Mailing Address:
Arkansas Tech University Telephone: 1.479.356.2217
International Admissions E-mail:
105 W O St, Brown 104 Website:
Russellville, AR 72801
issue an I-20 or DS-2019, the United States Department of Homeland Security requires international students to
verify that they will have funds available to pay for their education, living expenses, and other expenses that are
determined by the school.
Student’s Name: __________________________________ _________________________________
Family/Surname (As Written in Passport) First Name
Student’s T#: ____________________
My signature as the sponsor affirms that I am the financial guarantor:
1. I affirm that I will make available to ___________________________ (student’s name) the amount
required for each academic year at Arkansas Tech University.
2. I affirm that I am capable of providing such support and that the required funds will be available when
needed. I have provided a bank statement to show these funds.
ponsor’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: _______________________________________________________________
(Examples: father, mother, aunt, uncle, grandparent, friend. sponsor, etc.)
Sponsor’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Documents - Submit one or more of these documents equal to the required funds
Bank Statement, such as: Checking or Savings Accounts and/or other accessible funds.
Friends Funds
a. Bank statement for checking, savings, or other accessible account. If statement is on-
line, it must include sponsor’s name, date, balance and web link.
b. Certificates of deposit; mutual stock or bond funds; and/or other accessible funds
Official letter of sponsorship
Official offer letter from the department
Company or
Other Business
a. Statement (on company letterhead) that the business will sponsor the student
b. Student’s name
c. Name of responsible party at the company or business
d. Responsible party’s signature and date
e. Bank statement or other demonstration of financial resources of company
Financial Sponsor Statement