This form must be used to request TOPS payment at Louisiana Tech University for the summer quarter. Please complete and submit this
form to the Financial Aid Office.
2019-2020 TOPS Summer Payment Request
faf1920042 Rev. 04/03/20
Office of Financial Aid
Please return this form to:
Louisiana Tech University
Office of Financial Aid
P.O. Box 7925
Ruston, LA 71272
Student Signature:
Tech CWID#:
First Name:
Last Name:
I hereby request payment of my TOPS Award for the 2020 summer session/term/quarter and I hereby certify:
(Please check ALL boxes)
I must have earned at least 60 college credit hours before the 2020 summer session/term/quarter begins.
I know that I must enroll full-time, unless graduating at the end of Summer, in the 2020 summer session/term/quarter
to be eligible for a TOPS payment.
(minimum of 8 hours and these hours can come from one or all sessions).
My remaining TOPS eligibility will be reduced by one quarter.
I can use any hours I earn during the 2020 summer session to meet the TOPS 24-hour annual requirement.
I understand that to be eligible for a TOPS payment for the 2020 summer session/term/quarter:
I understand that if a TOPS payment is made on my behalf for the 2020 summer session/term/quarter.
I was enrolled for the 2020 Spring Semester,Term, or Quarter at:
(Name and location of Louisiana College or University).
I will enroll for the 2020 Summer Session, Term, or Quarter at:
(Name and location of Louisiana College or University).
I understand that my TOPS cumulative grade point average will include all grades I earn during the summer
session/term/quarter, including failing grades.
You have earned at least 60 hours of college credit.
TOPS funding is available for those students who are eligible for Qualified Summer Sessions only. Please check the appropriate box(s) that
applies to you, and submit the form with any additional required documents listed:
The summer session is required in your degree program for graduation and you enrolled for at least the minimum
number of hours required for the degree program.
You can complete your program's graduation requirements in the summer session.
The course(s) taken during the summer session is required for graduation in the program in which you are enrolled and is
only offered during the summer session.
- You must submit a signed memo from your advisor on letterhead stating that you are required to attend the 2020 Summer Session
along with a list of the required courses you must take.
- You must submit a signed memo from your advisor on letterhead stating that you are graduating at the end of the 2020 Summer
Quarter and what classes you need to complete your degree requirements.
- You must submit a signed memo from the head of your department on letterhead stating that the required course is only offered
during the summer and required for graduation.