Office of
Planning and Zoning
Rezoning Application
You have the option to request a Development Review Staff (DRS) meeting or written comments only.
Please check which one you would prefer.
________DRS meeting requested _______ Written comments only
1. Project Address:
2. Applicant's name:
Mailing address:
E-Mail address: Telephone number:
Status: Owner _____ Appointee _____ Agent _____ Purchaser _____ Engineer _____ Consultant _____
3. Owner's name:
Mailing address (complete)
E-Mail address: Telephone number:
The property is generally located in the vicinity of the following streets: ____________________________
Property legal description: Section ________ Township ________ Range ________
Alternate Key #(s)
4. Area of Property: __________________ Acres ________________________Sq. Ft.
5. Does property have or intend to provide:
Central water & sewer? Yes ________ No ________ If yes, utility provider documentation required.
Individual well and septic? Yes ________ No ________; or explain how services will be provided: ________
6. Existing zoning: _______________________________ Proposed zoning: __________________________
If amendment, Planned Commercial District (CP) ______ or Planned Industrial District (MP) ______ or
Planned Unit Development (PUD) _____ or Community Facilities District (CFD) _____ Existing ordinance
Note: A site conceptual plan is required for CP, MP, PUD and CFD zonings and must be prepared
as enumerated on page 7 of this application.
7. Future Land Use Category:
Wekiva River Protection Area: Yes ________ No ________
Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern: Yes ________ No ________
Joint Planning Area: Yes ________ No ________
Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement: Yes ________ No ________
8. If the proposed zoning is Planned Unit Development (PUD), indicate type of use(s) requested:
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Residential_________________ Commercial________________ Industrial __________________
THEN, refer to page 7 of this application for submittal requirements.
9. Any waivers or variances to the PUD ordinance requirements must be applied for at the time of rezoning
request, including waivers to central utility connection requirements. These WAIVERS or VARIANCES must
be attached and made a part of this application.
If additional room is needed to fully answer the following questions please use additional paper.
10. List number of existing structures on site and their present use, and the use of the property:
11. Proposed use(s) of the site (Add separate sheet, if necessary to fully describe the proposed use):
12. A statement describing any changed conditions that would justify the rezoning:
A statement describing why there is a need for the proposed rezoning:
A statement describing whether and how the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Lake County
Comprehensive Plan:
A statement outlining the extent to which the proposed rezoning:
A. Is compatible with existing land uses:
B. Affects the capacities of public facilities and service:
C. Affects the natural environment:
D. Will result in an orderly and logical development pattern:
13. Affordable Housing Projects: Estimated value of structure(s) and land for each lot.
Structure(s): $_______________ + Land $_______________ = Total $________________
If the combined value is equal to or less than 80% of the median price of a home in the Orlando Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA) and/or at least 30% of the dwellings in each phase are affordable; then the project
qualifies for expedited review.
14. Is the proposed use permissible in requested zoning district?
YES _________ NO _________
PLANNER’S INITIALS: ____________
15. Has any previous application been filed within the last year in connection with this property?
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YES ______ NO________. If yes, describe briefly the nature of the request:
16. Please attach the exact legal description of the property being petitioned for this rezoning on a separate sheet
as described on the warranty deed and provide copies of current deed.
17. Please attach a current property record card for the parcel. A property record card may be obtained from the
Lake County Property Appraiser’s office or website.
To be completed by Staff:
Date: _______________ Verbal Pre-submittal Project#_____________________
Public Hearing #:____________________ Project #: _____________________
Applicant Request #: _________________
Existing Zoning:
Future Land Use Category:
Section: Township: Range:
Planning Area:
Utility Service Area: Commission District:
Staff Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________
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Rezoning Application
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared ____________________________, who being
by me first duly sworn on oath, deposed of and says:
1. That he/she is the fee-simple owner or corporate officer of the ownership entity of the property legally
described on page 3 of this application.
2. That he/she desires rezoning from ______________________ to _____________________ for the
property legally described on Page 3 of this Application. Permission is granted for staff to conduct a
site visit for purposes of review of this rezoning application.
3. That he/she has appointed____________________________________ to act as Agent to
accomplish the above. The Owner is also required to complete the APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT of this
Application if NO AGENT is appointed to act in his stead.
Affiant (Owner’s Signature)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ________________, 20________,
by , who is personally known to me or who has
produced _ as identification and who did ________ or did not ________ take an oath.
Notary Public (Signature)
My Commission Expires:
NOTE: All Applications shall be signed by the Owner(s) of the Property, or some person duly authorized by the Owner
to sign. The authority authorizing such person other than the Owner to sign MUST be attached.
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click to sign
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Rezoning Application
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared ___________________________, who being
by me first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:
1. That he/she affirms and certifies that they understand and will comply with all Ordinances,
Regulations, and Provisions of Lake County, Florida, and that all statements and diagrams submitted
herewith are true and accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief, and further, that this
application and attachments shall become part of the Official Records of Lake County, Florida, and
are Not Returnable.
2. That he/she desires rezoning from _____________________ to _____________________ for the
property legally described on Page 3 of this application.
3. That the submittal requirements for the application, which are shown on Page 7, have been
completed and attached hereto as part of this application.
4. That the sign cards which will be posted by the Growth Management Department on or before the
first (1st) working day of the month in which the case will be considered for public hearing before the
Planning and Zoning Board and the Board of County Commissioners, will remain posted until final
determination has been made by the Board of County Commissioners, after which said signs are to
Affiant (Applicant’s Signature)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ________________, 20________,
by , who is personally known to me or who has
produced _ as identification and who did ________ or did not ________ take an oath.
Notary Public (Signature)
My Commission Expires:
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Rezoning Application
Rezoning Fees (select one from A H)
A. Rezoning to AR, R1, R2, R3, R4, R7, & RP (ZFJ*) $1,000.00
B. Rezoning to "A" Agriculture and "RA" Ranchette District (ZFM*) $ 200.00
C. Rezoning to Commercial, Industrial, CFD RV or RMRP (ZFK*) $1,250.00
D. Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (ZFN*) $1,250.00
E. PUD (includes CFD, CP, & MP) Major Amendment to Development Plan – (PUDF*) $ 550.00
F. PUD (includes CFD, CP, & MP) Non-Substantial Text Amendment – (PUDJ*) $ 400.00
G. PUD Non-Substantial Amendment to Development Plan (20 lots or less) (PUDK*) $ 250.00
H. PUD Non-Substantial Amendment to Development Plan – (PUDM*) $ 525.00
All applications listed above are required to pay the Legal Advertising Fee and Notification Fee
Legal Advertising Fee: You will receive a bill for this fee.
Notification Fee (NFEE*) Total Properties x .34 cents = $
$0.34 cents will be charged for all real property contiguous to and within 500 feet of the perimeter of the Applicant’s
Capacity Encumbrance Letter Review (OPTIONAL EXCEPT FOR PUDS)
Capacity Encumbrance Letter - No Alternate Data not submitting traffic study
Public Works Stormwater: $ 30.00 (CELPWS)
Public Works Transportation: $450.00 (CELPWT)
Growth Mgmt Administration Parks, SW: $110.00 (CELADM)
Capacity Encumbrance Letter - Alternate Data submitting traffic study (REQUIRED FOR PUDS)
Public Works Stormwater: $ 30.00 (CELPWSD)
Public Works Transportation: $915.00 (CELPWTD)
Growth Mgmt Administration Parks, SW: $110.00 (CELADM)
Waiver Central Water and/or Sewer Service (WAV)
This fee will apply if the applicant is requesting a waiver.
Fire Review
Fire Review Fee (FDF) (Optional)
Health Department
Zoning Map Amendment (HDZMA*)
A 1% service charge will apply if paying by credit card (of the total amount due) (CCARD)
Public Hearing Applicant Initiated Postponement (ZFB*)
$ 590.00
$ 250.00
$ 75.00
$ 100.00
If the rezoning is approved, you will be responsible for all fees associated with recording the ordinance into the
public records of Lake County. A staff member will contact you when the ordinance is complete and the total fees
for recording the document have been determined.
Make checks payable to: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. A 1% service charge will
apply if paying by credit card.
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Rezoning Application
The following required information shall be submitted with the rezoning application:
____ 1. General application form.
A completed application shall be signed by all owners, or their agent, and notarized. Signatures by
agents will be accepted only with notarized proof of authorization by the owners. In a case of corporate
ownership, the authorized signature shall be accompanied by a notation of the signatory’s office in the
____ 2. Copy of the Tax Receipt or Property Record Card, and the latest recorded Warranty Deed showing
the current fee-simple titleholders of the property. If the legal description shown on the Warranty
Deed is not correct or does not close, you will be required to submit a Boundary Survey or Sketch of
Description of the property proposed for rezoning, certified by a professional land surveyor. The legal
description should appear on the face of the survey or sketch of description.
____ 3. Plot plan, for all non-residential rezonings, drawn to an appropriate scale, on a 22-1/2" x 27"
reproducible sheet, showing the following information:
All planned districts (CP, MP, CFD, CUP and PUD) are required to have a conceptual master plan.
____ a. Project name.
____ b. North arrow, date and scale.
____ c. Name, address and telephone number of the owner and applicant.
____ d. Property lines and contiguous street(s).
____ e. Location and dimensions, and square footage of building, of all existing and proposed
structures, indicating their intended use, and setback distances from all property lines and
____ f. Existing and proposed means of vehicular ingress and egress to the property.
____ g. Location of off-street parking and loading areas, showing the number of spaces, and the
dimensions of access aisles and driveways.
____ h. Location of all buffers, screens, walls and fences, indicating their height and type of
materials used.
____ 4. Utility availability and or non-availability letter for central water and/or sewer
____ 5. Application for Capacity Encumbrance Letter (optional)
____ 6. Any other information deemed necessary to establish compliance with this and other ordinances.
____ 7. Application Fees. Make checks payable to the LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY
COMMISSIONERS. A 1% service charge will apply if paying by credit card.
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