85 7
Place East | Suite 280 | Saint Paul, MN 55101
An equal opportunity employer
Request for Review of a Previously Paid Claim for Potential Owed Interest
and/or Income while in custody of the State of Minnesota
Information needed to locate the correct previous claim
o Interest-bearing o Income-earning
Claim Number
Owners Name(s) Owners Social Security Number
Name Claimant Social Security Number
Additional information for securities-based property
Issue Name of Stock Claimed
Did you receive Sale Proceeds
or Shares?
o Yes o No
Department of Commerce
Unclaimed Property
85 7th Place East, Suite 280
St. Paul, MN 55101
Requirements for Interest-bearing Property:
1. Complete this form and submit to the address above.
2. Include a copy of an account statement showing the interest rate earned on your property or a letter
from the reporting company stating that your account was interest-bearing and the rate of interest at
time your property was delivered to the State.
Requirements for Income-earning Property:
1. Complete this form, including the securities-based questions above, and submit to the address above,
along with any additional information that would be helpful in processing your claim.
Additional information related to your request:
*If you have moved, please supply your updated mailing address in the box above.
I certify that the information contained in this form is true and accurate to the best of my ability.
Printed Name Signature Date
Subscribed and sworn before
me this day
Notary Public Signature Commission Expires
Notary Stamp