Note 4.4 – this applies if
they lack capacity under the
Mental Capacity Act 2005 and
are incapable of managing
their property and nancial
aairs. You may wish to seek
legal advice about this.
In some cases you may be
asked to provide medical
evidence. If you do not already
have medical evidence from
a qualied practitioner or are
using a registered LPA a short
form of medical evidence will
be required.
Please visit GOV.UK (gov.uk/
if-youre-an-executor) to
print o the PA14 medical
certifgicate or call 0117
9302430 and quote ‘medical
evidence’ and we will send
the form.
Note 4 – if you are applying
on behalf of more than one
person, please provide the
information requested in this
section for the other people
you represent on a separate
sheet of paper. We will need
to send you a further form for
the person who is appointing
you as their attorney to sign.
Please visit GOV.UK (gov.uk/
if-youre-an-executor) to print
o the PA12 attorney form or
call 0117 9302430 and quote
‘Attorney’ and we will send
the attorney form.
You will need to send the
attorney form to us with this
Where there are persons aged
under 18 beneting from the
estate then two applicants (or
at least two) will be needed
in Section A. You may wish
to contact HMCTS Probate to
seek information in regard to
who is eligible to apply.
4. Applying as an attorney
4.1 Are you applying as an attorney on behalf of one or more people who are
entitled to apply for a Grant of Representation? Please read Note 4 before
Yes, go to question 4.2
No, go to section 5
4.2 Please give the full names of the person or people on whose behalf you are
applying and their relationship to the person who has died.
4.3 Please give their address
Building and street
Second line of address
Town or city
County (optional)
4.4 Is a person on whose behalf you are applying unable to make a decision for
themselves due to an impairment of or a disturbance in the functioning of
their mind or brain?
Yes, further conrmation of this will be requested by the Probate Registry.
4.5 Has anyone been appointed by the Court of Protection to act on behalf of a
person on whose behalf you are applying including the right to apply for a
grant of representation?
Yes, please provide an ocial copy of the court order with your