Form CMS-2746-U2 (08/06) 1
Form Approved
OMB No. 0938-0048
1. Patient’s Last Name First MI 2. Medicare Claim Number
3. Patient’s Sex 4. Date of Birth 5. Social Security Number
a. Male b. Female
___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Month Day Year
6. Patient’s State of Residence 7. Place of Death 8. Date of Death
a. Hospital
b. Dialysis Unit
Home e.
Nursing Home
___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Month Day Year
9. Modality at Time of Death
a. Incenter Hemodialysis b. Home Hemodialysis c. CAPD d. CCPD e. Transplant f. Other
10. Provider Name and Address (Street) 11. Provider Number
Provider Address (City/State)
12. Causes of Death (enter codes from list on back of form)
a. Primary Cause: ___ ___ ___
b. Were there secondary causes?
Yes, specify: ___ ___
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
c. If cause is other (98) please specify: ___________________________________________________________________________
13. Renal replacement therapy discontinued prior to death: Yes No
If yes, check one of the following:
a. Following HD and/or PD access failure
b. Following transplant failure
c. Following chronic failure to thrive
d. Following acute medical complication
e. Other
f. Date of last dialysis treatment
___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Month Day Year
14. Was discontinuation of renal
replacement therapy after patient/
family request to stop dialysis?
Yes No
Unknown Not Applicable
15. If deceased ever received a transplant:
a. Date of most recent transplant Unknown
b. Type of transplant received
Living Related Living Unrelated Deceased Unknown
c. Was graft functioning (patient not on dialysis) at time of death?
Yes No Unknown
d. Did transplant patient resume chronic maintenance dialysis prior to death?
Yes No Unknown
___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Month Day Year
16.Was patient receiving Hospice care
prior to death?
Yes No
17. Name of Physician (Please print complete name) 18. Signature of Person Completing this Form Date
This report is required by law (42, U.S.C. 426; 20 CFR 405, Section 2133). Individually identifiable patient information will not be
disclosed except as provided for in the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 5520; 45 CFR Part 5a).
Form CMS-2746-U2 (08/06) 2
23 Myocardial infarction, acute
25 Pericarditis, incl. Cardiac tamponade
26 Atherosclerotic heart disease
27 Cardiomyopathy
28 Cardiac arrhythmia
29 Cardiac arrest, cause unknown
30 Valvular heart disease
31 Pulmonary edema due to exogenous fluid
32 Congestive Heart Failure
35 Pulmonary embolus
36 Cerebrovascular accident including
intracranial hemorrhage
37 Ischemic brain damage/Anoxic encephalopathy
38 Hemorrhage from transplant site
39 Hemorrhage from vascular access
40 Hemorrhage from dialysis circuit
41 Hemorrhage from ruptured vascular aneurysm
42 Hemorrhage from surgery (not 38, 39, or 41)
43 Other hemorrhage (not 38-42, 72)
44 Mesenteric infarction/ischemic bowel
33 Septicemia due to internal vascular access
34 Septicemia due to vascular access catheter
45 Peritoneal access infectious complication, bacterial
46 Peritoneal access infectious complication, fungal
47 Peritonitis (complication of peritoneal dialysis)
48 Central nervous system infection (brain abscess,
meningitis, encephalitis, etc.)
51 Septicemia due to peripheral vascular disease,
52 Septicemia, other
61 Cardiac infection (endocarditis)
62 Pulmonary infection (pneumonia, influenza)
63 Abdominal infection (peritonitis (not comp of PD),
perforated bowel, diverticular disease, gallbladder)
70 Genito-urinary infection (urinary tract infection,
pyelonephritis, renal abscess)
64 Hepatitis B
71 Hepatitis C
65 Other viral hepatitis
66 Liver-drug toxicity
67 Cirrhosis
68 Polycystic liver disease
69 Liver failure, cause unknown or other
72 Gastro-intestinal hemorrhage
73 Pancreatitis
75 Perforation of peptic ulcer
76 Perforation of bowel (not 75)
24 Hyperkalemia
77 Hypokalemia
78 Hypernatremia
79 Hyponatremia
100 Hypoglycemia
101 Hyperglycemia
102 Diabetic coma
95 Acidosis
96 Adrenal insufficiency
97 Hypothyroidism
103 Hyperthyroidism
80 Bone marrow depression
81 Cachexia/failure to thrive
82 Malignant disease, patient ever on
Immunosuppressive therapy
83 Malignant disease (not 82)
84 Dementia, incl. dialysis dementia, Alzheimer’s
85 Seizures
87 Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD)
88 Complications of surgery
89 Air embolism
104 Withdrawal from dialysis/uremia
90 Accident related to treatment
91 Accident unrelated to treatment
92 Suicide
93 Drug overdose (street drugs)
94 Drug overdose (not 92 or 93)
98 Other cause of death
99 Unknown
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays
a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0448. The time required to complete
this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data
resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of
the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
Form CMS-2746-U2 (08/06) 3
1. Patient’s Last Name, First, and Middle Initial
Enter the patient’s last name, first name, and middle initial as it appears on the Medicare Card or other
official SSA notification.
2. Medicare Claim Number
Enter the patient’s Medicare number as it appears on the Medicare Card or other official
SSA notification.
3. Patient’s Sex
Check the box that indicates the patient’s sex.
4. Date of Birth
Enter the date in month, day, and year order, using an 8-digit number; e.g., 07/24/2000 for
July 24, 2000.
5. Social Security Number
Enter the patient’s own social security number.
6. Patient’s State of Residence
Enter the two-letter United States Postal Service abbreviation for State in the space provided;
e.g., MD for Maryland, NY for New York.
7. Place of Death
Check the one block which indicates the location of the patient at time of death. In-transit deaths or
dead on arrival (DOA) cases are to be identified by checking “Other.”
8. Date of Death
Enter the date in month, day, and year order, using an 8-digit number.
9. Modality at Time of Death
Check the one block, which indicates the patient’s modality at time of death. “Other” has been
placed on the form to be used only to report IPD (Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis) and any new
method of dialysis that may be developed prior to the renewal of this form by the Office of
Management and Budget.
10. Provider Name and Address (City and State)
Enter the complete name of the provider submitting the form and the city and State in which the
provider is located.
11. Provider Number
Enter the provider number (6-digit Medicare identification code) assigned by the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services.
12. Causes of Death
a. Primary Cause: Enter the numeric code from the list on the form, which represents the patient’s
primary cause of death. Do not report the same cause of death for primary and secondary causes.
b. Were there secondary causes?
Check the one block, which indicates whether or not there were secondary cause(s) of death.
If yes, enter the code from the list on the form, which represents the secondary cause(s) of death.
c. If cause is “Other” (98) please specify.
NOTES: 1. Code 82, “Malignant disease, patient ever on immunosuppressive therapy” means
immunosuppressive therapy prior to the diagnosis of malignant disease.
2. Code 104, “Withdrew from dialysis” may not be reported as a cause of death
(e.g., Code 98; “Other”) and specify.
Form CMS-2746-U2 (08/06) 3
13. Renal Replacement Therapy Discontinued Prior to Death Indicate Yes / No
Check the one block, which indicates whether or not the patient voluntarily discontinued renal
replacement therapy prior to death.
If YES, check one of the following:
Check the one box, which best describes the condition under which the patient discontinued renal
replacement therapy.
a. Following HD and/or PD access failure
b. Following transplant failure
c. Following chronic failure to thrive
d. Following acute medical complication
e. Other
f. Enter date of last dialysis treatment using an 8-digit number
14. Was Discontinuation of Renal Replacement Therapy after Patient/Family Request to Stop Dialysis
Check the appropriate box that applies. Yes / No / Unknown / or Not Applicable
15. If Deceased Ever Received a Transplant
If the patient had ever received a transplant, complete items a through d.
a. Date of most recent transplant. Enter the date of the most recent transplant in month, day, and
year order using an 8-digit number. If unknown, check box for unknown.
b. Type of transplant received. Check the block that indicates type of transplant received.
c. Was graft functioning at time of death?
Check appropriate block Yes / No or Unknown.
d. Did transplant patient resume chronic maintenance dialysis prior to death?
Check appropriate block Yes / No or Unknown.
16. Was Patient Receiving Hospice Care Prior to Death?
Check appropriate block Yes / No / or Unknown.
17. Name of Physician
Enter the name of the physician supplying the information for this form.
18. Signature of Person Completing this Form
The person completing the form should sign this space. The date should be entered.
Distribution of Copies:
Complete the ESRD Death Notification, CMS-2746, within 2 weeks of the date of death. If the patient was a dialysis
patient, the dialysis facility last responsible for the patient’s maintenance dialysis (or home dialysis) must complete
this form. If the patient was a transplant patient, the transplant center is responsible for completing this form.
Mail the original (GREEN) copy to the ESRD network.
Retain the facility (WHITE) copy at your facility.
The form CMS-2746 can be obtained from your ESRD Network office.