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Study on the impact and control of disease of tethered
goats in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Status: Completed
Dates: 01/01/1993 - 31/03/1996
Project code: 599-656-001
R Number: R5499CB
Commitment: 70,510 GBP
Implementing agency: DFID - Policy Division (PD) formerly DFID -
Rural Livelihoods Department (RLD)
DFID Programme: Animal Health Programme Animal Health Programme
Countries: Tanzania
About the project:
To study and characterise the various systems of goat keeping practised
by small-holder farmers and pastoralists in the Morogoro area, to define
the current levels of goat productivity and to identify the most important
health problems in relation to other factors affecting the goats within those
To determine the impact of internal parasites as a constraint to the
productivity of goats within the different management systems and eco-
climatic zones and to establish the importance of such parasites in relation
to other disease conditions and husbandry practices.
To undertake a small-scale anthelmintic trial to assess the production and
economic benefits of controlling internal parasites.
To produce a set of goat health management guidelines, based on project
findings, that will provide extension advice on improved goat health
management practice.
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The Goat Health project is supporting a study of the health constraints to
the productivityof goats in Morogoro area of Tanzania. Tanzania has an
estimated 8.5 million goats, that are kept primarily by small-farmer
systems, particularly poor farmers and women, has been recieving
increasing recognition. Goats are a source of meat, milk, skins and cash as
well as having important religous and social functions. There has been a
limited number of studies on animal health constraints affecting goat
production in rural areas which highlighted the importance of such factors
as helminthosis, ectoparasites and various infectious diseases. Area
specific investigations, such as the Morogoro study, are required to
establish the nature and the extent of health problems in local goat flocks
as a prerequisite to the design of control strategies tailored to the needs of
the area.
Actual outputs:
A survey of management systems in Morogoro District,
monitoring the productive performance of small ruminants in the
An epidemiological survey of gastro-intestinal parasites Mgeta and
Mlali Divisions.
A study of other disease conditions in Mgeta and Mlali Divisions.
Please refer to the technical report for a full breakdown of the
research findings of this project.
Some of the data collected under this project has been successfully
presented by the author for the award of an MPhil degree by the
University of Edinburgh. The title of the thesis is 'Management
Systems and Health Problems of Goats in Morogoro District,
Tanzania'. The findings are also given in the technical report of the
same title.
The information gained by this study will be used to plan extension
programmes relevant to the area. Assuming that the
recommendations given are adhered to, there is a great potential
for increased productivity of goats in these areas. Furthermore, the
information gathered under this study can be used by farmers in
other parts of the country with similar farming systems. The effects
of sub-clinical helminthoses and coccidiosis on the productive
performance of goats was not fully investigated under this study
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because the level of infection with helminths and coccidia in goats
of the area was not known at the beginning of the study, because
no epidemiological studies had been carried out previously.
However, the treatment trials conducted in small-holder herds in
Mgeta, the Taji and Melela herds have indicated that anthelmintic
treatment can result in better body condition scores and weight
gains. Since mixed nematode and coccidia infections are common,
it would be of practical importance to quantify the synergistic
pathogenic effects on animals by carrying out treatment trials with
both anthelmintics and coccidiostats.
The outputs of this project contribute to the development goals of
DFID's NR research strategy, as the information gathered has
provided an understanding of production constraints to goats in
Mgeta and Mlali Divisions, and thus provided the livestock
services, extension agents and smalll ruminant owners with a
background on management actions to increase productivity. The
recommendations given (if properly implemented) may result in
improvement in the productivity of small ruminants in the region
and therefore increaae the contribution which those animals make
to the household economy of the people in the area.
M., DABORN, C.J. AND HARRISON, L.J.S. (1994). Study of
disease problems of goats kept under different systems of
management in Mlali and Mgeta villages - Morogoro region.
Proceedings of the 11th Tanzanian Veterinary Association Annual
Scientific Conference. Arusha. Tanzania. December 1993.
Kusiluka LJM and Kambarage DM (1996). Diseases of small
ruminants in sub Saharan Africa: A Handbook. VetAid, ISBN
09522299 5 1.
Kusiluka LJM, Kambarage DM, Harrison LJS, Matthewman RW
and Daborn CJ. (1994). Epidemiology of gastro-intestinal
helminths in goats under different systems of management,
Morogoro District, Tanzania. Paper presented at the 12th Tanzania
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Veterinary Association Scientific Conference, 29 November - 3
December 1994, Arusha, Tanzania.
Kusiluka LJM, Kambarage DM, Harrison LJS, Matthewman RW
and Daborn CJ (1995). Gastro-intestinal helminths of goats and
sheep in Tanzania. Tanzanian Veterinary Bulletin, 15:3.
Kusiluka LJM, Kambarage DM, Harrison LJS, Matthewman RW
and Daborn CJ (1995). Coccidiosis of goats and sheep in Tanzania.
(in press).
Kusiluka LJM, Kambarage DM, Matthewman RW, Daborn CJ and
Harrison LJS. (1995). Prevalence of ectoparasites of goats in
Tanzania. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 7, 69-74.
Kusiluka LJM, Kambarage DM, Matthewman RW, Daborn CJ and
Harrison LJS. (1995). Causes of condemnation of carcasses and
organs in goats in Tanzania. Journal of Applied Animal Research,
Other dissemination:
Extension leaflets on recommendations to improve management
systems and control of diseases, aimed at goat keepers and
extension staff in Mgeta and Mlali Divisions. These leaflets are
written in Kiswahili.
Handbook on diseases of small ruminants in sub-Saharan Africa
for use by veterinary extension staff in Tanzania and other
DFID contact:
Head of Section
Rural Livelihoods Department
Department for International Development
1 Palace Street
London SW1E 5HE
Tel: 020 7023 0000
Fax: 020 7023 0624
Contracting agency:
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Pentlands Science Park
Bush Loan
EH26 0PZ
Tel: 0131 445 6241
Fax: 0131 445 6242
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