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oo o Home has smoke alarms on every level.
oo o Home has a smoke alarm in every bedroom.
oo o Smoke alarms are located outside each separate sleeping area.
oo o Smoke alarms are located at least 10 feet from a stationary or fixed cooking appliance.
oo o All smoke alarms are working.
oo o Family has a home fire escape plan.
oo o Family practices the home fire escape plan at least twice a year.
oo o The home has occupant(s) that require assistance to escape. Occupants discuss
escape planning and occupant requirements in case of a fire or emergency escape.
oo o House number is visible from the street.
oo o Windows used for escape open easily — not blocked by furniture, security bars or
nailed/painted shut.
oo o Security bars, if present, have a functioning quick release-device.
oo o Home has a home fire sprinkler system.
oo o Home has a carbon monoxide alarm outside each separate sleeping area.
oo o Home has a carbon monoxide alarm on every level.
oo o Carbon monoxide alarms are working.
oo o Emergency phone numbers are displayed in a visible location.
oo o Smokers smoke outside the home.
oo o Large ashtrays are provided outside for smokers.
oo o Matches and lighters are stored in a secure cabinet.
oo o Lit candles are not left unattended.
oo o Medicines, poisons, cleaning supplies and other chemicals are stored safely.
oo o The home does not have excess storage of clothes, magazines, newspapers and other
items that can burn or can block your way out in an emergency.
oo o Hot water heater is set at no higher than 120 Fahrenheit.
oo o Nothing that can burn is stored inside the water heater closet.
oo o Things that can burn are at least 3 feet from the furnace.
oo o The furnace is inspected and cleaned annually.
oo o Things that can burn are kept at least 18 inches from any portable heating device.
oo o Clothes dryer lint filter and vent pipes are clean.
oo o Things that can burn are removed from the stovetop.
oo o Small appliances are unplugged when not in use.
oo o Adult stays in the kitchen when stovetop is in use.
oo o The stove is not used to heat the house.
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