater Boston, the Tool uses consumption and route data
provided by the MBTA. At the time of publishing for the Tool, the MBTA only had access to system-wide fuel and electricity
consumption data. MAPC, therefore, developed a method to allocate system-wide totals to individual municipalities using route
length and route frequency. The specifics of the calculations MAPC used to produce the supporting MBTA data set used in the
Tool are provided in Appendix B. The calculations produce an estimated number of annual vehicle miles travelled that is based
on the length and frequency of routes that take place within the geographic boundary of the inventory. These annual vehicle
miles travelled are used to portion out the system-wide fuel and electricity consumption data to each respective municipality.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
For those communities that collected data from a regional transit authority in response to Question 2A:
Data on route distance, frequency, and fuel consumption may be available in different formats from each respective regional
transit authority (RTA). To accommodate a variety of inputs, the Inventory Tool will accept inputs of total track distance and fuel
consumed by each applicable route running through your community. Please document the data source for your RTA data in
the table provided below.
Regional Transit Authority Contact Name and Email Data Year Data Fields Date Received
Please document the approach taken to distribute any system level data received from the RTA to your respective geographic
boundaries. GPC Quantification Method
Trackless trolley and bus emissions were calculated in accordance with Section 7.3 of the GPC. Heavy rail, light rail, and
commuter rail emissions were quantified in accordance with Section 7.4 of the GPC.
Universal emission factors provided by The Climate Registry were used to calculate gasoline and diesel emissions. Because
electricity used in public transportation spans across multiple communities, the average electricity emission factor of
Eversource & NGRID was used to approximate emissions associated with electricity consumption in public transportation
Table A9: Public Transit Emissions Factors
Fuel Type Emission Factor Emission Factor Units Source
Diesel 0.01021 MT CO2e / gallon TCR
CNG 0.05294 MT CO2e / MMBTU TCR
Electricity 0.000225813 MT CO2 / kWh Eversource & NGRID Average
Waste – Solid Waste Disposal & Incineration
Data Summary
For most communities in Massachusetts, solid waste is collected through a combination of a municipal curbside-pick up and
private waste haulers. To calculate the emissions associated with solid waste, information is needed on the amount of solid
waste collected from residents and businesses as part of the curbside pickup, as well as the amount of solid waste collected by
private haulers. Information on where the MSW is disposed of (landfill or incineration facility) is also needed.
Data on the total weight of waste collected that is destined for landfill or incineration must be provided by individual municipal
waste collection programs and individual private haulers. If a community knows the percent of their collected waste that is sent
to a landfilling versus incineration facility, they can enter that data into the Tool. If a community does not have this information,
the Inventory Tool assumes the State-level percent of disposed waste sent to landfill (29.4%) and incinerated (70.6%) based on
data in MA DEP 2017 Solid Waste Update.
The amount of methane generated by landfilled waste is highly dependent on the amount of degradable organic carbon in
the landfilled waste. To determine the amount of organic carbon in landfilled waste, communities can provide data from a
community-specific waste characterization study. If community does not have this information, the Tool assumes the State-
level waste composition based on data from MA DEP’s Summary of Waste Combustor Class II Recycling Program Waste
Characterization Studies. The waste subcategories from the Massachusetts waste composition study (e.g. “Waxed Cardboard”)
were mapped to the GPC waste categories (e.g. “Paper”) in order to use the appropriate Global Protocol equations to calculate
emissions from landfilled and incinerated waste. See Table A10 below for default State waste composition data and the
corresponding Global Protocol categories.
Table A10: Overall Massachusetts Waste Composition by Detailed Material Category Mapped to Global
Protocol Waste Categories Waste Category/Sub-category Weighted Average Global Protocol Waste Category
Uncoated Corrugated Cardboard/Kraft Paper 9.2% Paper
Waxed Cardboard 0.3% Paper
High Grade Office Paper 0.5% Paper
Magazines/Catalogs 0.8% Paper
Newsprint 0.7% Paper
Other Recyclable Paper 3.6% Paper
Compostable Paper 5.8% Paper
Remainder/Composite Paper 0.7% Paper
PET Beverage Containers (non-MA deposit containers) 0.7% Other
PET Containers other than Beverage Containers 0.2% Other
Plastic MA Deposit Beverage Containers 0.1% Other
HDPE Bottles, colored and natural 0.4% Other
Plastic Tubs and lids (HDPE, PP, etc.) 0.4% Other
Plastic Containers #3-#7 (which originally contained non-
hazardous material)
0.5% Other
Expanded Polystyrene Food Grade 0.4% Other
Expanded Polystyrene Non-food Grade 0.2% Other
Bulk Rigid Plastic Items 1.6% Other
Film (non-bag clean commercial and industrial packaging film) 0.5% Other
Grocery and other Merchandise Bags 0.5% Other
Other Film means plastic film 4.9% Other
Remainder/Composite Plastic 2.8% Other
Aluminum Beverage Containers (non-MA deposit containers) 0.0% Other
Aluminum MA Deposit Beverage Containers 0.1% Other
Tin/Steel Containers 0.6% Other
Other Aluminum 0.3% Other
Other Ferrous and non-ferrous 0.8% Other
White Goods 0.2% Other
Remainder/Composite Metal 1.6% Other
Glass Beverage Containers (non-MA deposit containers) 0.5% Other
Other Glass Packaging Containers (non-MA deposit containers) 0.3% Other
Glass MA Deposit Beverage Containers 0.3% Other
Remainder/Composite Glass 0.4% Other
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Organic Materials
Food Waste 26.0% Food
Branches and Stumps 0.1% Garden Waste and Plant Debris
Prunings, Trimmings, Leaves and Grass 2.5% Garden Waste and Plant Debris
Manures 0.1% Garden Waste and Plant Debris
Remainder/Composite Organic 2.6% Garden Waste and Plant Debris
Construction and Demolition (in the MSW stream)
Asphalt Pavement, Brick, and Concrete 0.1% Other
Aggregates, Stone, Rock 0.4% Other
Wood – Treated 5.7% Wood
Wood – Untreated 2.0% Wood
Asphalt Roofing 0.3% Other
Drywall/Gypsum Board 0.6% Other
Carpet and Carpet Padding 3.3% Other
Remainder/Composite Construction and Demolition 2.6% Other
Household Hazardous Waste
Ballasts, CFLs, and Other Fluorescents 0.0% Other
Batteries – Lead Acid 0.0% Other
Batteries – Other 0.0% Other
Paint 0.1% Other
Bio-Hazardous 3.3% Other
Vehicle and Equipment Fluids 0.1% Other
Empty Metal, Glass, and Plastic Containers 0.1% Other
Other Hazardous or Household Hazardous Waste 0.2% Other
Computer-related Electronics 0.2% Other
Other “brown goods 0.7% Other
Televisions and Computer Monitors 0.2% Other
Other Materials
Tires and other rubber 0.7% Other
Textiles 5.8% Textiles
Bulky Materials 0.9% Other
Mattresses 0.1% Other
Restaurant Fats, Oils and Grease 0.1% Food
Other Miscellaneous 1.0% Other
Total 100%
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
Landlled Waste
Solid waste sent to landfills produces methane (CH_4). For waste sent to landfills, methane emissions were calculated using
Global Protocol Equations 8.1, Equation 8.3, and Equation 8.4.
Equation 8.1 is used to calculate the total degradable organic carbon (DOC) in the landfilled waste based on the fraction
of landfilled waste that is food, garden waste and other plant debris, paper, wood, textiles, and industrial waste.
Equation 8.4 uses the DOC estimate derived from Equation 8.1 to calculate the overall methane generation potential of
the waste sent to landfill. Equation 8.4 assumes a methane correction factor of 1.0 because landfills in Massachusetts are
actively managed, assumes a default GPC input of 0.6 for the fraction of degradable organic carbon degraded variable,
assumes a default GPC input of 0.5 for the fraction of methane in landfill gas, and uses the DOC variable calculated in
Equation 8.1.
GPC Equation 8.3 uses the total mass of waste sent to landfill, the methane generation potential of the waste calculated
in GPC Equation 8.3, a GPC default fraction of methane recovered at landfills of 0 and a default oxidation factor of 0.1
because landfills in Massachusetts are actively managed. The methane generation potential of waste sent to landfill
calculated by GPC Equation 8.4 is used to calculate the overall methane commitment for solid waste sent to landfill in
GPC Equation 8.3.
Incinerated Waste
Solid waste that is incinerated produces methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). GHG emissions
from incineration of municipal solid waste are calculated using Global Protocol Equation 8.6, Equation 8.7, and Equation 8.8.
Emissions generated as a result of incineration out of community boundaries is considered Scope 3 emissions.
Equation 8.8 is used to calculate the N2O emissions from waste incineration using the mass of waste incinerated, the
percent of waste in each organic material category, and the default N2O emission factor for municipal solid waste from
Global Protocol Table 8.6.
Equation 8.7 is used to calculate the CH4 emissions from waste incineration using the mass of waste incinerated, the
percent of waste in each organic material category, and the default CH4 emission factor for contiuous incineration: stoker
from Global Protocol Table 8.5.
Equation 8.6 is used to calculate the non-biogenic CO2 emissions from waste incineration using the mass of waste
incinerated, the percent of waste in each organic material category, and the default values from Global Protocol Table 8.4
on dry matter content by material type, fraction of fossil fuel carbon in each material type, and oxidation factor.
The emissions factors associated with solid waste disposal and incineration are embedded in the assumptions in the Global
Protocol equations used to calculate emissions from landfilled waste (Equations 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4) and the Global Protocol
equations used to calculate emissions from incinerated waste (Equations 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8). See Global Protocol Quantification
Method Used section directly above for explanations on assumptions used in those equations.
Waste – Biological Treatment
Data Summary
To calculate the emissions associated with biological treatment, information is needed on the amount of separated organic
waste collected in the community from residents and businesses as part of the curbside pickup, as well as the amount of
separated organic waste collected by private haulers. Information on where the separated organic waste is disposed of
(compositing facility or anaerobic digestion facility) is also needed. Data on the total weight of separated organic waste
collected that is destined for composting or anaerobic digestion must be provided by individual municipal waste collection
programs and individual private haulers.
If a community knows the percent of their collected separated organic material that is sent to a composting facility versus
an anaerobic digestion facility, they can enter that data into the Tool. If a community does not have this information, the Tool
assumes the State-level percent of disposed separated organic material sent to composting (50.0%) and anaerobic digestion
GPC Quantification Method Used
Compositing of separated organic material produces nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), while anaerobic digestion of
separated organic material produces only methane (CH4). Global Protocol Equation 8.5 is used to calculate emissions from
both composting and anaerobic digestion and uses the mass of organic waste treated by each treatment type, the default CH4
emission factor from Global Protocol Table 8.3 based on treatment type, the default N2O emission factor from Global Protocol
Table 8.3 based on treatment type, and the estimated percentage of CH4 that is recovered at each facility. Compositing facilities
in Massachusetts do not have CH4 recovery, while anaerobic digestion facilities have 100% CH4 recovery.
The emissions factors associated with biological treatment of separated organic material are embedded in the assumptions in
the Global Protocol Equation 8.5 used to calculate emissions from compositing and anaerobic digestion facilities. See Global
Protocol Quantification Method Used section directly above for explanations on assumptions used in those equations.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Waste – Wastewater
Data Summary
Data used to estimate wastewater emissions in communities served by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
(MWRA) uses a combination of default values from the EPA and the GPC and data on methane recovery rates at
MWRA facilities. Data used to estimate wastewater emissions in communities not served by the MWRA uses data from
the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) "Statewide Greenhouse gas Emissions Level: 1990
Baseline and 2020 Business as Usual Projection Update" report.
Global Protocol Quantification Method Used
For communities not served by a MWRA wastewater treatment plant, indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from
wastewater effluent and CH4 generation emissions from wastewater treatment were calculated using the methodology
outlined in the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) "Statewide Greenhouse gas Emissions
Level: 1990 Baseline and 2020 Business as Usual Projection Update" report. This methodology is in compliance with
methodologies recommended by the Global Protocol. Communities that are not served by an MWRA wastewater
treatment plant do have some methane emissions associated with wastewater treatment because methane capture
and co-generation systems are not in place.
The Massachusetts DEP equation for calculating methane (CH4) emissions includes the total population served by the
wastewater treatment plant, total statewide CH4 emissions from municipal wastewater treatment, and the total State
population not served by MWRA. The general approach is to use that State’s data on total methane emissions from
wastewater treatment (13,706 MT CH4/year) and the total State population not served by MWRA (4,279,130 people) to
determine a per capita wastewater treatment methane emissions factor (0.003203 CH4/year/capita) that can be used
by all Massachusetts cities not served by MWRA to estimate CH4 emissions from wastewater treatment.
The Massachusetts DEP equation for calculating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions includes the total population served
by the wastewater treatment plant, total statewide N2O emissions from municipal wastewater treatment, and the total
State population not served by MWRA. The general approach is to use that State’s data on total nitrous oxide emissions
from wastewater treatment (308.4 MT N2O /year) and the total State population not served by MWRA (4,279,130
people) to determine a per capita wastewater treatment methane emissions factor (0.000072 N2O /year/capita) that
can be used by all Massachusetts cities not served by MWRA to estimate N2O emissions from wastewater treatment.
Some communities are only partially served by an MWRA wastewater treatment plant. For these communities, the
percentage of the total community population served by the MWRA wastewater treatment plant is used to calculate
total wastewater emissions using the MWRA and "non-MWRA" methodologies outlined in this section.
For those communities who are served by a Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) treatment plant
(Question 3D):
For communities served by an MWRA wastewater treatment plant (Clinton, Deer Island, Greater Lawrence, Pittsfield,
Rockland) indirect nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater effluent were calculated using GPC Equation 8.11. For these
MWRA facilities, no methane is released from the treatment process. Methane is captured and diverted to co-generation
systems where it is used to heat buildings and generate electricity via steam turbine generators. Equation 8.11 include
the total community population served by the wastewater treatment plant, the annual per capita protein consumption
provided by the EPA, and the default Global Protocol factors for adjustment of non-consumed protein, fraction of
nitrogen in protein, factor for industrial and commercial co-discharged protein into the sewer system, nitrogen removed
from sludge, and emissions factor for N2O emissions from discharged wastewater. Emissions generated as a result of
methane capture and co-generation occurring outside of a community's boundary are considered Scope 3 emissions.
According to the Global Protocol, wastewater used to generate energy is considered a stationary energy source.
Stationary energy sources outside of each community’s boundary are not included in the inventory.
Appendix B:
MAPC Calculation Methods for MBTA Data
Public transportation, consisting of buses, rapid transit, and commuter rail, spans the on-road and rail-based
transportation subsectors. For on-road and rail-based public transportation in Greater Boston, the Tool uses consumption
and route data provided by the MBTA. At the time of publishing for the Tool, the MBTA only had access to system-wide
fuel and electricity consumption data. MAPC, therefore, developed a method to allocate system-wide totals to individual
municipalities using route length and route frequency.
This appendix details the specific methods MAPC applied to the MBTA data to support communities in Greater Boston
with completion of GHG inventories.
Preparation of Fuel and Electricity Consumption Data
The MBTA provided MAPC with system-wide consumption data for calendar years 2017 and 2018, for the following fuel
types and uses:
Table B1: Data Provided by the MBTA by Fuel Type and Use
Type and Use Unit
ULS (“Ultra-low-sulfur”) Diesel for Buses Gallons
ULS Diesel for Ferries* Gallons
ULS Diesel for Commuter Rail Gallons
Non-Revenue Diesel for Commuter Rail Gallons
Non-Revenue Gasoline for Commuter Rail* Gallons
MBTA Non-Revenue Gasoline* Gallons
Gasoline for The RIDE* Gallons
CNG for Buses MMBTU
Heating Oil (#1/#2 Diesel Fuel)* Gallons
Natural Gas for Buildings* Therms
Jet Fuel* Gallons
Electricity (System-wide) MWh
Steam for Buildings* Klbs.
*Asterisks denote consumption data not used by MAPC.
Another challenge presented by the consumption data provided by the MBTA is the presence of a single figure for
electricity. Based on conversations with MBTA representatives, an estimated 60% of electricity consumption is used to
power vehicles, and the remaining 40% powers buildings. MAPC applied this ratio to the data.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Route Length and Frequency Calculations
To estimate route lengths and frequencies, MAPC downloaded General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) schedule data archived
on the MBTAs website.
The MBTA publishes a GTFS feed every time there is a known change in service, which means there are
multiple versions for a single year. For example, in 2017, the MBTA published 48 GTFS feeds.
Each of the MBTAs GTFS feeds consist of 22 tables, of which MAPC utilized six for our calculations:
The Calendar table defines dates when service is available for particular routes. This file specifies start and end dates, as
well as the days of the week when service is available.
The Stops table defines the locations of stops on the network by latitude and longitude
The Stop Times table defines the times that a vehicle arrives at and departs from stops for each trip.
The Trips table defines trips for each route. A trip is a sequence of two or more stops that occur during a specific time
The Shapes table provides a geospatial representation of the path followed by the transit vehicles on each route
The Routes table provides additional descriptive information on each route
The MBTA aggregates GTFS feeds into four seasonal feeds per year (winter, spring, summer, and fall). MAPC combined the data
from each seasonal feed as described below.
MAPC joined the Calendar, Stops, and Stop Times tables by Service ID field, and then joined this table to the Trips table using
the Trip ID field. MAPC calculated the total number of days in the year that each route was in service using the start and end
dates from the Calendar table and the days of week the service is running. We then calculated the total number of annual trips
for each service ID by multiplying the number of trips per Service ID per day from the Trips table with the number of annual
operating days.
Vehicle Miles Traveled Calculation
MAPC used the Shapes tables to calculate the length in miles of each route. However, not every trip on a route covers the
entire length of the route defined in the Shapes table. Many trips cover only partial distances of the route, depending on day of
week and alternate service schedules. MAPC used the Trips, Stops, and Stop Times tables to identify which trips travel the full
length of the route, and which trips travel only a part of the route, by examining the origination stop and ending stop for each
trip. For the trips that do not travel the full route distance, MAPC used the Google Distance Matrix API and Google Directions
API to obtain the transit mode travel distance between the originating stop and the ending stop locations listed in the Trips
table. MAPC also export a shapefile for each of these partial-route trips, in order to allocate them properly across municipal
To obtain annual vehicle miles travelled, MAPC multiplied the annual number of trips for each route by the route length in miles.
This yielded an annual vehicle miles traveled figure for each route which could be used to allocate system-wide consumption.
Commuter Rail
To estimate commuter rail emissions by municipality, MAPC first allocated the system-wide diesel fuel consumption total for
commuter rail for the 2017 calendar year
to individual routes by multiplying the fuel consumption total by a ratio of annual
vehicle miles traveled for each commuter rail route to annual vehicle miles traveled for all commuter rail routes. MAPC
then multiplied the consumption total for the commuter rail route by a ratio of vehicle miles traveled for that route in each
municipality and the sum of vehicle miles traveled for the route.
Heavy Rail, Light Rail, and Trackless Trolleys
Heavy rail, light rail, and trackless trolleys are all powered by electricity, so, as a first step in estimating emissions by
municipality, MAPC allocated the system-wide electricity figure for transit (60% of the total system-wide figure) to each
electricity-consuming transit mode. MAPC based this distribution on vehicle miles traveled. In the 2017 calendar year, 78.2
percent of total vehicle miles traveled was from heavy rail (red, blue, and orange lines), 19.8 percent was from light rail (green
lines and the Mattapan Trolley), and 2.0 percent was from trackless trolley lines (bus routes 71, 72, 73, and 77).
1 https://cdn.mbta.com/archive/archived_feeds.txt
2 We counted both revenue (ULS Diesel for Commuter Rail) and non-revenue commuter rail diesel (Non-Revenue Diesel for Commuter Rail)
towards commuter rail consumption.
3 This calculation assumes that electricity usage per vehicle mile traveled is roughly similar between heavy rail, light rail, trackless trolley, and
Silver Line. Ideally, this value would be further weighted by an electricity efficiency factor.
MAPC then followed a process identical to that used for commuter rail routes, first allocating the electricity figure for each
electricity-consuming transit mode to each route and then allocating the electricity figure for each route to each municipality. A
percent of total electricity is also allocated to Silver Line buses as described in the following section.
Silver Line and Bus (Excluding Trackless Trolleys)
As of the writing of this guide, there are two Silver Line vehicle types in operation: dual mode Electric-Diesel and Battery
Electric. Battery electric buses just started revenue service in April 2019, so only Electric-Diesel hybrid buses were present
during the inventory base year of 2017. Using a method similar to the partial-route distance calculations described above,
MAPC, split the Silver Line vehicle trips into electric and non-electric operation segments. The Silver Line Electric-Diesel hybrid
buses rely on electric power only when travelling in the Transitway tunnel between South Station and Silver Line Way and
operate in diesel-powered mode when elsewhere on their route. The vehicle miles travelled in electric mode are used to allocate
electricity from the total system electricity consumption using the same method as for heavy rail / light rail / trackless trolley
described above. For diesel consumption, MAPC followed a process identical to that used for commuter rail routes to allocate
diesel consumption, first allocating the diesel fuel consumption totals to each bus route (including diesel-powered vehicle miles
travelled by the Silver Line) and then allocating the consumption total for each route to each municipality. MAPC replicated this
process for CNG, excluding Silver Line routes.
4 This calculation assumes a geographically even distribution of CNG and Diesel busses. The MBTA does not currently have estimates of fuel
mix by bus line.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Appendix C:
Adjustin the Tool for Alternate Inventory Years
Version 4 of the Tool (published March 2020) is auto populated to support the completion of an inventory for
the year 2017. If your community would like to complete an inventory for an alternate year, additional inputs
will need to be updated to datasets from the appropriate year. This appendix outlines guidance on what data
you will need to collect and where to find it.
Please note that at the time of publishing this Tool, 2017 was the most recent year when the necessary data
were widely available. Data availability from the sources listed below may vary depending on the alternate
inventory year you have selected.
Table C1 lists all of the Tool’s tables to review and update prior to creating an inventory for another year. The
data collected can by input into the "Adjust Inventory Year" section of the Tool.
Table C1: Summary of Workbook Tables with Values to Update in the Tool
Workbook Sheet Name Table
Emission Factors - All Table 1: Stationary Fuel Emission Factors
Table 3. MA DEP 2016 Massachusetts-based Retail Level Electricity Emission
Table 6. List Investor-owned Utilities and % Non-emitting Sales
Table 7. Community Choice Aggregation Electricity Emission Factors
Table 9. List of Municipal Utilities % Non-emitting Sales
Table 11: IPCC AR5 100-Year Global Warming Potentials without Climate-carbon
Table 12: Transportation Fuel Emission Factors
Stationary Energy - Build-ings Table 7. Massachusetts Electricity Transmission & Distribution Grid Loss Factor
Transportation - On Road Table 6: Private On-road Electric Vehicles Fuel Efficiency
Waste - Solid Waste Table 3: Proportion of Massachusetts In-state Waste Disposed: Landfilled vs.
Combusted by Waste Type for 2017
Waste - Wastewater
Table 3: Indirect N2O Emissions From Wastewater Effluent (GPC Equation 8.11)
for Communities Served by MWRA WWTP
Table 4: Indirect N2O Emissions From Wastewater Effluent and CH4 Generation
from Wastewater Treatment for Communities Not Served by MWRA WWTP**
Data Not Included in the Adjustment Guidance
There are a few datasets that support calculations within the Tool and are updated on an infrequent basis. These datasets are
sourced from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). These datasets support the heating oil estimation approach
with in the Tool and are not a direct source activity data. For these reasons, it is not required to update these datasets to
quantify emissions for alternate years. The list of the tables and data sources are provided in Table C2.
Table C2: Stationary Energy – Buildings Infrequently Updated Data Sources
Table Data Source Input Location
Table 3. Residential
Fuel Oil Consumption
and Emissions
US EIA Residential Energy
Consumption Survey (RECS)
Table CE2.1 Annual Household Site Fuel
Consumption in the U.S. - totals and averages
Column C, Column D
Table HC2.8 Structural and Geo-graphic
Characteristics of Homes in Northeast Region,
Divisions, and States
Column E, Column F
Table CE2.2 Household Site Fuel Consumption in
the Northeast Region, Totals and Averages
Cell C47
Table 4. Com-mercial
Fuel Oil Consumption
and Emissions
US EIA Commercial Buildings
Energy Consumption Survey
Table C34: US Commercial Building Fuel Oil
Consumption and Expenditures
Column F, Column G,
Column H,
Table B22. Energy Sources, Number of Buildings Column J
Table 5 Industrial Fuel
Oil Consumption and
US EIA Manufacturing Energy
Consumption Survey (MECS)
Table 6.1: Consumption Ratios of Fuel Column E
Table 1.1: First Use of Energy for all Purposes (Fuel
and Nonfuel)
Column F
Table 5.4: End Uses of Fuel Con-sumption Column G
When appropriate, and funding is available, MAPC will release updated versions of the Tool to improve the accuracy of the
estimation methodologies being applied to the heating oil estimates.
How to Adjust the Inventory Year
The “Adjust Inventory Year” section of the Tool is where you will input revised data for an alternate inventory year. This section
is auto populated with all of the necessary data inputs for 2017 and links directly to each respective table in the Tool. Prior to
making any changes to this section, make sure to save a copy of the existing workbook to preserve the 2017 inputs in the event
they are needed again.
If you are adjusting the inventory year to report for a new year and have used MAPC’s Tool for a prior year, make sure to copy
and paste the values (not the formulas) for the current year of data as it appears in the “Multi-Year Emissions Trend” Tab into a
different column. This will support you in tracking emissions over time when the new year of data populates.
Update All Emissions Factors
Depending on the inventory year selected, new or revised emissions factors may be available for combusted fuels like natural
gas and fuel oil and vehicle fuels like diesel, gasoline, and compressed natural gas. Emissions factors can be sourced from either
the Climate Registry or US EPA. Both are free resources and publicly available - however, you will need to create a free account
to access the archive of emissions factors produced by the Climate Registry.
Sign up for a free account to access the Climate Registry’s emissions factors for natural gas, gasoline, diesel,
and compressed natural gas: https://www.theclimateregistry.org/tools-resources/reporting-protocols/general-
For fuel oil, access emissions factors from the US EPA for the appropriate inventory year: https://www.epa.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Updating the electricity emissions factors in the Tool requires the input of data reported by the Massachusetts Department
of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). For the average emissions factors, you will need the values for the Massachusetts-
based approach for non-biogenic CO2 equivalent, after accounting for particular generating units and the breakdown by
each GHG (CO2, CH4, and N2O) for the Massachusetts-based electricity consumers retail-level emissions factors.
In the same MassDEP report, you will need to access the data from Appendix 2 that includes the percent of sales reported
as MWh for each electric utility and municipal utility. These percentages support the production of utility specific market-
based electricity emissions factors in the Tool.
Updating the electricity emissions factors in the Tool requires the input of data reported by the Massachusetts Department
of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). For the average emissions factors, you will need the values for the Massachusetts-
based approach for non-biogenic CO2 equivalent, after accounting for particular generating units and the breakdown by
each GHG (CO2, CH4, and N2O) for the Massachusetts-based electricity consumers retail-level emissions factors.
In the same MassDEP report, you will need to access the data from Appendix 2 that includes the percent of sales reported
as MWh for each electric utility and municipal utility. These percentages support the production of utility specific market-
based electricity emissions factors in the Tool.
Access MassDEP’s GHG Reporting Program Summary Report for Retail Sellers of Electricity for the
appropriate inventory year: https://www.mass.gov/guides/massdep-greenhouse-gas-emissions-reporting-
If your community has a green municipal aggregation program (see Question 1C of the Guide), you will also need to
update the minimum compliance percentage for Class I under the Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard. Under
Massachusetts General Law, this compliance percentage increases by one percent each year.
Access the minimum compliance percentage for Class I (with carve outs) for the appropriate inventory
year: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/annual-compliance-information-for-retail-electric-suppliers
Occasionally, the calculations used to assess Global Warming Potential (GWP) will be updated or revised. This change
can be due to updated scientific estimates of the energy absorption or lifetime of the gases or to changing atmospheric
concentrations of GHG emissions that result in a change in the energy absorption of one additional ton of a gas relative
to another. The Tool defaults to use the GWP values provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in
the Fifth Assessment Report (2014). The Global Protocol recommends using the most recent GWP values available.
These inputs should only be adjusted if an Assessment Report more recent than 2014 has been released by the IPCC with
revised GWP values, or if this Tool is being used for a historic inventory requiring the use of older GWP values.
Access historic GWP values at this link: https://www.ghgprotocol.org/sites/default/files/ghgp/Global-
Update Stationary Energy Electricity Transmission and Distribution
A Massachusetts-specific electricity transmission and distribution grid loss factor is calculated per U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA) instructions. To adjust your inventory year, you will need to collect the data from U.S. EIA's electricity
profile for Massachusetts on total disposition, direct use, and estimated losses.
Access Massachusetts’ electricity profile: https://www.eia.gov/electricity/state/massachusetts/
Update Transportation Electric Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
The fuel efficiency of electric vehicles is rapidly progressing from year to year. To increase the accuracy of your GHG
inventory for alternate years, you may choose to update the data supporting the average vehicle efficiency applied to
electric vehicles in the Tool's calculations. To maintain consistency, select the seven top selling electric vehicles.
Look up fuel economy for top selling electric vehicles: https://www.fueleconomy.gov/
Update Waste Disposal Proportions
This Tool assumes default State-level percent of disposed waste sent to landfill and combusted unless local data is
entered on the "Inputs" tab of this workbook. This data can be found in MassDEP’s Solid Waste Data Update for the state.
Access MassDEP's Solid Waste Data update for the appropriate year: https://www.mass.gov/guides/solid-
The Tool also relies on data from the U.S. EPA's annual Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks to
determine protein consumption per capita.
Access to the most recent summary report released by EPA: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/inventory-
Update Wastewater Factors and State Data
The wastewater emissions analysis follows the approach used by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) to estimate wastewater treatment emissions for communities in Massachusetts that are not served
by a Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) wastewater treatment plant in the "Statewide Greenhouse gas
Emissions Level: 1990 Baseline and 2020 Business As Usual Projection Update" report.
For those communities not served by MWRA, please contact MassDEP for the wastewater module of the State's GHG
Inventory for the selected inventory year to obtain the following inputs. Data from the "Summary" tab of this workbook
was used to obtain data on State total methane and nitrous oxide emissions from municipal wastewater treatment for
2017 and the Massachusetts state population not served by MWRA.