Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
nton Fire Rescue Services
Construction Fire Safety Plan
For new buildings, additions, exterior alterations and full-building demolitions
Background Information
National Fire Code 2019 Alberta Edition (NFC 2019(AE)):
NFC 2019(AE) Division B, Section 5.6 requires a Fire Safety Plan for all construction,
renovation and demolition sites.
Division B, Section 5.6
This Section applies to the fire safety for buildings, parts of buildings, facilities,
adjacent buildings or facilities, and associated areas undergoing construction,
alteration or demotion operations.
Division B, Section
Prior to the commencement of construction, alteration or demolition operations, a
Fire Safety Plan, accepted in writing by the fire department and the authority
having jurisdiction, shall be prepared for the site.
The Fire Safety Plan:
Will be site specific and may be reviewed at any time by the authority having
jurisdiction (Edmonton Fire Rescue Services Fire Safety Codes Officer (SCO-
Fire)). The Fire Safety Plan should be reviewed and updated as the construction
site progresses. The Contractor, as a representative of the owner, is responsible
for the Fire Safety Plan until occupancy.
The owner, developer or contractor responsible for a construction or demolition site is
required to develop a Fire Safety Plan acceptable to a SCO-Fire.
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
nton Fire Rescue Services
A Fire Safety Plan must address, in a manner acceptable to the SCO-Fire, all topics of
(applicable to the site) covered in each of the perspective Articles in Section 5.6 of the
NFC 2019(AE).
It is required that a Fire Safety Plan be accepted in writing by the Fire Department
and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
A Fire Safety Plan:
Shall be submitted for review and acceptance.
Shall be accepted prior to construction or demolition, including
Must conform to the requirements of the NFC 2019(AE).
Shall be complete, blank sections will result in a rejected Fire Safety Plan.
If certain provisions listed in this plan do not pertain to your specific
site please enter “NOT REQUIRED” in the section. Details for any
provision that is applicable to your site MUST be included in this
For more information contact Fire Prevention Technical Services at:
Phone Number: 780-496-3628
Fax: 780-442-7364
E-mail: cmsfpts@edmonton.ca
This information is being provide for the construction industry and is an aid in preventing
injury and fires in and around constructions sites and to address life and property fire
safety issues. Keeping in mind it is the sole responsibility of the owner or
representatives of the owner to:
be aware of all regulations within the jurisdiction.
carry out or make provision to adhere to the various codes and standards
applicable to their project or business.
Please submit your completed fire safety plan to the City of Edmonton
Current Planning Branch at the time of commercial building permit
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
Fire Safety Plan
A Fire Safety Plan should include, but is not limited to the following information.
Please check off all applicable provisions and provide additional detail where
required for your specific Fire Safety Plan.
All applicable provisions must be adhered to. Construction sites may be
inspected for compliance at any stage of construction. The accepted Fire Safety
Plan shall be posted on site and is intended for use by your contractors, sub-
contractors and any site personnel.
Commercial Final Permit # : __________________________________________
Building Name: ____________________________________________________
Site Address: ______________________________________________________
Description of Project:
1) Emergency Procedures to be used in THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY
A building under construction, without functional fire protection equipment
is at its most vulnerable stage, therefore it is imperative to initiate
emergency response at the earliest possible opportunity.
What are your provisions for initiating emergency evacuation procedures on this
site and how will you notify emergency responders (eg. Sounding of air horn 3
blasts, activating fire alarm, calling 9-1-1?)
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
Provide a list of instructions for site personnel to follow when an alarm is sounded:
Exit routes are provided with clearly identified signage to indicate egress from floor
Designated gathering location (muster point) will be off site with signage.
Location of Muster Point: ____________________________________________
List of personnel on site, updated and current - you should know who is on site.
Person assigned to meet the fire department and give information such as:
Where the fire or injury is located on site
Is everybody accounted for
Name of person responsible: __________________________________
Assigned site fire wardens(s), various trades represented.
Directions and training for confining, controlling and extinguishing the fire:
2) Training of site personnel on evacuation procedures including:
Site orientation (familiarize on personnel visitors on emergency procedures.)
Name of Person responsible: ___________________________________
Regular site safety meetings incorporated into regular safety meetings.
Simulated fire drills as applicable and warranted.
3) Assigned site personnel responsible for fire prevention activities such as:
Control of combustibles on the site and around the buildings including removal
of excess garbage material on a regular basis and general housekeeping.
Name of person responsible: ___________________________________
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
Ensure that combustible hoarding is secured to prevent contact with the heaters.
Name of person responsible: _____________________________________
Maintain clear unobstructed access for fire department apparatus to building(s)
and to fire fighting services such as hydrants and fire department connections i.e.
sprinkler and/or standpipes.
Name of person responsible: _____________________________________
Parking of vehicles or delivery trucks, directed so as to not obstruct fire
department access to the site and buildings. (off site parking and storage may be
Name of person responsible: _____________________________________
Maintenance and operation of at least one exit from every floor.
Name of person responsible: _____________________________________
Smoking shall not be permitted in areas where conditions are hazardous or
potential of ignition exists.
4) Fire Fighting Services Unobstructed hydrant, Siamese, sprinkler, temporary
access route, standpipe.
Check all applicable fire fighting services that are installed, tested and activated at
the start of the construction. These must be maintained and accessible for fire
fighters at all times.
Hydrants (maintain 2 metre access around hydrants)
Standpipes (existing)
Siamese connections
Emergency access routes
Provide a drawing, detailing you emergency response plan, including:
Nearest Fire Hydrant Locations
Fire Department Connections (Siamese and/or standpipe)
Site Muster Point
Emergency Access to the building and site primary and secondary
access points
The site is properly addressed and the sign is visible and legible to the
emergency crews.
An all weather road shall be constructed prior to the commencement and must
be designed to support the expected loads imposed by fire fighting equipment
(38,500 kg) and have a clear width not less than 6 metres.
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
Refer to the following code for Water Supply and Access for Fire Fighting:
NFC 2019 (AE) Access for Firefighting
1) Unobstructed access to fire hydrants, portable extinguishes and to fire
department connections for standpipe and sprinkler systems shall be
2) A means shall be provided to allow firefighters to perform their duties on all
levels of the building.
3) Provision shall be made for the use of existing elevators, hoists or lifts to
assist firefighting personnel in reaching all levels of the building.
4) Access routes for fire department vehicles shall be provided and maintained
to construction and demolition sites.
5) Where a construction or demolition site is fenced so as to prevent general
entry, provision shall be made for access by fire department equipment and
NFC 2019 (AE) Water Supply
1) An adequate water supply for firefighting shall be provided as soon as
combustible construction materials arrive on site.
5) Fire Extinguishers:
Provide sufficient numbers and sizes. (3-A:20-B:C on all moveable equipment,
and 4-A:40-B:C in all other locations, including on or near any combustion
Serviced and tagged by a certified agency, within the last year.
Mounted, with proper signage, where workers are present and at all exit
locations on every level, and meet the required travel distance between
extinguishers (75 feet or 22.86 m).
At or near gas or propane fuel operated equipment.
At or near areas where combustibles are stored.
Adjacent to any hot works operations.
6) Hot Works Operations:
Does your scope of work require Hot Work Operations? Yes No
If “Yes”, refer to the following code requirements and describe (at the bottom of this
section) how these provisions will be met, and check all applicable provisions.
Definition: The burning, welding, heating of a material, or a similar operation that is capable of initiating
fires or explosions including, but not limited to, cutting, welding,Thermit welding, brazing, soldering,
grinding, thermal spraying, thawing pipe, torch-applied roofing or membrane adhesive bonding, or any
other similar heat-producing activity.
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
Hot work must be performed by trained or certified personnel.
A fire extinguisher (4-A:40-B:C) is present at all times
Proper ventilation, as required.
If hot tar pots are on site, provide fire extinguishers. Hot tar posts must only be
used by trained personnel and located away from combustible materials.
NFC - 2019 (AE) 5.2.3 Prevention of Fires
NFC - 2019 (AE) Location of Operations
1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), hot work shall be carried out in an
area free of combustible and flammable contents, with walls, ceilings and
floors of noncombustible construction or lined with noncombustible
2) When it is not practicable to undertake hot work in an area described in
Sentence (1),
combustible and flammable materials within a 15 m distance from
the hot work shall be protected against ignition in conformance with
a continuous fire watch shall be provided during the hot work and
for a period of not less than 60 min after its completion in
conformance with Article, and
a final inspection of the hot work area and adjacent exposed areas
shall be conducted
i. 4h after completion of the work, or
ii. after completion of the fire watch required in Clause
(b), in which case a more comprehensive inspection
shall be conducted.
3) When there is a possibility of sparks or open flames reaching
combustible material in areas adjacent to the area where hot work is
carried out,
openings in walls, floors or ceilings shall be covered or
closed to prevent the passage of sparks or open flames to
such adjacent areas, or
Sentence (2) shall apply to such adjacent areas.
NFC - 2019 (AE) Protection of Combustibles and Flammable Materials
1) Any combustible and flammable material, dust or residue shall be
a) removed from the area where hot work is carried out, or
b) except as provided in Sentence (2), protected against ignition by the
use of noncombustible material.
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
ton Fire Rescue Services
2) Combustible materials or building surfaces that cannot be removed or
protected against ignition as required in Clause (1)(b) shall be thoroughly
wetted where hot work is carried out.
3) The fire watch described in Clauses and (c) shall be carried
out by more than one person if combustible materials are exposed to the hot
work operations but cannot be directly observed by the initial person
performing the fire watch.
4) Any process or activity that produces flammable gases or vapours,
combustible dusts or combustible fibers in quantities sufficient to create a fire
or explosion hazard shall be interrupted and the hazardous conditions shall
be removed before any hot work is carried out.
7) Flammable/Combustible Liquid and Compressed Gas Storage
Does your scope of work require the storage of flammable/combustible liquids or
compressed gases?
Yes No
IfYes”, all provisions below are applicable:
Storage area separated from combustible material by 3m.
Storage area locked and vented.
Storage area protected from vehicular/industrial motorized traffic.
Portable pressurized (full or empty) cylinders secured when not in use.
Area is to have proper signage or placards in place.
A current list of dangerous goods must on site.
A portable 4-A:40-B:C fire extinguisher in close proximity to storage and
work areas.
Storage area is away from egress and access routes to the site.
8) Security
What are your provisions for site security when workers are absent from the
If yes, please describe:
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
9) Contact Personnel
Provide a list of names and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted
during non-operating hours or in emergency situations to be posted on site.
In addition to the above, please check off all of the following provisions that
may be relevant to your scope of work:
NFC 2019 (AE) Section 5.6 Construction and Demolition Sites
Will any part of this building continue to be occupied during construction, alteration
or demolition operations? Yes No
If “Yes”, refer to the following code requirements and describe how these provisions
will be met, and check all applicable provisions.
NFC 2019 (AE) Fire Separations in Partly Occupied Buildings
Where a part of a building continues to be occupied, the occupied part shall
be separated from the part being demolished or constructed by a fire separation
having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h.
Building/Fire Code Bulletin Standata 14-BCB-004 14-FCB-003
Occupancy Of Buildings Under Construction
8. Exits and accesses to exit are complete including fire separations, doors,
door hardware, self-closing devices, guards and handrails from the uppermost
storey to be occupied down to the level from which occupants will exit the
building (or the lowest level in the basement up to the exit level if the exit serves
the basement). Means of access to the building may need to be enclosed to
protect the building occupants from falling objects.
This document in full can be found at:
If yes, please describe:
nton Fire Rescue Services
For alteration, construction of an addition or demolition operations:
Is the existing building protected by a Fire Alarm System, Sprinkler System or
Standpipe System? Yes No
If “Yes”, refer to the following code requirements and describe how these provisions
will be met, check all provisions that apply.
NFC 2019 (AE) Protection during Shutdown
1) Except as permitted in Sentence (2), where a fire protection system is
provided, it shall remain operational throughout the construction, alteration or
demolition area where reasonably practical.
2) When any portion of a fire protection system is temporary shut down
during construction, alteration or demolition operations, protection during
shutdown shall comply with Article
NFC 2019 (AE) Protection during Shutdown
1) When any portion of a fire protection system is temporarily shut down,
alternative measures shall be taken to ensure that protection is maintained.
NFC 2019 (AE) Watch
1) A watch, with tours at intervals of not more than 1h, shall be provided
throughout demolition sites when there are occupants in the portion of the
building not being demolished.
2) Except where a building is provided with a fire alarm system or similar
equipment, a watch, with tours or intervals of not more than 1 h, shall be
provided when a portion of the building is occupied while construction
operations are taking place.
3) Facilities shall be provided to enable the watcher referred to in Sentences
(1) and (2) to
a) ensure a fire warning is sounded to notify occupants, and
b) communicate with fire department.
Does your scope of work require a standpipe system? Yes No
If “Yes”, refer to the following code requirements and describe how these
provisions will be met.
NFC 20109 (AE) Standpipe Systems
1) Where a standpipe system is to installed in a building under construction or
alteration, the system shall be installed progressively in conformance with
Subsection 3.2.5 of Division B of the NBC 2019 (AE) in areas permitted to
be occupied.
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
If yes, please describe:
Revised October 20, 2020 / Google Drive, Fire Safety Plan Guideline, Technical Services
onton Fire Rescue Services
2) Where a standpipe system is to be installed in portions of a building under
construction or alteration that are not occupied, the following shall apply:
a) a permanent or temporary standpipe system is permitted in
accordance with Clauses (b) and (c),
b) the standpipe system shall be provided with conspicuously marked
and readily accessible fire department connections on the outside of
the building at street level and shall have at least one hose outlet at
each floor,
c) the pipe size, hose valves and water supply shall conform to
Subsection 3.2.5. of Division B of the NBC – 2019 (AE),
d) the standpipe system shall, as a minimum be securely supported
and restrained on alternate floors,
e) at least one hose valve for attaching fire department hose shall be
provided at each intermediate landing or floor level in the exit
f) valves shall be kept closed at all times and guarded against
mechanical damage,
g) the standpipe shall not be more than one floor below the highest
forms, staging, and similar combustible elements at all times, and
h) temporary standpipe system shall remain in service until the
permanent standpipe installation is complete.
3) Where a building being demolished floor by floor is equipped with a
standpipe system, the system, together with fire department connections
and valves, shall be maintained in operable condition on all storeys below
the one being demolished, except for the storey immediately below it.
This Fire Safety Plan has been designed and submitted by:
Name: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
The personal information contained within this document is being collected under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. Your personal information will be protected in accordance with the privacy provisions of
the FOIP Act.
If yes, please describe: