OIE REPORTING DEADLINES | Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
General Education
Integrative Learning Core
Student Learning
Strategic Planning
August 15:
Course coordinators review documents and upload course coordinators report
into Taskstream.
Instructors teaching summer ILC courses will complete and send the data
collection form to the course coordinator.
September 15:
Chairs authentication of gen ed courses in Taskstream.
September 30:
Finalize 2018-19. Finalize the Student Learning Assessment Report (SLAR) by
completeting the analysis (interpretation) and action plan (use of findings for
improvement) components. This is the final date to have all reporting requirements
completed in Taskstream (program mission, SLOs, assessment methodology,
findings & analysis, and action plan).
Step 1:Finalize 2018-19. All reporting requirements should be completed in
Taskstream for 2018-19 planning cycle including all standing requirements
(uploaded strategic plan, entered mission statement, indicated at least 3-5 priority
objectives/outcomes) and all annual planning cycle elements (entered
measures/targets and findings/use of findings for each priority objective/outcome).
Step 2: Prep 2019-20. Review strategic plan, mission statement, and priority
objectives/outcomes, measures, and targets. Make necessary revisions in
Taskstream for the 2019-20 planning cycle.
October 31:
Finalize 2018-19.Course coordinators will combine 2018-19 semester data
collection forms and upload into Taskstream.
November 15:
Upload into Taskstream the Student Learning Program Impact Report (PIR)
covering three years' worth of SLAR information (2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19).
December 1:
Instructors teaching fall gen ed courses will submit the syllabi and assessment
report to the course coordinator.
December 15:
Instructors teaching fall ILC courses will complete and send the data collection
form to the course coordinator.
April 30:
Academic Departments upload SPARs in Taskstream for 2019-20 (or other
internally established deadline by the College) for review and inclusion in the
College report.
May 1:
Instructors teaching spring gen ed courses will submit the syllabi and assessment
report to the course coordinator.
May 15:
Instructors teaching spring ILC courses will complete and send the data
collection form to the course coordinator.
May 30:
Academic Units - Colleges,Graduate School, LSU Libraries upload SPARs in
Tasktream for 2019-20 review.
Support/Administrative Units - Departments upload SPARs in Taskstream for
2019-20 (or other internally established deadline by the Division) for review and
inclusion in the Division report.
Note: SPARs shall be used in conjunction with faculty performance evaluations
and the associated deadline set forth in PS-36.
May 31:
Target completion date for the 2019-20 degree program SLOs, Assessment
Methodology, and Findings and Analysis components of the SLAR; this includes
the uploading of data collection/files generated from assessment for fall and
spring semesters.
June 30:
Support/Administrative Units - Divisions upload SPARs in Tasktream for
2019-20 review.
Note: SPARs may be used in conjunction with sta performance evaluations.