Individualized Telecommuting Arrangement | Rev. 03/18/2020 Page 2 of 4
telecommuting, workers' compensation laws and rules apply just as they would if such an injury occurs at the
campus office. Employees must notify their supervisors immediately and complete all necessary or management-
requested documents regarding the injury.
10. Work Assignment: Work Assignments will be provided by the supervisor and can be communicated in person,
by phone, video conference, and by email. The frequency of meetings with the supervisor on campus is at the
discretion of department management. The employee will complete all assigned work according to procedures
determined by the supervisor.
11. Dependent Care: Both parties agree that the Telecommuting Program will not be a substitution for in-home child
or dependent care. If a child or dependent is present during scheduled work hours, they should make
arrangements for the care of that child or dependent. If a child or dependent is ill or home because of a school
closure, however, the employee may, on a temporary basis, provide primary care for that child or dependent while
telecommuting or use Sick or Family Leave, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor.
12. Employee Rights: Employee rights provided for in the employee's Collective Bargaining Agreement are not
affected by participation in a telecommuting program. None of the rights or benefits provided under the
employee's Collective Bargaining Agreement are enhanced or abridged by the guidelines of the telecommuting
13. The implementation of the telecommute work option, as defined herein, should not be construed to change or
alter personnel management practices, such as rest periods, leave time, holidays and pay, as contained in
applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions or related law or rule.
14. All forms of telecommuting imply an employer-employee relationship with the employee receiving the same
benefits and incurring the same responsibilities as a non-telecommuting employee.
15. Performance Standards and Evaluation: Performance standards and employee accountability for quantity and
quality of their work will not change due to participation in the telecommuting program. As in "regular'' office
assignments, supervisors and employees must discuss and understand what it is that is expected to be produced
during telecommuting and when it is due. Supervisors and employees must also arrange when/how to make
contact with each other on telecommuting day(s). The evaluation of the employee's job performance will be based
on established standards. Performance must remain in the category of "Meets Expectations" or above to remain
in the Telecommuting Program.
16. Sick/Vacation Leave: If participants in the program are sick and unable to work in their telecommuting location,
they are required to report those absences when they are unable to work as they would in a normal office setting.
All use of vacation, compensatory time off, sick leave, or any other type of leave is subject to approval by the
employee's supervisor.
17. Security/Confidentiality of Information: Employees who telecommute are expected to follow all appropriate
rules and regulations of the University regarding security and confidentiality of information, including computer
data and files security. The employee will apply approved safeguards to protect records from unauthorized
disclosure or damage. All records, papers, and correspondence must be safeguarded for their return to the office.
1. All maintenance on any University-supplied equipment will be performed by a University-authorized person at a
University work location at the University's expense. Employees must bring equipment to the designated
University location.
2. The University will repair or replace, if practical, lost, damaged, or stolen University equipment provided the
employee has taken appropriate precautions to safeguard the equipment.
3. Employees may not use University-provided equipment or use or duplicate University software for personal use or
allow non-University personnel to use it. Passwords may not be stored on employee-owned equipment and
security measures must be initiated whenever the computer is left unattended.
4. Telecommuting employees must return University-provided equipment to the University and guarantee to erase
University software on their personal computers when requested by their supervisor or when employment is
terminated. Software provided by the University remains the property of the University. Any software provided by
the University shall be returned at the end of the telecommuting agreement or upon termination of employment.
5. As appropriate, a telecommuter may have access to the University communication network, including electronic
mail, calendar and/or telephone contact between the employee and supervisor. The extent of this access can