Disability Exemption Guidelines
At the Supreme Council meeting held in Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 5-6-7, 1986, Section 118(e) of the
Order’s Laws was amended to read as follows:
(e) Any member who is disabled by bodily injuries or disease and is thereby
prevented from engaging in any occupation or employment for remuneration or
profit and shall have been so prevented for a period of no less than six
consecutive months may, on due request in writing to the Supreme Council
and upon certification by evidence satisfactory to the Supreme Council of such
disability, be relieved from the payment of all council dues and Supreme and
state per capita taxes as of the date of approval of said request and any
suspension of such member for non-payment of such dues and tax shall cease
as of the date of such approval.
Application for relief under Section 118(e) shall be made as follows:
1. The Application, Form 1831, shall be completed by the member and attested to by the grand
knight and financial secretary.
2. The application shall be submitted to the Supreme Secretary with one of the following as
evidence of total disability:
• Certification from Health and Human Services, or
• Certification from Internal Revenue Service, or
• Certification from Veterans’ Administration, or
• Certification from attending physician.
3. The application and supporting evidence shall be considered by a committee comprised of the
Supreme Secretary, Supreme Advocate and Supreme Physician. Their decision may be appealed to the
Board of Directors by the applicant only.
4. If the application is approved, dues and per capita shall be waived until the following Dec. 31.
5. Application for renewal of relief under Section 118(e) shall be as follows:
a. The Supreme Secretary shall provide each council with a list of its members shown on Supreme
Council records as exempt from payment of dues and per capita taxes as of Oct. 1 of each year;
b. The grand knight and financial secretary shall certify to each member’s continuing disability by
signing the form;
c. The financial secretary shall forward the renewal to the Supreme Secretary;
d. Upon receipt of the properly completed form by the Supreme Secretary, he shall continue the
dues and per capita waiver under Section 118(e);
e. If the grand knight and financial secretary fail to certify the continuing disability of any member
within the 90-day period, the waiver of dues and per capita charges shall terminate.
6. Where an application for relief under Section 118(e) is filed on a member duly qualified for recognition
as an honorary life member, the Supreme Secretary shall record said application under Section 118(d).
7. Membership that is continued under the provisions of Section 118(e) shall be construed as active
membership in computing the membership requirement for recognition as honorary or honorary life
8. Approval of an application for relief under Section 118(e) does not have any affect on waiver of
insurance contributions on an insurance certificate held by the member.