Office of Graduate Studies 186 High Street Farmington, ME 04938
Version Created Summer 2019
Where did you receive your baccalaureate degree (4+1 applicants indicate your current UMF major)?
Institution ________________________________________ Degree In _________________________________
Have you taken graduate level courses that you would like to submit for transfer into the program? Yes No
Only graduate courses in which you received a 3.0 or above and were taken in the last five years from a regionally accredited
institution will be considered for transfer. No courses in the program core requirements may be transferred (exception: EDU 582)
Institution ________________________Course ___________________________________ Grade____ Date Completed _________
Institution ________________________Course ___________________________________ Grade____ Date Completed _________
Institution ________________________Course ___________________________________ Grade____ Date Completed _________
Institution ________________________Course ___________________________________ Grade____ Date Completed _________
Transcripts: Please provide official transcripts (undergraduate and graduate) from all the above institutions, as well as syllabi for the
graduate courses listed above. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the above institutions to the Office of Graduate Studies.
This office will obtain all UM System school transcripts (UMA, UMF, UMFK, UMM, UM, UMPI, and USM). Syllabi for UMF
classes do not need to be submitted.
Program Plan
Preferred semester to start your graduate program: ______________
Pace: I plan to complete the program in: 1 year (includes 4+1 option) 2 years 3 years
* Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and will be considered when complete. Students may enroll in some courses as a non-
matriculated student prior to acceptance into the program (some courses may require prerequisites or instructor permission).
Specialization (please see catalog for descriptions) Select one
Teacher of Students with Disabilities (282 certification)
Inclusive Education and Leadership
Self-designed * (see below for application guidelines)
Special Education Administration (030 special education
administrator certification, Must have two or more years of
teaching experience by the time of matriculation)
Undeclared (specialization must be declared
upon completion of 9 graduate credits)
* Self-Designed Specialization Guidelines: Please submit the following additional information as part of your application essay:
a. Propose a title for the focus of your specialization (e.g., behavior supports, low incidence disabilities, transition,
b. List the courses you have taken that you are requesting for transfer. Include course prefix, title, institution, and grade
received. (Official transcripts and syllabi are required for final decision regarding transfer of credit.)
c. List the courses you may take at UMF to complete the specialization (refer to UMF's graduate catalog).
d. What knowledge and skills do you hope to obtain? How would this focus promote your growth as a special educator?
Identify the specific areas (1-2) of expertise (e.g., transition services, literacy, mathematics, behavior supports) you would
hope to develop as part of this self-designed option.
Application Essay
We are looking for candidates with the potential to work effectively with students with disabilities in K-12 schools and ensure their
meaningful access to a high quality, inclusive education. Write a brief (1,000 word limit) essay in which you discuss your academic
and professional goals and identify how this degree program addresses those goals.
Two recommendations are required. One recommendation must be from a university faculty member or recent school employer
who can speak to your potential for completing graduate work. Please provide each reference with a copy of the blank
Recommendation Form found online.
Application Due Dates*
August 10 for September
December 8 for January
April 10 for May