1160 Camino Cruz Blanca | Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 | 800-331-5232 | sjc.edu
Documentation Requirements
Learning/Cognitive Disabilities, including Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The letter must be written on letterhead, dated, signed and include the name, area of
specialty, and crede
ntials of the person writing the evaluation. Please note evaluations
from family memb
ers will not be considered.
Diagnostic overview (including specific diagnosis using DSM-5); a description of the
problem(s) reported by the stu
dent; relevant medical/psychological history; family
history; and, as approp
riate, a discussion of dual diagnosis. Academic and educational
history must be included.
Testing that demonstrates the limitation of a major life activity as a result of the
disability. Evidence of a s
ubstantial limitation to learning or other aspects of academic
performance must be app
arent. The domains to be assessed should include aptitude,
academic achievement (rea
ding, mathematics, and written and oral language) and
information proces
sing (short and long-term and sequential memory, auditory and
visual processing, proce
ssing speed, and executive functioning). Test scores should be
provided for all mea
sures and appropriate for an adolescent or adult population.
Testing must have occurred within the past three years.
Clinical Summary, containing the following components: an interpretation of the test
findings that lead to the dia
gnosis; a description of the effects of that diagnosis on the
student’s academic perfo
rmance; recommendations for specific accommodations with a
clear justification for how th
ose accommodations will mediate academic performance
Chronic Health Conditions/Physical Disabilities
The letter must be written on letterhead, dated, signed and include the name, area of
specialty, and crede
ntials of the person writing the evaluation. Please note evaluations
from family memb
ers will not be considered.
Diagnostic overview, including date of first onset, specific interventions, medications,
prognosis, and, as appro
priate, a discussion of dual diagnosis. Please note that vague
descriptions will not be su
fficient to evaluate the need for accommodations.
Testing that demonstrates the limitation of a major life activity as a result of the
disability. Evidence of a s
ubstantial limitation to learning or other aspects of academic
performance must be app
arent. Testing should be recent, as appropriate. If the
disability is long-stan
ding in nature, the letter must include the history of the diagnosis,
any evolution in prese
ntation, and the frequency of the functional limitation.
Clinical Summary, containing the following components: a description of the effects of
that diagnosis on the s
tudent’s academic performance; recommendations for specific
accommodations with a c
lear justification for how those accommodations will mediate
academic performance diffic
Hearing Disability
The letter must be written on letterhead, dated, signed and include the name, area of
specialty, and crede
ntials of the person writing the evaluation. Please note evaluations
from family memb
ers will not be considered.
Diagnostic overview, including date of first onset, specific interventions, prognosis, and,
as appropriate, a dis
cussion of dual diagnosis.
Documentation should include a signed and dated audiological evaluation report or
audiogram (or both)