need to apply for your degree no later than the census date of the semester in which you plan to graduate. Mail the
form to the College of Graduate Studies and Research, Box 6928, Radford University, Radford, VA 24142.
Completing Degree Requirements in: Apply on or before:
December (Fall 2021) September 6, 2021
May (Spring 2022) February 1, 2022
August (Summer 2022) July 1, 2022
Review of Graduation Status:
After your application has been submitted to the Graduate College, your program of study will be checked by the
Graduate College to see that all requirements have been met. You and your advisor will be notified in writing by the
Graduate College of any materials needed to complete your clearance for graduation. Please direct questions
concerning your clearance to Teri Hills at the Graduate College at 540-831-6344.
Late Applications
If you apply after the application deadline (Census Date), please note that your name still may not appear in the
commencement program because of time constraints. However, if you still meet the requirements for graduation per
our policy, you will still be allowed to participate in the Commencement/Hooding Ceremony.
Graduation Dates:
Degrees are conferred three times per year, but formal commencement exercises are conducted in May and December.
The date the semester or summer term officially ends appears on the diploma as the degree conferring date. Diplomas
are mailed to the address that is entered in during the submission of your application.
Instructions for Commencement and Hooding:
Each candidate will receive information regarding the main Commencement from the Registrar’s Office. Instructions will
be included concerning the purchase of academic regalia, other events that will take place and exact schedules. Each
candidate will receive information regarding the Graduate College Commencement and Hooding from the
Graduate College. An invitation by e-mail will be sent to each degree-seeking graduate student who has applied to
participate. You must submit this inquiry to be hooded.
Transcripts Showing Degree Conferral:
After all requirements are completed, graduates may have transcripts sent by requesting an online-request through their
OneCampus portal to the Registrar’s Office. It should be noted that transcripts showing degree conferral cannot be sent
until two weeks after the end of the semester or summer term.
Reapplication for Degree:
If degree requirements are not completed by the term indicated on this application, it is the responsibility of the student
to complete a new Application for Degree. For more information, call 540-831-6344.
Please save this page for your records.
(rev. 09/21)
College of Graduate Studies and Research
Whitt Hall; P O Box 6928
Radford, VA 24142
Phone 540-831-5431
Fax 540-831-6061
Email gradforms@radford.edu