German Missions
in the United States
Family Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Please read and acknowledge the following (check the applicable boxes):
I have read the information regarding my trip at:
I have verified that I am eligible for mailing-in of my Schengen visa application and certify that I live in the
consular district of the receiving German Mission. I understand that an application drop-off is not possible.
I am aware that visa applications should be submitted at least 20 days prior to the planned trip.
I understand that I will not receive status updates during the process and that I should not submit status
requests until at least 15 days have passed.
I have filled out the application form and understand that no field or date/signature is optional unless
specified in the form
I have informed myself about the current fees in US-Dollars that are due at the time of submission of the
application, payable by money order or cash only
I understand that the German Mission does not assume any liability for the loss of documents submitted by
The following list does not replace the list of required documents found on the German Missions website.
It serves only as a checklist of the documents included in the mail-in package.
Nr. I have included the following documents in this order (check the applicable boxes)
Valid Passport (Its validity must exceed the duration of stay in Germany by at least three months)
2 Complete VIDEX application form including declaration and all singatures (
Your signature on the application form has to be notarized by a notary public
3 1 passport picture (according to biometric specifactaions; may not be older than 6 month)
4 For minors: if traveling unaccompanied without parents, consent letter signed by parents/legal
guardians as well as one copy of the parent(s) passport data page
5 Copy of my passport's data page
6 Copy of my US allien registration card (must be notarized by notary public) or valid US resident
(The US residence permit or visa should be valid at least three months beyond the intended departure from
the territory of the Schengen Member States).
7 Proof of current residence address in the U.S.
8 Proof of employment/student/unemployment status
9 Invitation from Germany and/or other proof of travel purpose
10 Formal obligation letter from Germany ("Verpflichtungserklärung")
11 Travel/flight itinerary for entire duration of the trip
12 Proof of accommodation for your stay in the schengen area
13 Proof of travel health insurance in the schengen area
14 Bank statements with checking accout activity (3 month)
-------------------------- Additional documents I have attached (please fill in below )--------------------------------
In individual cases, providing additional information may be requested.
All documents need to be original and submitted in the given order, unless otherwise specified.
I understand that the German Missions reserve the right to ask for additional documents. Submission of the
above-mentioned documents does not guarantee that a visa will be granted. Incomplete applications cannot
be processed and will lead to the refusal of the visa. I understand that whereas the possibility of submitting my
application by mail exists, it is possible that the German Consular missions may require that I come to their
office in person to complete the application.
I have enclosed the following amount: USD Payment method: Money Order Cash
Date: Signature:_______________________________
------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------–
Mail-in application accepted
Mail-in application rejected on ___________________________ due to______________________________________