Staff use only
Court of Appeals Arizona Supreme Court Committee/Public Meeting
Case Number: _____________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
Meeting Name: _____________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
*Requests to record must be filed a minimum of 48 hours in advance, per court rules and policy. See Rules of the
Supreme Court, 122 and 122.1.
The under
signed hereby applies for permission to broadcast, record or photograph in the State
Courts Building for:
Live Audio Broadcast
Live Video Broadcast*
Supreme Court Oral Arguments are also streamed live here.
Audiotape for later broadcast
Videotape for later broadcast
Still photography
Other (Specify) ___________________________________________________________
Applicant Information
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
By signing below, I agree to abide by the direction of the Justices, Judges, Meeting Chair, or designated staff
person while at the State Courts Building. Rules 122 and 122.1
provide guidance for media coverage,
recordings, and photography. Judges and meeting chairs have discretion to suspend activity that is disruptive,
harmful, or impedes the objective of the oral argument or meeting.
Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Return completed form to Aaron Nash, Communications Director at
For questions call 602-452-3656.
Request to Broadcast, Record, or Photograph Oral Arguments
or Public Meetings
d at the State Courts Building located at 1501 West Washington Street
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