Intent to Discontinue Studies
This form is for students who are not planning to return for the following term in which they are currently enrolled.
Completion of this form will result in removal from any classes in which preregistration has been processed. This
form should be returned by ema i l to, fax (304-473-8531), or mail (59 Col l ege Avenue,
Buckhannon, WV 26201) or in person.
I, ____________________________________ wi l l not be returni ng for the ____________s emester due to the
(Full Name ) (term/year)
following reasons (please check all boxes that apply to your situation):
I am transferring to ________________________________________
I prefer a di fferent program of s tudy (Pl ea se s tate ___________________________________)
Financial reasons
I prefer to be clos er to home
I will be completing remaining graduation requirements elsewhere
Other please specify ____________________________________________________________
Please remove me from any classes for which I have preregistered. I understand that offices will be notified of my
intent and I will need to settle my affairs with the Office of Student Accounts, Financial Aid and Student Life.
Student Signature ________________________________________ Da te ________________________
Student ID# _________________ Emai l ___________________________________________________
Phone# ________________________________ Are you preregi s tered for the next semes ter? Yes ____ No ____
(For Office Use)
Received by: ____________ Da te: ____________ Proces sed Date: ____________
Check any that apply
WV Promise Scholar Athlete Performing Arts Scholar
When did you make the decision not to return?
What are your plans for next year?
Was Wesleyan your 1
choice? If not, what school was?
Please comment on your satisfaction with the following:
Academic Program
Residence environment
Residence hall
Student Services
Activities and groups you participated in:
Thoughts on Buckhannon:
Most positive aspects of your experience at Wesleyan:
Most negative aspects of your experiences at Wesleyan:
Things you would change about Wesleyan that would positively contribute to your continuation