February 11, 2020 MCIR HL7 Roles & Responsibilities Form
Electronic Edits: If the Provider’s EHR has the ability to submit edited immunization information they
will do most of their corrections through their EHR.
As long as the proper order of the Add/Delete/Add records is maintained,
the correct transactions will take place. The “Delete” record MUST match the
original “Add” record. The subsequent “Add” record with the corrected information
will be added to the MCIR record. Appropriate Inventory adjustments
will be made with the transactions. Users should not use the manual edit method
if they are sending proper “Delete” records from their EHR as it may cause duplication errors.
Manual Edits: User MUST log into MCIR and hand-enter corrections if the EHR system does not
send “Delete” records.
6. How will historical immunizations be reported to MCIR?
Documented historical vaccine records must be based on official medical documentation,
not self-reported.
Entered into the EHR and reported to MCIR through the HL7 data feed:
Hand-entry into MCIR:
7. How will documented immunity to Varicella be reported to MCIR?
Documented immunity must be based on official medical documentation, not self-reported
Entered into the EHR and reported to MCIR through the HL7 data feed:
Hand-entry into MCIR:
NOTE: Hand-entry into MCIR is required at this time for documented
immunity for other diseases (Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella,
Rabies, and Hepatitis).
8. How will non-Administered vaccines (patient refusals) be entered into MCIR?
Entered into the EHR and reported to MCIR through the HL7 data feed:
Hand-entry into MCIR:
9. What patient age range is included in the HL7 data feed to MCIR?
All ages (recommended):
Birthdates 1/1/1994 to present: